60 research outputs found

    The aging brain - molecular and metabolic changes

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    Aging is a complex set of events that involves the whole body. However, disruption of the central nervous system (CNS) function is the aspect of aging that elderly people worry about most. Aging has different effects on different aspects of neurological function. Our knowledge of the basic molecular mechanism of brain aging has significantly improved over the past few decades. The rate of aging is not fixed, but is plastic and subject to modifications. The environmental factor proven to be very potent in modulating aging is reduced dietary intake. Dietary restriction (DR) is a vigorous nongenetic and nonpharmacological intervention that is known to delay ageing and increase an active and healthy lifespan in diverse species, from yeast to mammals. Additionally, DR can improve various brain functions, including learning and memory, synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis.Biologia Serbica (2017), 39(1): 26-3

    Interkostalna hernacija pluća nakon tupe traume i odgođeni izvanpleuralni hematom

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    Blunt chest trauma is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in traumatized emergency patients. We report the case of a 74-year-old man who suffered a glenohumeral joint dislocation, trans trochanteric femur fracture, multiple rib fractures, diaphragmatic rupture with chest herniation of the spleen and stomach associated with herniation of the lung through an anterior chest wall defect after blunt trauma. Although immediate surgical repair was performed, he developed a delayed complication of multiple rib fracture in the form of large extrapleural hematoma that had to be surgically removed. Due to massive pulmonary contusion and prolonged pulmonary collapse, we used surfactant to facilitate alveolar opening after evacuation of the hematoma.Trauma prsnog koÅ”a uzrokovana udarcem tupim predmetom značajan je uzrok mortaliteta i morbiditeta bolesnika u hitnoj medicinskoj službi. Prikazujemo slučaj sedamdesetčetverogodiÅ”njeg bolesnika koji je kao posljedicu udarca teÅ”kim predmetom doživio dislokaciju ramenog zgloba, transtrohanternu frakturu bedrene kosti, obostranu serijsku frakturu rebara, rupturu dijafragme s hernijacijom slezene i želuca u prsiÅ”te uz pridruženu interkostalnu ventralnu hernijaciju pluća kroz ozlijeđeno prsiÅ”te. Unatoč hitnom kirurÅ”kom zbrinjavanju, kao kasna posljedica serijskog prijeloma rebara razvio se veliki izvan pleuralni hematom koji je bilo potrebno kirurÅ”ki evakuirati. Zbog velike kontuzije pluća i dugotrajnog kolapsa alveola, nakon odstranjena hematoma primijenili smo surfaktant kako bi potpomogli otvaranje i održavanje alveola otvorenima

    Loss of Cathepsin B and L Leads to Lysosomal Dysfunction, NPC-Like Cholesterol Sequestration and Accumulation of the Key Alzheimer's Proteins

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    Proper function of lysosomes is particularly important in neurons, as they cannot dilute accumulated toxic molecules and aggregates by cell division. Thus, impairment of lysosomal function plays an important role in neuronal degeneration and in the pathogenesis of numerous neurodegenerative diseases. In this work we analyzed how inhibition and/or loss of the major lysosomal proteases, the cysteine cathepsins B and L (CtsB/L), affects lysosomal function, cholesterol metabolism and degradation of the key Alzheimer's disease (AD) proteins. Here, we show that cysteine CtsB/L, and not the aspartyl cathepsin D (CtsD), represent a major lysosomal protease(s) that control lysosomal function, intracellular cholesterol trafficking and AD-like amyloidogenic features. Intriguingly, accumulation of free cholesterol in late endosomes/lysosomes upon CtsB/L inhibition resembled a phenotype characteristic for the rare neurodegenerative disorder Niemann-Pick type C (NPC). CtsB/L inhibition and not the inhibition of CtsD led to lysosomal impairment assessed by decreased degradation of EGF receptor, enhanced LysoTracker staining and accumulation of several lysosomal proteins LC3II, NPC1 and NPC2. By measuring the levels of NPC1 and ABCA1, the two major cholesterol efflux proteins, we showed that CtsB/L inhibition or genetic depletion caused accumulation of the NPC1 in lysosomes and downregulation of ABCA1 protein levels and its expression. Furthermore, we revealed that CtsB/L are involved in degradation of the key Alzheimerā€™s proteins: amyloid-Ī² peptides (AĪ²) and C-terminal fragments of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and in degradation of Ī²-secretase (BACE1). Our results imply CtsB/L as major regulators of lysosomal function and demonstrate that CtsB/L may play an important role in intracellular cholesterol trafficking and in degradation of the key AD proteins. Our findings implicate that enhancing the activity or levels of CtsB/L could provide a promising and a common strategy for maintaining lysosomal function and for preventing and/or treating neurodegenerative diseases

    Optimization of the Scheduler for the Non-Blocking High-Capacity Router

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    Abstract-The sequential greedy scheduling (SGS) is a scalable maximal matching algorithm that provides non-blocking in an Internet router with input buffers and a cross-bar. In this paper, we will present the FPGA design of the SGS scheduler. We have optimized scheduler components, and we will prove their correct functioning. The scheduler optimization significantly reduces the worst-case packet delay through the router


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    Ovisnost o drogama je čimbenik rizika za nastanak brojnih akutnih i kroničnih komplikacija pluća koje se mogu razviti zbog loÅ”eg općeg zdravlja ovisnika, ali i zbog izravnog djelovanja heroina na depresiju disanja. U ovom prikazu slučaja radi se o 40-godiÅ”njem bolesniku koji je zaprimljen na Objedinjeni hitni prijam KB Sveti Duh zbog poviÅ”ene temperature praćene zimicom, otežanim disanjem i bolovima u lijevoj strani prsiÅ”ta. Obradom je utvrđena viÅ”estruka plućna patologija kao posljedica intravenske primjene drobljenog metadona, a koja je uključivala submasivnu plućnu emboliju, obostranu upalu pluća, poremećaj plućnog intersticija, multiple infarkte pluća te lijevostrani pleuralni izljev. Nakon početne obrade bolesnik je premjeÅ”ten u Jedinicu intenzivnog liječenja gdje je provedeno liječenje nefrakcioniranim heparinom, intravenskim antibioticima, antifungicima, vitaminom B12 te ostalom simptomatskom terapijom. Nakon provedenog liječenja u bolesnika je doÅ”lo do poboljÅ”anja laboratorijskih i radioloÅ”kih nalaza te subjektivnog stanja. Zbog nespeciļ¬ čne simptomatologije, te odsustva karakterističnih kliničkih znakova uz često viÅ”estruku plućnu patologiju u bolesnika koji uzimaju drogu postavljanje dijagnoze ponekad je izuzetno teÅ”ko. Iz tog razloga, u svih ovisnika o drogama važan je visok stupanj sumnje uz organizirani dijagnostičko terapijski pristup kako bi se na vrijeme započelo liječenje potencijalno smrtonosnih plućnih komplikacija.A 40-year-old patient with fever, chills and pain in the left side of the chest presented to the Emergency Room (ER), Sveti Duh University Hospital. He had been on dual antibiotic therapy for the last 12 days. He was an otherwise treated opiate addict, now on methadone therapy. History data and physical examination were without particular features, vital indicators were normal, and soon after antipyretic and analgesic therapy the patient reported improvement and suggested discharge from ER. However, upon arrival of the ļ¬ ndings, in particular radiological heart and lung examination, additional diagnostic workup was performed. Radiograph of the heart and lungs revealed diffusely decreased ventilation of pulmonary parenchyma bilaterally (reticular nodose interstitium), pronounced vasculature, and intense shadow along the lateral thoracic wall to the right in the basal parts of the upper lobe. Also, due to the radiological ļ¬ ndings described, the subsequently mentioned dyspnea and acknowledgment of intravenous administration of crushed methadone and high d-dimer values, multi-slice computed tomography pulmonary angiography was performed, which indicated embolus in the left main branch of the pulmonary artery and in the lobar branch to the lower lobe, right along with peripheral multiple lung infarctions. At the end of ER treatment, it was concluded that the patient had submassive pulmonary embolism, bilateral pneumonia, changes in pulmonary interstitium, and multiple pulmonary infarctions. As a result, the patient was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit, treated with unfractionated heparin, intravenous antibiotics, antifungals, vitamin B12 and other symptomatic therapy. After treatment, laboratory and radiological ļ¬ ndings and the subjective condition of the patient improved, and he was discharged for home treatment with continued anticoagulation therapy

    Expression profiles of cholesterol metabolism-related genes are altered during development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the rat spinal cord

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    Increased evidence suggests that dysregulation of cholesterol metabolism may be a key event contributing to progression of multiple sclerosis (MS). Using an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model of MS we revealed specific changes in the mRNA and protein expression of key molecules involved in the maintaining of cholesterol homeostasis in the rat spinal cord: 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme-A reductase (HMGCR), apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and cholesterol 24-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) during the course of disease. The presence of myelin lipid debris was seen only at the peak of EAE in demyelination loci being efficiently removed during the recovery period. Since CYP46A1 is responsible for removal of cholesterol excess, we performed a detailed profiling of CYP46A1 expression and revealed regional and temporal specificities in its distribution. Double immunofluorescence staining demonstrated CYP46A1 localization with neurons, infiltrated macrophages, microglia and astrocytes in the areas of demyelination, suggesting that these cells play a role in cholesterol turnover in EAE. We propose that alterations in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism at the onset and peak of EAE may add to the progression of disease, while during the recovery period may have beneficial effects contributing to the regeneration of myelin sheath and restoration of neuronal function.Scientific Reports (2017), 7(1): 270

    The Mineralogy of Natural Feldspar Hyalophane

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    The tectosilicates, including all polymorphic forms of SiO2 , feldspar, feldspatoids, scapolites as well as zeolites, represent one of the most represented groups of minerals in the lithosphere. The feldspars found great application in various fields of industry, especially in the field of aluminosilicate ceramics. In this paper are presented the crystalohemical and mineralogical properties of natural feldspar hyalophane.IX Serbian Ceramic Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application : new frontiers in multifunctional material science and processing : program and the book of abstracts; September 20-21, 2021; Belgrad

    Structural and Chemical Properties of Zeolite FAU-Topology

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    Zeolite FAU is a synthetic product formed by various process of synthesis. The unit cell of zeolite of FAU topology contains 192 (Si, Al) O4 - tetrahedra, it has tesseral symmetry and the unit cell parameter is ~ 25 A Key words: feldspar, hyalophane, crystalochemical properties.The FAU aluminosilicate network consists of a series of Ī²-cages, which are tetrahedrally connected via D6R secondary building units. On this paper are presented the results of structural and crystalochemical analysis zeolite FAU topology. The SEM/EDS methods and X-ray powder diffraction analysis are useful for analysis.IX Serbian Ceramic Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application : new frontiers in multifunctional material science and processing : program and the book of abstracts; September 20-21, 2021; Belgrad
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