20 research outputs found

    Observations on Food Consumption Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Oman

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    This paper aims to study the perceptions of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on behaviors related to diet and food shopping on a sample of 356 adults in Oman. The study is based on the results of an Arabic-language online survey conducted between September 15 and October 10, 2020, using the Survey Monkey platform. The questionnaire had 25 questions (multiple options and one option), subdivided into three parts. Respondents were asked to disseminate the survey to their networks as part of the study's snowball sampling method. Descriptive statistics and various statistical tests (e.g., U-Mann Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, chi-square) have been used to evaluate the study results. The study showed a significant shift in the attitude and behavior of respondents regarding food and health. Indeed, the paper findings indicated (i) a shift to healthier diets, as shown by the fact that 45.5% of the participants increased their intake of fruits and vegetables, 42.4% ate more healthy foods, and 53.1% reduced their intake of unhealthy foods; (ii) an increase in the consumption of local products, owing to food safety concerns, with 25.8% of the cohort stating that they purchase more local food items; (iii) a shift in grocery shopping behaviors, especially with 28.1% of the participants buying more groceries online; (iv) the absence of panic buying in Oman, since 62.36% of the participants said they did not stockpile food items; and (v) a reduction of food waste. Indeed, 78.9% of the participants specified they were not wasting more food than average since the beginning of the pandemic, and 74.72% indicated they were more aware of how much food they were wasting. Surprisingly, COVID-19 appears to bring many beneficial adjustments in Oman to make food consumption more sustainable and healthier

    Research on food loss and waste in the Western Balkans: A systematic review

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    Food losses and waste (FLW) is considered a critical issue in the ongoing debate on the sustainability of agri-food systems. However, the scholarly literature on FLW is still geographically-biased, with more attention devoted to developed countries, even in Europe. In this context, this article analyses the state of research on FLW in the Western Balkan region (viz. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia). A search performed in October 2021 on the Web of Science database returned 34 documents, and 21 eligible ones were included in the systematic review. The topical analysis of the literature addressed causes of FLW, stages of the food supply chain, extent and magnitude of FLW, FLW and food security, economic and environmental impacts of FLW, and food waste (FW) management strategies. A central finding was the scarcity of data on FW in the Western Balkans. Moreover, the literature focused on FW at the consumer level, while food loss at other stages of the food chain was generally overlooked. There is a lack of comprehensive analyses of the economic and environmental impacts of FLW as well as its implications in terms of food and nutrition security. The quantification of FLW is generally inaccurate and based on estimates and self-reported data. The literature focuses on FW reuse and recycling (e.g., energy, compost) while other management strategies (e.g., reduction/prevention, redistribution) are rarely addressed. However, the results indicated that consumers in the Western Balkans pay attention to the FW issue, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is an encouraging sign that can be exploited in awareness-raising campaigns and education activities. Meanwhile, research on FLW in the Western Balkans is highly needed to fill the identified knowledge gap and provide evidence to policies dealing with the transition to sustainable food systems in the region.Qatar National Librar

    Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception of Students Regarding Renewable Energies in Agriculture in Guilan, Iran

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    Transitioning from fossil to renewable energy is a global challenge, especially for countries with large fossil-fuel reserves and exports, such as Iran. This study analyses agricultural students' knowledge of, attitudes toward, and perceptions of renewable energies in the agriculture sector in Guilan Province in Iran. The research was based on a structured questionnaire comprising three sections: (i) respondents' socio-demographics; (ii) practicality and relevance of academic material and curriculum; and (iii) respondents' knowledge of and attitudes and perceptions toward renewable energies in agriculture. The results showed that students' attitudes regarding renewable energies ranked highest, and their perception was lowest. The results also showed a positive and significant relationship between the respondents' knowledge, marital status, age, and level of education. Moreover, respondents' age and educational level significantly impacted their attitudes. Cluster analysis divided students' behavior into three different clusters. These clusters were most affected by attitude. In clustering students' behavior towards using renewable energies, 38.5%, 33.5%, and 28% of respondents were positioned in the first, third, and second clusters, respectively. This is a pioneering study analyzing agricultural students' behavior regarding renewable energies in agriculture in Guilan Province, Iran. The results of this study can assist agricultural organizations, politicians in the field of energy, and local authorities in promoting sustainable energy in Guilan Province.Open Access funding is provided by the Qatar National Library.Scopu

    Farmers’ Technical Knowledge about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Olive Production

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    While Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable approach of pest control, contributing to reduced use of pesticides and risks on human health and the environment, farmers have shown limited interest in practicing this method. The present study explored the levels of technical knowledge about integrated management of the olive fly (Bactrocera oleae) among olive growers in Roudbar County of Iran and factors underpinning olive farmers’ technical knowledge of integrated management. Data were collected in a survey of olive farmers, on the basis of a structured questionnaire. Almost half of the farmers (48.4%) had good to excellent levels of technical knowledge of integrated management, while almost a third of the farmers (35.4%) had a moderate knowledge level. However, a noticeable portion of the farmers (15.9%) had poor knowledge of integrated management. Moreover, most farmers showed average knowledge of the adverse effects of pesticides on human health. While most farmers showed good levels of social participation, cooperation with institutes, and participation in extension activities, they showed low levels of community involvement (involvement in a group of people that have and share common interests with each other). Olive imports and the lack of a common action for olive fly control were perceived as the main barriers of IPM adoption among most farmers. Regression analysis revealed that increased community involvement, large area under olive farming, participation in education activities, and high farming experience promoted farmers’ technical knowledge of integrated olive fly control. Strengthening growers’ technical knowledge of IPM through community involvement and extension services among inexperienced small-scale olive farmers is recommended for reducing possible unnecessary insecticide sprays in olive production

    Impact of COVID-19 on Food Behavior and Consumption in Qatar

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    The government of Qatar took strong containment measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 with restrictions on daily living such as social distancing and the closing of businesses and schools. While these measures are essential to stop the virus spreading, several voices came to warn of their potential disruptive impact on the agri-food system. Therefore, this paper investigates the immediate impacts of COVID-19 on Qatari consumer awareness, attitudes, and behaviors related to food consumption. The study is based on an online survey in Qatar using a structured questionnaire that was administered in the Arabic language through the Survey Monkey platform from 24 May until 14 June 2020. The results reveal clear changes in the way consumers are eating, shopping, and interacting with food. Indeed, the survey results suggested (i) a shift toward healthier diets; (ii) an increase in the consumption of domestic products due to food safety concerns; (iii) a change in the modality of acquiring food (with a surge in online grocery shopping); (iv) an increase in culinary capabilities; and (v) the absence of panic buying and food stockpiling in Qatar. The results are expected to inform current emergency plans as well as long-term food-related strategies in Qatar

    An examination of soil and water conservation practices in the paddy fields of Guilan province, Iran

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    ABSTRACT This study examined the use of soil and water conservation (SWC) practices among rice farmers in Iran. A random sample of 400 rice paddy farmers in the Foumanat plain of Guilan province, who use SWC measures, was drawn from a population of 52 thousand farmers. A two-part questionnaire was used to examine the level of utilization of SWC practices and to profile paddy farmers. Internal consistency was demonstrated with a coefficient alpha of 0.76, and the content and face validity of the instrument was confirmed by a panel of soil and water experts. Descriptive and analytical statistics were used to analyze the data. Results of ANOVA indicated that the mean levels of SWC practices vary considerably at the 0.01 level of significance by groups of age, education, non-agricultural income, production costs, yield, cultivated paddies and distance from home to the farm or to the main road. Similarly, significant differences were observed by groups of family size, rice production, ownership of livestock and profits from rice production at 0.05 level. The levels of experience in agriculture and ownership of poultry were found to have no significant effects on SWC practices

    Editorial: COVID-19 pandemic, food behaviour and consumption patterns

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    With already 600 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 and over 6 million recorded deaths, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), detected in Wuhan (China) in late 2019, is nowadays one of the most pressing global challenges facing humanity. In addition to significantly impacting health systems, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted food systems from farm to fork, with consequences for food and nutrition security at all levels (global, national, local, and individual). While a growing corpus of research examines the pandemic's disruption of food supply networks, the implications regarding food environments and consumer behavior are still widely overlooked, particularly in developing countries. Accordingly, this Research Topic intends to offer insight into the pandemic's influence on food buying behavior, nutrition, and eating habits and the consequences of these changes. It includes 10 papers on various issues (diet, food security, food affordability, food safety, shopping habits, food waste, etc.) and geographical areas (Oman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Canada, and India).Scopu

    The Effect of Happiness Training on Psychological Well-Being in Patients with Thalassemia Major: A quasi-experimental study

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    Objectives: Thalassemia major (TM) is a chronic hematological disease that can have deep effects on patients’ mental health and psychological well-being. So, the present study was conducted to determine the effects of happiness training on the psychological well-being of TM patients. Methods: This quasi-experimental study with a pre/post-test design was performed on 52 patients with TM in Zabol city (Iran) from August to December 2020. The patients were randomly categorized into experimental and control groups. In the experimental group, happiness training was performed in eight sessions, each for 60 minutes. The control group received routine care. The data collection tool was the Ryff's Scale of Psychological Well-being (RSPWB). Data were analyzed by SPSS 16 statistical software using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (paired and independent t-test) statistics. Results: Regarding the psychological well-being score at the pre-test stage, there was no statistically significant difference between the intervention (74.92 ± 6.36) and control (74.57 ± 5.83) groups (p = 0.83). After the intervention; however, a statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of psychological well-being (p <0.001). Also, a statistically significant difference was seen comparing the psychological well-being score between the pre- and post-intervention phases in the experimental (p = 0.01) but not control (p = 0.12) group. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that happiness training improved TM patients’ psychological well-being. Therefore, this type of training can be used as an appropriate educational strategy to improve psychological well-being in these patients.Keywords: Happiness; Education; Mental Health; Thalassemia