930 research outputs found

    Follow-up study of the dietary intake, anthropometric measurements, and blood pressure in children born to women in the Manawatu pregnancy study : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Nutritional Science at Massey University

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    When the proposal of the pilot study presented in this thesis was finally formulated, one of the first and important requirements was to obtain approval from accredited ethics committees. This proved to be a long and demanding process, but at the same time an interesting and useful experience. It was also somehow different from what was previously experienced in Kuwait, the researcher's home country. That was how the idea of presenting this thesis in two parts came into being. In the first part, the development of ethics codes and ethics committees was reviewed, a comparison of the process to obtain an ethical approval in New Zealand and in Kuwait was made, and the proposals presented to Massey University Human Ethics Committee (MUHEC) and to Manawatu-Whanganui Committee (MWEC) were outlined. Bioethics is a young discipline; the term "medical ethics" was first used at the beginning of the 19th century. However, codes of ethics of human research were only introduced towards the end of the first half of the 20th century. Hectic debates over these codes took place during the second half of the 20th century. On one side, there were growing concerns for the rights and safety of research participants, physically, psychologically and culturally, and on the other there were fears that scientific merits and benefits might be eroded by the limitations that research bioethics may enforce. These debates have resulted in amendments and changes in ethics codes, changes that probably will continue to develop during the 21st century. [From Introduction

    Unveiling of Matters: The Role of Investigative Journalism in Uncovering Corruption in the Arab World

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    This study investigates types of corruption that had been revealed by investigative reports during the last 3 years and their impact on social, legislative, and other aspects of life. It surveys 145 reports achieved and published by Arab investigative journalists from Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Bahrain, Palestine, Mauritania, Algeria, Kuwait, and Sudan. Investigative reports address serious issues of corruption ranging from bottom level of the society up to top level of the authority. Yet it is the strongest journalistic tools for revealing and combating corruption. The Panama Papers reports reveal cross-border corruption and offshore companies for top-tier politicians and powerful people. The study concludes that the top four dominant corruption issues include administrative and financial issues, legislative and judiciary issues, abuse of power and political influence, and medical issues. The study also explores difficulties that are facing investigative journalism in the Arab world and the future of this type of journalism as well

    Studying Remove Sulfate Ions and Iron from the Water by Using Activated Carbon Record of Sewage Sludge

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    The research aims to provide a practical study on converting sewage sludge in the province of Hasaka and the resulting exchange station in Ras Al Ain to useful product, where there is great potential in theory to convert the sludge as a carbon-rich material to the effective adsorbent material such as carbon. I studied coking process and chemical activation using zinc chloride and phosphorous acid at concentrations (3, 6) mol /L and at temperatures carbonization (450,700) Oc.Then activated carbon characterization and by identifying specific surface and pore size in a manner BET. The use of activated carbonin the record to remove sulfate and ions iron.The results were promising and close to the results of the scientific research which opens the horizon and wide to use this method to get rid of large quantities of sludge. Keywords: Sewage Sludge, Carbonization, Activation, Activated carbon

    The Role Of Microcredit Financing On Women Empowerment In Malaysia

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    Microcredit has become a buzzword in the credit markets as an effective tool to deliver financial services to deprived women in the absence of conventional credit markets. The underlying logic is that through extending microcredit, women will be able to participate in economic market through forming their micro and small businesses. Consequently, they will gain incomes and contribute to their household supports to reduce their vulnerability and empower them. Although microfinance has reached the peak of momentum, recent literature documented conflicting evidence and demonstrated that empowerment may not or may only be partially achieved, especially in the Muslim community. Therefore, this study examines the effect of microcredit on Malay Muslim women empowerment in urban Selangor and Melaka. An explanatory mixed method was employed for the study. In the first step, a cross-sectional survey was distributed to 500 respondents to examine the effect of microfinance on women livelihood and decision-making process in intra-household as well as business. A multi-stage random sampling was used to collect data from urban areas in Selangor and Melaka. The time of joining AIM scheme was used to determine the type of treatment and control members, where 360 of current clients who spent three years in the AIM scheme are referred to as the treatment group and 140 of new clients who just joined the AIM scheme and have not yet used their loans are referred to as the control group. In the second step, 32 semi structured interviews were performed to deeply explain how access to AIM affects women empowerment. The logistic regression result shows that AIM has positive effect on women livelihood and decision-making process and resources controlling in intra-household as well as business. The finding of qualitative content analysis also confirms the impact of AIM on women empowerment. It also explains how access to microfinance shifts the strategy of decision-making process from solely husband or family base to self or jointly decision-making base. Moreover, the content analysis results show how access to microfinance empowers women in their community. Despite the significant impact of AIM on women empowerment, there are internal as well as external challenges faced by women borrowers which impede their sustainability and growth that need to be addressed by future researches. Therefore, this research recommends the policymakers to continue support poor and low income women and protect their micro and small businesses from massive competition and market monopoly as well as diversify their product and redesign microcredit disbursement and repayment proces

    Uses and Effects of Religious Programs among Yemeni Audiences

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    Abstract: The study aims to contribute to the current under–standing of how audiences make use of religious programs broadcasted in both religious satellite channels (RSCs) and Arabic satellite channels. 210 respondents were surveyed to address the nature of exposure to RSCs and religious pro–grams, motives, and attitudes toward them. Utilizing uses and effect approach and Hall’s encoding and decoding model of media discourses, this study confirms a high expo–sure to RSCs among adult television viewers in Yemen. Of religious contents, Islamic lectures particularly represent the most watched program by respondents. It also states that emotional effects represent the prominent effects of religious programs uses followed by normative, and limited beha–vioral effects.Keywords: religious programs, uses and effects approach, Hall's encoding/decoding model, Yemeni audience

    Evaluation Of Antibiotics Prescribing Pattern In Government Hospitals Of Yemen Republic

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    Kajian penggunaan ubat adalah penting dalam menentukan status penggunaan ubat dalam sesuatu negara. Drug utilization study is important in establishing the status of drug use in a particular country

    The Interaction Level of High School Students with Distance Learning in a Saudi Context

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    The present study aimed at exploring the interaction level of high school students with distance learning in a Saudi context. The study was conducted in Al-Qunfudah Educational Directorate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. An online questionnaire was submitted to high school students and the number of respondents reached (1013) male and female students. The results of this study showed that the overall level of interaction of high school students with distance learning was high, including student-content interaction, student-teacher interaction, student-platform interaction and student-student interaction. It was also found that there were statistically significant differences in the level of interaction with distance learning due to gender differences among high school students and those differences were in favor of female students. In light of these results, some recommendations were presented. Keywords: Interaction Level, Distance Learning, High School Students. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-17-16 Publication date:June 30th 202