731 research outputs found

    Polynomial Structure of Topological String Partition Functions

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    We review the polynomial structure of the topological string partition functions as solutions to the holomorphic anomaly equations. We also explain the connection between the ring of propagators defined from special K\"ahler geometry and the ring of almost-holomorphic modular forms defined on modular curves.Comment: version 2: references fixe

    Laporan Eksaminasi Publik Putusan Nomor 30/Pid.B/TPK/2012/PN.JKT.PST Dan Surat Tuntutan Nomor TUT - 28/24/10/2012 Atas Terdakwa Wa Ode Nurhayati, S.Sos

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    Laporan Eksaminasi Publik Putusan Nomor 30/Pid.B/TPK/2012/PN.JKT.PST dan Surat Tuntutan Nomor TUT - 28/24/10/2012 Atas Terdakwa Wa Ode Nurhayati, S.SosMajelis Eksaminator :Dr. Yunus Husein, SHAbdul Fickar Hadjar, SH. MH. Indonesia Corruption Watch, 201

    Improving Student Speaking Ability Through the Integrated English Lesson Method: Demonstrative Presentation

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    The purpose of this study is to know that there will be an improvement in students' speaking skill when they are faced with Demonstrative Presentation. This research will use Classroom Action Research design using three research instruments. The results of research will be conducted in two cycles that show this study is not only able to improve students' speaking ability but also increase active participation of students. The expected results of this study are (1) obviously to find out that this method will increase the ablity of studenst in speaking, the most important that we probably will see additional vocabulary of sign posting in students' speaking; (2) Another predicted result in this sudy is the possibility of students' actve participation in the class activity

    Sanitation Of Chicken Slaughtering Bussiness With Critical Disorders

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    The existence of Chicken Slaughtering Bussiness (CSB) being located in the middle of the settlement makes people disturbed the comfort of waste generated such as smell, sewage, vector to the people who live around the CSB in Urban Village East Bara-Baraya. The purpose of this research is to know the description of environmental sanitation of Chicken Slaughtering Bussiness with disturbance of comfort, in Urban Village East Bara-Baraya District of Makassar city. The method of this research is descriptive with observation approach to see description between disturbance of comfort, smell, liquid waste, and vector. The number of samples in this study was 42 samples. The results showed that most of the CSB in Urban Village East Bara-Baraya caused an unpleasant smell that made the community around the slaughterhouse feel uncomfortable. Waste disposal from cutting process is thrown away to drainage channel causing unpleasant odour which makes the society of Urban Village East Bara-Baraya disturbed comfort. There is a vector around the dumpster and sewerage channel of Chicken Slaughtering Bussiness that makes the transmission of seeds of disease to the community around CSB so that often family members affected by diseases such as diarrhoea, fever and wormy in children. Suggestions for the research are suggested to CSB owners to maintain the cleanliness of chicken coop and throw away the remaining processed chicken away from community settlements in order not to cause odour. The need for the government to issue a policy on the prohibition of disposing waste chicken processed waste into sewerage channels around the community environment of Urban Village East Bara-Baraya. It is expected that health workers to provide counselling on how to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases caused by existing vectors in the community of Urban Village East Bara-Baraya

    Risiko Rantai Pasok Kakao Di Indonesia Dengan Metode Analytic Network Process Dan Failure Mode Effect Analysis Terintegrasi

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    Kakao merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan yang peranannya cukup penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Industri kakao menghadapi beberapa masalah termasuk berbagai risiko yang timbul dalam rantai pasokan kakao. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mengidentifikasi macam-macam risiko pada rantai pasok kakao, 2) menganalisis dan mengevaluasi anggota pelaku rantai pasok dengan risiko tertinggi dalam manajemen rantai pasok kakao, dan 3) mengetahui cara mengevaluasi dan memitigasi risiko tertinggi pada rantai pasok kakao dengan efektif dan efisien. Metode Analytic Network Process (ANP) dan Weighted Failure Mode Effect Analysis (WFMEA) terintegrasi digunakan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis risiko tertinggi dalam rantai pasokan kakao. Hasil prioritas anggota pelaku rantai pasok dalam manajemen risiko rantai pasokan kakao petani (0,408) dengan risiko yang memiliki prioritas terbesar adalah risiko produksi (0,221). Pengendalian risiko dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan produktivitas dan daya saing kakao. Dengan demikian, pembinaan pendampingan secara langsung perlu dilakukan oleh industri pengolahan kakao terhadap para petani,serta sosialisasi dan pengawasan penerapan standar kualitas kakao. Sebaiknya dana yang terkumpul dari bea keluar dapat di share kembali ke daerah oleh pemerintah

    Open mirror symmetry for Pfaffian Calabi-Yau 3-folds

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    We investigate the open mirror symmetry of certain non-complete intersection Calabi- Yau 3-folds, so called pfaffian Calabi-Yau. We perform the prediction of the number of disk invariants of several examples by using the direct integration method proposed recently and the open mirror symmetry. We treat several pfaffian Calabi-Yau 3-folds in P6\mathbb{P}^6 and branes with two discrete vacua. Some models have the two special points in its moduli space, around both of which we can consider different A-model mirror partners. We compute disc invariants for both cases. This study is the first application of the open mirror symmetry to the compact non-complete intersections in toric variety.Comment: 64 pages; v2: typos corrected, minor changes, references added; v3: published version, minor corrections and improvement

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas I Sdn 77 Pekanbaru

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    The background of the problem in this research is the low result of learning math grade I SD Negeri 77 Pekanbaru, caused by the applied learning strategies teachers are less precise. The action taken is the implementation of Direct Learning Model. This research aims to improve the results of learning math grade I in the SD Negeri 77 Pekanbaru school year 2014/2015. Design research is the Research Action class (PTK). The research was conducted in two cycle with data collection instruments namely observation sheets teachers and students as well as test results of learning. After the applied learning models direct then the results of the study showed that application of the Model of Direct Learning can improve the results of learning math grade IV SD Negeri 77 Pekanbaru

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas Vb SD Negeri 004 Salo Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar

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    This research aims to improve learning outcomes Natural Sciences graders Elementary School VB 004 Salo Salo District of Kampar in the school year 2014/2015 through "inquiry learning model". This research was conducted in March until the month of April 2015. The number of students of class VB 23 people, consisting of 8 male students and 15 female students. This research is a class act that contains two cycles. Each cycle consists of 2 meetings and one-time daily tests. The research instrument consists of learning tools (syllabi, lesson plans, Student Worksheet, activity observation sheet of students and teachers). The research data will be analyzed descriptively. The research data show that the learning outcomes IPA graders Elementary School VB 004 Salo Salo District of Kampar increased. Before the implementation of inquiry learning model, based on the base score of students who reach KKM (65) only 9 people with a percentage of 39.13%. But after using the application inquiry learning model on the first daily test the first cycle, the number of students who reach KKM risen to 13 people with a percentage of 56.52%. While the second repetition in the second cycle, students who achieve KKM increased again to 18 people with a percentage of 78.26% .Then activity of students during the learning process in the first cycle of the first meeting with the percentage categorized as less than 62.5%, and the second meeting of the the first cycle can be categorized simply by percentage of 68.75%. While the activity of students in the second cycle the first meeting can be categorized either by a percentage of 83.33% and at the meeting of the two can also be categorized very well because the percentage reached 93.75%. While the activities of teachers in the first cycle with the first meeting categorized enough percentage value 62.5% and at the meeting of the two increased to 68.75% with the category enough. At the first meeting of the second cycle of activity can be said to be a good teacher with a percentage value as much as 83.33% and at the meeting of the two increased to 93.75% with very good category. Classes have been completed can be said for having mancapai 75% of the number of students who pass. From the above shows that the implementation of inquiry learning model can improve learning outcomes VB grade science students of SD Negeri 004 Salo Salo District of Kampar
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