1,687 research outputs found

    Visible seeds of socialism and metamorphoses of capitalism: socialism after Rosdolsky

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    Roman Rosdolsky suggests a method to deal with the transition towards socialism that integrates three issues: 1) the identification of dynamic features of capitalism; 2) the systematization of metamorphoses of capitalism; 3) the evaluation of how these metamorphoses reshape the elaboration of alternatives to capitalism. This evaluation is a precondition for the visualization, within the complex dynamics of capitalism, of seeds of a new society Ð institutions born out of political struggles and of emancipatory features of key social processes. These institutions reshape the nature of the metamorphoses of capitalism Ð and the possibility of establishing socialism and democracy.metamorphoses of capitalism; technology and finance; socialism and democracy.

    Inadequacy of technology and innovation systems at the periphery: notes on Celso Furtado's contributions for a dialogue between evolutionists and structuralists

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    This paper focuses on "inadequacy of technology" as formulated by Celso Furtado. The concept of "inadequacy of technology" may be, on the one hand, an enlightening assessment of the technological condition of underdevelopment and, on the other hand, a helpful "focusing device" for an agenda on innovation systems at the periphery. Furtado's approach on inappropriate technology may uncover the social roots of the well know "low-growth trap" of less-developed economies. Celso Furtado explains how inadequacy of technology is related to the polarization "modernization-marginalization" that characterizes economies with immature systems of innovation, as the Brazilian economy. This concept also highlights how difficult it is to overcome the complex interplay among unequal income distribution, localized and blocked technical progress and unsustainable economic growth. To overcome the inadequacy of technology a dual institutional building seems to be necessary: the innovation systems might co-evolve with welfare systems.Celso Furtado, evolutionary theory, innovation systems, welfare systems, catching up process

    Less-developed countries and innovation in health: notes and data about the Brazilian case

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    This communication discusses the specificity of health innovation in a lessdeveloped country, investigating the Brazilian case. To evaluate the specificity of the Brazilian system, this communication presents data about employment, expenditures, industrial firms in health-related industrial sectors, scientific resources, and diffusion of medical equipment. This communication concludes summarising the main characteristics of the Health Innovation System in Brazil.health; innovation; Brazil

    The phenomenon of multiple stellar population in galactic globular clusters through multi-band photometry and Gaia

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    The phenomenon of Multiple Stellar Populations (MSPs) is present in all well studied massive Globular Clusters (GCs) of the Milky Way Galaxy. Both spectroscopic and photometric studies have established that these objects had a more complex formation history than previously thought. Measurements of the abundance of light elements (e.g. Na, O, C, N) show a star-to-star variation. This presents itself in colour magnitude diagrams as splits primarily in the Red Giant Branch (RGB) of clusters when appropriate filters are used. In this work we have used the multi-band survey Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS) to study MSPs in four GCs, namely NGC 104, NGC 288, NGC 3201 and NGC 7089. S-PLUS consists of 12 filters spanning a range from 3485 Å(u) to 9114 Å(z), with seven narrow bands and five broad bands. We have performed PSF photometry in the images gathered by the survey and selected likely cluster members using proper motion information from the Gaia survey. We calibrated the data using a comparative method taking advantage of the presence of a GC in the field and corrected NGC 3201, a cluster displaying large extinction, by differential reddening. We identified the presence of MSPs in the rectified RGB, constructed six colour combinations and used the K-means algorithm to separate the populations. We characterised the populations as Na-rich and Na-poor using abundance data from the literature. We have also traced the radial profiles of the MSPs. In NGC 288 and NGC 7089 the second population is more centrally concentrated while for NGC 3201 the opposite trend is true. Current MSPs formation theories suggest a higher concentration of the second population. NGC 104 does not show a significant difference in the populations. Furthermore, we have analysed the proper motion of the populations in the four studied clusters. By separating the movement of the stars within the cluster in their radial and tangential components and using a Heteroscedastic Gaussian Regression to trace the velocity dispersion profiles along the radial direction. Significant differences are found in three of the clusters, namely NGC 104, NGC 288 and NGC 7089, while NGC 3201 has very similar profiles between populations.O fenômeno de Múltiplas Populações Estelares (MPEs) está presente em todos os Aglomerados Globulares (AGs) massivos bem estudados da Via Láctea. Tanto estudos espectroscópicos quanto fotométricos já estabeleceram que estes objetos possuem um histórico de formação mais complexo do que se imaginava. Medições da abundância de elementos leves (como por exemplo Na, C, O, N) mostram uma variação de estrela para estrela. Isto se reflete em sequências distintas principalmente no Ramo das Gigantes Vermelhas (RGV) quando filtros apropriados são utilizados para construir diagramas cor-magnitude. Neste trabalho utilizamos o levantamento de dados de multi-banda Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS) para estudar as MPEs em quatro aglomerados: NGC 104, NGC 288, NGC 3201 e NGC 7089. O S-PLUS consiste de 12 filtros que alcançam de 3485 Å(u) até 9114 Å(z), com sete bandas estreitas e cinco largas. Fotometria por PSF foi feita nas imagens coletadas pelo S-PLUS e os prováveis membros dos aglomerados foram selecionados utilizando informações de movimento próprio do levantamento de dados Gaia. Os dados foram calibrados através de um método comparativo se aproveitando do fato de um aglomerado globular estar no campo observado e NGC 3201, um aglomerado com avermelhamento diferencial significativo, foi corrigido por avermelhamento diferencial. A presença de MPEs foi identificada no RGV retificado, seis combinações de cores foram construídas e o algoritmo K-means foi utilizado para separar as populações. Essas foram caracterizadas como Na-ricas e Na-pobres usando dados de abundância da literatura. Os perfis radiais das EMPs foram traçados. Em NGC 288 e NGC 7089 a segunda população está mais concentrada enquanto que em NGC 3201 o contrário é verdadeiro. As atuais teorias de formação de MPEs sugerem uma concentração maior da segunda população. O aglomerado NGC 104 não mostra uma diferença significativa entre as populações. Além disso, analisamos o movimento próprio das populações nos quatro aglomerados. Separando o movimento das estrelas no aglomerado nas suas componentes radial e tangencial e usando uma Regressão Gaussiana Heteroscedástica para traçar os perfis de dispersão de velocidade ao longo da direção radial. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas em três dos aglomerados: NGC 104, NGC 288 e NGC 7089, enquanto que NGC 3201 possui perfis similares entre as duas populações

    Cross-over, thresholds, and interactions between science and technology: a tentative simplified model and initial notes about statistics from 120 countries

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    The hypothesis of this paper is the existence of thresholds of scientific production that must be overcome to trigger new channels of interactions between the scientific and technological infrastructure. As the development process evolves, new interactions are initiated. The interactions between science and technology become stronger and more pervasive, reaching at last the mutual feedbacks and the virtuous circles typical of developed economies. Using statistics of patents (USPTO) and scientific papers (ISI) for 120 countries (for 1974, 192, 1990 and 1998), this paper investigates the relationship between the scientific infrastructure and the technological production.science and technology; economic developmentR&D; Brazil

    A changing role for universities in the periphery

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    An international research on interactions between universities and firms is an opportunity to investigate this subject beyond the developed countries. This project involves 12 countries from three continents: Africa (South Africa, Nigeria and Uganda), Asia (South Korea, China, India, Thailand and Malaysia) and Latin America (Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina and Brazil). This paper introduces a theoretical framework to deal with this broad set of countries, their different levels of NSI formation and their different levels of development. This framework may help public policies to understand the role of universities for a country search for an “active insertion in the international division of labor”.interactions between firms and universities, National Innovation Systems, catch up processes.

    Action Recognition in Videos: from Motion Capture Labs to the Web

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    This paper presents a survey of human action recognition approaches based on visual data recorded from a single video camera. We propose an organizing framework which puts in evidence the evolution of the area, with techniques moving from heavily constrained motion capture scenarios towards more challenging, realistic, "in the wild" videos. The proposed organization is based on the representation used as input for the recognition task, emphasizing the hypothesis assumed and thus, the constraints imposed on the type of video that each technique is able to address. Expliciting the hypothesis and constraints makes the framework particularly useful to select a method, given an application. Another advantage of the proposed organization is that it allows categorizing newest approaches seamlessly with traditional ones, while providing an insightful perspective of the evolution of the action recognition task up to now. That perspective is the basis for the discussion in the end of the paper, where we also present the main open issues in the area.Comment: Preprint submitted to CVIU, survey paper, 46 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Causa e efeito: contribuições de Marx para investigações sobre finanças e inovação

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    Marx has a method for the evaluation of patterns of interaction between finance and innovation. Two starting points of this method are the simultaneity of cause and effect and the identification of reciprocal effects between the monetary-financial dimension and the industrialinnovative dimension. This paper investigates this method firstly defining a dynamic concept of money. The connections between the monetary-financial dimension and the industrial-innovative dimension are examined through their historical and theoretical elements. Finally, the most important connections of this complex interaction are presented.finance, inovation, co-evolution, Marx, method