28 research outputs found

    Complicaciones cr贸nicas, hipertensi贸n y obesidad en pacientes diab茅ticos en cartagena, colombia

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    Objetivos En marzo de 2008 ocurri贸 en el municipio de Santander de Quilichao-Cauca, Colombia, un brote de rabia de origen silvestre con 2 v铆ctimas humanas. El聽presente art铆culo apunta a describir las t茅cnicas diagn贸sticas de laboratorio, las聽acciones de investigaci贸n de campo y control de foco empleadas, y su significado聽epidemiol贸gico e implicaciones en salud p煤blica.M茅todos La rabia se diagnostic贸 por inmunofluorescencia directa, prueba biol贸gica聽en rat贸n, histopatolog铆a e inmunohistoqu铆mica, y se tipific贸 utilizando anticuerpos聽monoclonales. La investigaci贸n de campo se enfoc贸 en la b煤squeda de contactos聽humanos y animales, identificaci贸n de casos sospechosos y b煤squeda institucionalde accidentes r谩bicos. El control de foco consisti贸 en aplicaci贸n de tratamiento post聽exposici贸n a la poblaci贸n expuesta, vacunaci贸n canina y felina, recolecci贸n y聽eliminaci贸n de animales callejeros y educaci贸n a la comunidad.Resultados Dos casos de rabia en humanos fueron diagnosticados y uno en gato聽por nexo epidemiol贸gico. La variante antig茅nica 3 fue aislada de los casos humanos.聽Se vacunaron en total 11 369 caninos, 3 325 felinos y 217 humanos.Conclusiones Se confirma la amenaza para los humanos que representa la rabia en聽el ecosistema silvestre. El brote tuvo origen en vampiro y el transmisor a los humanos聽fue un gato confirmando a esta especie dom茅stica como v铆nculo entre la rabia de聽origen silvestre y el ecosistema urbano, por ende su importancia en el enfoque de las聽acciones de prevenci贸n y control de la rabia. Se resalta la necesidad de implementar聽y mantener acciones para el control de la rabia silvestre que permitan minimizar su聽impacto en humanos

    Problems of realism and theorization in social research and Social Work

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    This article analyzes the problems of social research in Social Work. It discusses the naive position that leads to the supposition that professional intervention is immediate 'in the reality of problems'; and that which understands that theory possesses a true knowledge 'about reality', as if this would precede all knowledge. It defines research as social practice that has as its raison d'茅tat the production of knowledge, while it inscribes itself in and feeds the political-cultural processes of production of social problems. For this reason, for Social Work, research is not equivalent to social diagnosis, but should be a continuous process that accompanies the development of any social project and professional practice. This requires a willingness to learn the profession (theoretical command, methodological-technical management and a questioning attitude), and to protect against the risks of the naturalization of the problems in which it is required to intervene, which can be caused by either a naive realism or theorization

    The nature and specificity of Social Work: a challenge to be resolved. Reflections for the debate

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    This essay reflects on the conceptual maturation of the author after the systematization of his participation in various national and international academic events where he presented research about the theme. The purpose of the article is to contribute to the discussion about the nature and specificity of Social Work and clarify an old issue that has current importance as a continuing challenge. It emphasizes that the nature of Social Work is constituted by a set of elements that establish certain regularities that have supported its trajectory and cemented the professional identity. This specificity is understood as a distinctive element within the diversity of the social sciences and that there is a professional nature and specificity that establish the disciplinary identity

    First estimate of tag-shedding for yellowfin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean from AOTTP data

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    An objective of the AOTTP was to estimate Type-I (immediate) and Type-II (long-term) tagshedding rates for Atlantic yellowfin tuna from double-tagging experiments (4,518 double tags released with 1,061 recoveries). Accounting for the insertion point of the tag according to the body side of the fish, by introducing a tag-location effect in Type-1 (i.e., 1- 伪) and in Type-II tagshedding, in the constant-rate model did not improve significantly the fit. Type-I and Type-II tag shedding estimates (0.026 and 0.031, respectively) are close to the values obtained in the Indian Ocean (0.028 and 0.040, respectively). On the basis of these results, the shedding rate is about 6% the first year at sea and reaches 17% after 5 years at sea. Preliminary results suggested that tag loss could differ according to the size at release but additional factors must be analysed before drawing a definitive conclusion. This study showed that tag shedding rate should be taken into account with other sources of uncertainty such as the reporting rate in order to estimate exploitation and mortality rates derived from tagging data