216 research outputs found

    Lung and chest wall volume during vital capacity manoeuvre in Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    Background: Although Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) affects the connective tissue, pulmonary function might be compromised because of thoracic deformities. OI is known to be a restrictive lung disease, but spirometry provides global measurement without localizing the site of the restriction. Opto-electronic plethysmography (OEP), is a non-invasive method able to underline altered respiratory function as well as ventilatory thoraco-abdominal paradoxes during spontaneous breathing. We aimed to reconstruct the thoraco-abdominal surface, to perform local analyses of trunk motion and to make quantitative comparison of trunk shape and respiratory kinematics according to OI severity, particularly during maximal inspiratory and expiratory expansions. This is a cross-sectional study where we have studied the thoraco-abdominal compartmental analysis in 26 adult OI patients (14 Type III) at rest and during vital capacity manoeuvre using OEP. We have also applied a new method that created realistic and accurate 3D models to perform local analyses of trunk motion and to make quantitative comparison of trunk shape and respiratory kinematics. Results: Type III patients were characterized by lower spirometric lung volume, by lower sleep quality, by a more compressed thoracic configuration aggravated by severe scoliosis, by reduced global expansion at rest and during maximal maneuvers because of the reduced expansion of the pulmonary ribcage at rest (12% vs. 65% in healthy subjects), during maximal inspiration (37% vs. 69%) and expiration (16% vs. 68%) with local paradoxical movement occurring on the side of the ribcage region. Conclusion: The kinematics of the trunk changed to compensate for the severe structural deformities by shifting the expansion in the abdomen both at rest and during maximal manoeuvre because of a restricted thorax. For the first time, we have quantified and localized the site of the restriction in OI patients in the lateral part of the thorax. The 3D analysis proposed seemed a promising graphical immediate new method for pathophysiology study of chest wall restriction

    Structural and functional diversity of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductases

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    Although all ferredoxin-NADP+ reductases (FNRs) catalyze the same reaction, i.e. the transfer of reducing equivalents between NADP(H) and ferredoxin, they belong to two unrelated families of proteins: the plant-type and the glutathione reductase-type of FNRs. Aim of this review is to provide a general classification scheme for these enzymes, to be used as a framework for the comparison of their properties. Furthermore, we report on some recent findings, which significantly increased the understanding of the structure–function relationships of FNRs, i.e. the ability of adrenodoxin reductase and its homologs to catalyze the oxidation of NADP+ to its 4-oxo derivative, and the properties of plant-type FNRs from non-photosynthetic organisms. Plant-type FNRs from bacteria and Apicomplexan parasites provide examples of novel ways of FAD- and NADP(H)-binding. The recent characterization of an FNR from Plasmodium falciparum brings these enzymes into the field of drug design

    Is renalase a novel player in catecholaminergic signaling? The mystery of the catalytic activity of an intriguing new flavoenzyme

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    Renalase is a flavoprotein recently discovered in humans, preferentially expressed in the proximal tubules of the kidney and secreted in blood and urine. It is highly conserved in vertebrates, with homologs identified in eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. Several genetic, epidemiological, clinical and experimental studies show that renalase plays a role in the modulation of the functions of the cardiovascular system, being particularly active in decreasing the catecholaminergic tone, in lowering blood pressure and in exerting a protective action against myocardial ischemic damage. Deficient renalase synthesis might be the cause of the high occurrence of hypertension and adverse cardiac events in kidney disease patients. Very recently, recombinant human renalase has been structurally and functionally characterized in vitro. Results show that it belongs to the p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase structural family of flavoenzymes, contains non-covalently bound FAD with redox features suggestive of a dehydrogenase activity, and is not a catecholamine-degrading enzyme, either through oxidase or NAD(P)H-dependent monooxygenase reactions. The biochemical data now available will hopefully provide the basis for a systematic and rational quest toward the identification of the reaction catalyzed by renalase and of the molecular mechanism of its physiological action, which in turn are expected to favor the development of novel therapeutic tools for the treatment of kidney and cardiovascular diseases

    After-effects of thixotropic conditionings on operational chest wall and compartmental volumes of patients with Parkinson’s disease

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    Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) present respiratory dysfunctions, mainly due to decreased chest wall expansion, which worsens with the course of the disease. These findings contribute to the restrictive respiratory pattern and the reduction in chest wall volume. According to literature, inspiratory muscle thixotropic conditioning maneuvers may improve lung volumes in these patients. The study aimed to determine the after-effects of respiratory muscle thixotropic maneuvers on breathing patterns and chest wall volumes of PD. A crossover study was performed with twelve patients with PD (8 males; mean age 63.9±8.8 years, FVC%pred 89.7±13.9, FEV1%pred 91.2±15, FEV1/FVC%pred 83.7±5.7). Chest wall volumes were assessed using OEP during thixotropic maneuvers. Increases in EIVCW (mean of 126mL, p = 0.01) and EEVCW (mean of 150mL, p = 0.005) were observed after DITLC (deep inspiration from total lung capacity) due to increases in pulmonary (RCp) and abdominal (RCa) ribcage compartments. Changes in ICoTLC (inspiratory contraction from TLC) led to significant EIVCW (mean of 224mL, p = 0.001) and EEVCW (mean of 229mL, p = 0.02) increases that were mainly observed in the RCp. No significant changes were found when performing DERV (deep expiration from residual volume) and ICoRV (Inspiratory contraction from RV). Positive correlations were also observed between the degree of inspiratory contraction during ICoTLC and EEVRCp (rho = 0.613, p = 0.03) and EIVRCp (rho = 0.697, p = 0.01) changes. Thixotropy conditioning of inspiratory muscles at an inflated chest wall volume increases EIVCW and EEVCW in the ten subsequent breaths in PD patients. These maneuvers are easy to perform, free of equipment, low-cost, and may help patients improve chest wall volumes during rehabilitation

    Breathing pattern and muscle activity using different inspiratory resistance devices in children with mouth breathing syndrome

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    Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the acute effects of different inspiratory resistance devices and intensity of loads via nasal airway on the breathing pattern and activity of respiratory muscles in children with mouth breathing syndrome (MBS). Methods Children with MBS were randomised into two groups based on inspiratory load intensity (20% and 40% of the maximal inspiratory pressure). These subjects were assessed during quiet breathing, breathing against inspiratory load via nasal airway and recovery. The measurements were repeated using two different devices (pressure threshold and flow resistance). Chest wall volumes and respiratory muscle activity were evaluated by optoelectronic plethysmography and surface electromyography, respectively. Results During the application of inspiratory load, there was a significant reduction in respiratory rate (p<0.04) and an increase in inspiratory time (p<0.02), total time of respiratory cycle (p<0.02), minute ventilation (p<0.03), tidal volume (p<0.01) and scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles activity (root mean square values, p<0.01) when compared to quiet spontaneous breathing and recovery, regardless of load level or device applied. The application of inspiratory load using the flow resistance device showed an increase in the tidal volume (p<0.02) and end-inspiratory volume (p<0.02). Conclusion For both devices, the addition of inspiratory loads using a nasal interface had a positive effect on the breathing pattern. However, the flow resistance device was more effective in generating volume and, therefore, has advantages compared to pressure threshold

    The Abdominal Circulatory Pump

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    Blood in the splanchnic vasculature can be transferred to the extremities. We quantified such blood shifts in normal subjects by measuring trunk volume by optoelectronic plethysmography, simultaneously with changes in body volume by whole body plethysmography during contractions of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Trunk volume changes with blood shifts, but body volume does not so that the blood volume shifted between trunk and extremities (Vbs) is the difference between changes in trunk and body volume. This is so because both trunk and body volume change identically with breathing and gas expansion or compression. During tidal breathing Vbs was 50–75 ml with an ejection fraction of 4–6% and an output of 750–1500 ml/min. Step increases in abdominal pressure resulted in rapid emptying presumably from the liver with a time constant of 0.61±0.1SE sec. followed by slower flow from non-hepatic viscera. The filling time constant was 0.57±0.09SE sec. Splanchnic emptying shifted up to 650 ml blood. With emptying, the increased hepatic vein flow increases the blood pressure at its entry into the inferior vena cava (IVC) and abolishes the pressure gradient producing flow between the femoral vein and the IVC inducing blood pooling in the legs. The findings are important for exercise because the larger the Vbs the greater the perfusion of locomotor muscles. During asystolic cardiac arrest we calculate that appropriate timing of abdominal compression could produce an output of 6 L/min. so that the abdominal circulatory pump might act as an auxiliary heart

    Evaluation of a real time pcr system for detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef

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    La infección por Escherichia coli O157:H7 es causa de diarrea con o sin sangre, colitis hemorrágica y síndrome urémico hemolítico (SUH) en humanos. El principal reservorio animal de E. coli O157:H7 son los bovinos y la carne bovina molida es una potencial fuente de infección. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar un sistema comercial de PCR en tiempo real para la detección de E. coli O157:H7. Se determinó límite de detección, selectividad y robustez. Se contaminaron experimentalmente 50 muestras de carne molida bovina con 10 cepas de E. coli O157:H7 (10, 100 y 1000 UFC/25 g) y 20 cepas de bacterias no-E. coli O157:H7 (1000 UFC/25 g). El límite de detección dependió de la cepa analizada, el valor mínimo fue 6,1 UFC/25 g. La robustez fue óptima al modificar diferentes variables. Se obtuvo 100% de inclusividad y 100% de exclusividad. La técnica evaluada es una alternativa apropiada para la detección de E. coli O157:H7 a partir de carne bovina molida.Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) cause non-bloody or bloody diar- rhea, hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in humans. Cattle are a major animal reservoir for E. coli O157:H7 and the ground beef are a potential source of infection. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a real time PCR commercial system for detection of E. coli O157:H7. Detection limit, selectivity and robustness were established. Fifty samples of ground beef were experimentally contaminated with 10 E. coli O157:H7 strains (10, 100 y 1000 CFU/25 g) and 20 non-E. coli O157:H7 strains (1000 CFU/25 g). The detection limit depended on the strain analyzed, the minimum values was 6,1 cfu/15 g. A good robustness was observed when different variables were introduced. Inclusivity and exclusivity were of 100%. The evaluated technique is an appropriate alternative for detection of E. coli O157:H7 from ground beef.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Evaluation of a real time pcr system for detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef

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    La infección por Escherichia coli O157:H7 es causa de diarrea con o sin sangre, colitis hemorrágica y síndrome urémico hemolítico (SUH) en humanos. El principal reservorio animal de E. coli O157:H7 son los bovinos y la carne bovina molida es una potencial fuente de infección. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar un sistema comercial de PCR en tiempo real para la detección de E. coli O157:H7. Se determinó límite de detección, selectividad y robustez. Se contaminaron experimentalmente 50 muestras de carne molida bovina con 10 cepas de E. coli O157:H7 (10, 100 y 1000 UFC/25 g) y 20 cepas de bacterias no-E. coli O157:H7 (1000 UFC/25 g). El límite de detección dependió de la cepa analizada, el valor mínimo fue 6,1 UFC/25 g. La robustez fue óptima al modificar diferentes variables. Se obtuvo 100% de inclusividad y 100% de exclusividad. La técnica evaluada es una alternativa apropiada para la detección de E. coli O157:H7 a partir de carne bovina molida.Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) cause non-bloody or bloody diar- rhea, hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in humans. Cattle are a major animal reservoir for E. coli O157:H7 and the ground beef are a potential source of infection. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a real time PCR commercial system for detection of E. coli O157:H7. Detection limit, selectivity and robustness were established. Fifty samples of ground beef were experimentally contaminated with 10 E. coli O157:H7 strains (10, 100 y 1000 CFU/25 g) and 20 non-E. coli O157:H7 strains (1000 CFU/25 g). The detection limit depended on the strain analyzed, the minimum values was 6,1 cfu/15 g. A good robustness was observed when different variables were introduced. Inclusivity and exclusivity were of 100%. The evaluated technique is an appropriate alternative for detection of E. coli O157:H7 from ground beef.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    ESPRESSO: The next European exoplanet hunter

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    The acronym ESPRESSO stems for Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic Observations; this instrument will be the next VLT high resolution spectrograph. The spectrograph will be installed at the Combined-Coud\'e Laboratory of the VLT and linked to the four 8.2 m Unit Telescopes (UT) through four optical Coud\'e trains. ESPRESSO will combine efficiency and extreme spectroscopic precision. ESPRESSO is foreseen to achieve a gain of two magnitudes with respect to its predecessor HARPS, and to improve the instrumental radial-velocity precision to reach the 10 cm/s level. It can be operated either with a single UT or with up to four UTs, enabling an additional gain in the latter mode. The incoherent combination of four telescopes and the extreme precision requirements called for many innovative design solutions while ensuring the technical heritage of the successful HARPS experience. ESPRESSO will allow to explore new frontiers in most domains of astrophysics that require precision and sensitivity. The main scientific drivers are the search and characterization of rocky exoplanets in the habitable zone of quiet, nearby G to M-dwarfs and the analysis of the variability of fundamental physical constants. The project passed the final design review in May 2013 and entered the manufacturing phase. ESPRESSO will be installed at the Paranal Observatory in 2016 and its operation is planned to start by the end of the same year.Comment: 12 pages, figures included, accepted for publication in Astron. Nach
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