817 research outputs found
Deficiência de cálcio em bovinos no Pantanal - Brasil.
Levantamentos sistemáticos de teores de minerais em solos, forrageiras, tecidos de bovinos, com o objetivo de obter dados para a formulação de suplementos minerais específicos para o Pantanal. Os levantamentos consistiram de amostragens realizadas em quatro épocas do ano
Nutrição mineral de bovinos de corte no pantanal Mato-Grossense. III. Levantamento de macronutrientes no Baixo Piquiri.
Relatam-se resultados de analises de amostras de solo, plantas forrageiras e osso de bovinos coletados no Baixo Piquiri, no Pantanal Mato-Grossense, em tres unidades de paisagem: campo cerrado, campo limpo e cerrado/mata
Genetic evaluation of grain sorghum hybrids in Brazilian environments using the REML/BLUP procedure.
When it comes to recommending sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars, it is essential to carry out a genetic evaluation of the agronomic traits of promising genotypes from several common environments where the crop is cultivated. This study consisted of a genetic evaluation of 52 experimental grain sorghum hybrids and eight commercial cultivars. Hybrids were evaluated in 19 experiments representing the most varied cultivation conditions in Brazil. Traits of agronomic interest such as grain yield, fl owering and plant height were analysed. Genotypic evaluation was performed following the REML/BLUP (Restricted Maximum Likelihood/Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) procedure; the MHPRVG (Harmonic Mean of Relative Performance of Genotypic Values) method was also employed to study stability and adaptability. Hybrids which stood out in terms of highest grain yield based on genotypic values, stability and adaptability were 0306037, 1G150, DKB 599, 0306039, 1G282 and 0307671. Of these, only 1G282 showed restrictions as to plant height. For fl owering, experimental hybrids showed shorter cycles than commercial cultivars, confi rming the effi ciency of genetic improvement for this trait. With the analysis of grain yield considering days to fl owering and plant height as covariates, it was observed that most of the hybrids of greater performance, showed grain yield to be positively infl uenced by plant height and days to fl owering
Genetic evaluation of grain sorghum hybrids in Brazilian environments using the REML/BLUP procedure.
When it comes to recommending sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars, it is essential to carry out a genetic evaluation of the agronomic traits of promising genotypes from several common environments where the crop is cultivated. This study consisted of a genetic evaluation of 52 experimental grain sorghum hybrids and eight commercial cultivars. Hybrids were evaluated in 19 experiments representing the most varied cultivation conditions in Brazil. Traits of agronomic interest such as grain yield, fl owering and plant height were analysed. Genotypic evaluation was performed following the REML/BLUP (Restricted Maximum Likelihood/Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) procedure; the MHPRVG (Harmonic Mean of Relative Performance of Genotypic Values) method was also employed to study stability and adaptability. Hybrids which stood out in terms of highest grain yield based on genotypic values, stability and adaptability were 0306037, 1G150, DKB 599, 0306039, 1G282 and 0307671. Of these, only 1G282 showed restrictions as to plant height. For fl owering, experimental hybrids showed shorter cycles than commercial cultivars, confi rming the effi ciency of genetic improvement for this trait. With the analysis of grain yield considering days to fl owering and plant height as covariates, it was observed that most of the hybrids of greater performance, showed grain yield to be positively infl uenced by plant height and days to fl owering
Revolutionizing the public health workforce: a policy brief in retrospect of the world congress on public health Rome 2020
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically illustrates the consequences of inadequate prioritization of the Public Health Workforce (PHW). This Policy Brief introduces a Call for Action following the plenary session entitled "Revolutionising the Public Health Workforce (PHW) as Agents of Change" as part of the 2020 World Congress on Public Health.Policy Options and Recommendations: In order to revolutionize the PHW, five long-term key approaches are proposed: 1. Transforming public health competencies through transdisciplinary education and inter-professional training; 2. Revolutionizing educational systems by shifting the public health paradigm; 3. Linking public health education and work opportunities; 4. Overcoming the paradoxical shortage and overproduction of graduates and 5. Developing adaptable, multisectoral agents of change.Conclusion: Public health education of the future requires a paradigm shift towards a holistic understanding of public health, characterized by transdisciplinary education, inter-professional training and a closer integration of academia, health services, and communities
Avaliação agronômica de híbridos de sorgo granífero cultivados sob irrigação e estresse hídrico.
Diante da importância de cultivo da cultura do sorgo em ambientes passíveis de estresse hídrico, objetivou-se neste trabalho a avaliação de 49 híbridos simples de sorgo granífero em dois ambientes contrastantes, um deles com irrigação plena e outro com estresse hídrico induzido após o florescimento das plantas. Em geral, não foi observado efeito da interação genótipo por ambiente para a maioria das características e o estresse hídrico proporcionou decréscimo nas médias das variáveis avaliadas: rendimento de grãos, altura, florescimento e índice de trilha, que é a relação, em porcentagem, da massa de grãos em relação à massa total da panícula. A alta produtividade de grãos no ambiente com estresse hídrico está associada, possivelmente, ao rápido desenvolvimento das plantas, enquanto no ambiente irrigado está associada ao maior período vegetativo e, em todos os casos, indivíduos com alto índice de trilha tendem a ser mais produtivos. A altura não foi fator limitante para a grande maioria dos híbridos de sorgo avaliados. Diversos híbridos experimentais foram mais precoces do que as cultivares comerciais utilizadas como testemunhas, em ambos os ambientes. Os híbridos 0306037 e 0009035 se destacaram por apresentar altas produtividades de grãos e serem precoces. As cultivares DKB 599 e 1G150 também apresentaram alta produtividade de grãos
Nutrição mineral de bovinos de corte no pantanal Mato-Grossense. IV. Levantamento de micronutrientes no baixo Piquiri.
Foram analisados Cu,Fe,Mn e Zn em amostras de solo, plantas forrageiras e figado de vacas neloradas em lactacao da zona do baixo Piquiri, no Pantanal Mato-Grossense. Solos e forrageiras foram coletados no campo cerrado , campo limpo e cerrado/mata, em agosto e novembro /81, e figado, nestas epocas e em marco e maio/82
Recomendação de cultivares de soja para a microrregião de Paragominas, Pará.
Productivity and quality of Tempranillo grapes cultivated on three different soils in the Sao Francisco Valley, Brazil.
Brazilian viticulture ocupies an area of 81 thousand hectares, with vineyards planted from extreme south until regions nearby equator line. At northeast of Brazil, especially at the San Francisco Valley, occured an expansion of grapevine culture, due to ideal conditions of soil and climate, obtaining more than one harvest per year. Studies aiming the grapevine zoning of the region indicates the potential of several cultivars adapted to local conditions and suitable to contribute for the typicality of the wines, as for example, using grapes from Tempranillo cultivar. The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity of Tempranillo cultivar grapevines on three different soil types and how these soils interfere on fruit quality. The study took place at Santa Maria farm, with Tempranillo cultivar, producing 2 harvests in 2017 (May and November) in an eight year stablished vineyard, growed in spalier, at the county of Lagoa Grande-Pernambuco State, Brazil. Three soil profiles were described and sampled, identified as: Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo Eutrófico abrúptico plintossólico (Ultisol), Argissolo Amarelo Eutrófico abrúptico (Ultisol), with medium texture and Argissolo Amarelo Eutrófico abrúptico (Ultisol), with coarse texture, abunding with gravel and pebbles. The area of each soil was delimited, and in these areas were harvested grapes, counted, weighed, and measured the pH, total soluble solids (ºBrix), total titratable acidity (TTA) of the must and the mass and volume of 100 berries. The Yellow Argisol with medium texture presented average yield aproximately 20% higher than the Red-Yellow Argisol on both harvest, while the Red-Yellow Argisol presented lower productivity in comparison to the two other types of soil on both harvest. However, this lower productivity can promote concentration levels of phenolic and aromatic compounds, wich have great importance in enology, since they are related directly or indirectly to wine quality, being responsable for its color, body and astringency. The number and weight of bunches per plant also presented higher values on the area of the Yellow Argisol with medium texture, differing statistically from the other areas on the winter harvest. The pH, ºBrix, TTA, mass and volume of bunches did not differ statistically on both harvests. Also, differences can be noticed between the values that can lead to wine production with different quality, so that can aggregate value to the product
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