1,905 research outputs found

    Hubble Space Telescope Near-infrared Snapshot Survey of 3CR Radio Source Counterparts. II. An Atlas and Inventory of the Host Galaxies, Mergers, and Companions

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    We present the second part of an H-band (1.6 μm) “atlas” of z \u3c 0.3 3CR radio galaxies, using the Hubble Space Telescope Near Infrared Camera and Multi- Object Spectrometer (HST NICMOS2). We present new imaging for 21 recently acquired sources, and host galaxy modeling for the full sample of 101 (including 11 archival) – an 87% completion rate. Two different modeling techniques are applied, following those adopted by the galaxy morphology and the quasar host galaxy communities. Results are compared, and found to be in excellent agreement, although the former breaks down in the case of strongly nucleated sources

    Optical Polarimetry of the Jets of Nearby Radio Galaxies. I. The Data

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    In this paper, the first in a series, we present an overview of new Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging polarimetry of six nearby radio galaxies (3C 15, 3C 66B, 3C 78, 3C 264, 3C 346, and 3C 371) with optical jets. These observations triple the number of extragalactic jets with subarcsecond-resolution optical polarimetry. We discuss the polarization characteristics of each jet and, as our Stokes I images also represent by far the deepest optical images yet obtained of each of these jets, we also discuss the morphology in total flux of each jet in detail. We find evidence of high optical polarization, averaging 20%, but reaching upwards of 50% in some objects, confirming that the optical emission is synchrotron, and that the components of the magnetic fields perpendicular to the line of sight are well ordered. We find a wide range of polarization morphologies, with each jet having a somewhat different relationship between total intensity and polarized flux and the polarization position angle. We find two trends in all of these jets. First, jet “edges” are very often associated with high fractional optical polarizations, as also found in earlier radio observations of these and other radio jets. In these regions, the magnetic field vectors appear to track the jet direction, even at bends, where we see particularly high fractional polarizations. This indicates a strong link between the local magnetic field and jet dynamics. Second, optical flux maximum regions are usually well separated from maxima in fractional polarization and often are associated with polarization minima. This trend is not found in radio data and was found in our optical polarimetry of M87 with HST. However, unlike in M87, we do not find a general trend for near-90◦ rotations in the optical polarization vectors near flux maxima. We discuss possibilities for interpreting these trends, as well as implications for jet dynamics, magnetic field structure and particle acceleration. (Refer to PDF file for exact formulas)

    Prototyping the Semantics of a DSL using ASF+SDF: Link to Formal Verification of DSL Models

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    A formal definition of the semantics of a domain-specific language (DSL) is a key prerequisite for the verification of the correctness of models specified using such a DSL and of transformations applied to these models. For this reason, we implemented a prototype of the semantics of a DSL for the specification of systems consisting of concurrent, communicating objects. Using this prototype, models specified in the DSL can be transformed to labeled transition systems (LTS). This approach of transforming models to LTSs allows us to apply existing tools for visualization and verification to models with little or no further effort. The prototype is implemented using the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment, an IDE for the algebraic specification language ASF+SDF, which offers efficient execution of the transformation as well as the ability to read models and produce LTSs without any additional pre or post processing.Comment: In Proceedings AMMSE 2011, arXiv:1106.596

    Egypt and Sudan Inception Workshop on the CGIAR F2R-CWANA Initiative

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    F2R-CWANA Egypt and Sudan Inception Worksho

    F2R-CWANA Morocco Inception Workshop Program

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    The brochure contains information on the background of the F2R-CWANA Initiative, rationale for implementation in Morocco and an itemized workshop program

    HST [Hubble Space Telescope]/STIS [Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph] Low Dispersion Spectroscopy of Three Compact Steep Spectrum Sources: Evidence for Jet-Cloud Interaction

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph long-slit spectroscopy of the emission line nebulae in the compact steep spectrum radio sources 3C 67, 3C 277.1, and 3C 303.1. We derive BPT (Baldwin- Philips-Terlevich; Baldwin et al. 1981) diagnostic emission line ratios for the nebulae which are consistent with a mix of shock excitation and photoionization in the extended gas. In addition, line ratios indicative of lower ionization gas are found to be associated with higher gas velocities. The results are consistent with a picture in which these galaxy scale radio sources interact with dense clouds in the interstellar medium of the host galaxies, shocking the clouds thereby ionizing and accelerating them

    Hubble Space Telescope Near-Infrared Snapshot Survey of 3CR Radio Source Counterparts at Low Redshift

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    We present newly acquired images of the near-infrared counterpart of 3CR radio sources. All the sources were selected to have a redshift of less than 0.3 to allow us to obtain the highest spatial resolution. The observations were carried out as a snapshot program using the Near-Infrared Camera and Multiobject Spectrograph (NICMOS) on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). In this paper we describe 69 radio galaxies observed for the first time with NICMOS during HST cycle 13. All the objects presented here are elliptical galaxies. However, each of them has unique characteristics such as close companions, dust lanes, unresolved nuclei, arc-like features, globular clusters and jets clearly visible from the images or with basic galaxy subtraction

    An Optical-Infrared Jet in 3C 133

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    We report the discovery of a new optical-IR synchrotron jet in the radio galaxy 3C 133 from our HST/NICMOS snapshot survey. The jet and eastern hotspot are well resolved, and visible at both optical and IR wavelengths. The IR jet follows the morphology of the inner part of the radio jet, with three distinct knots identified with features in the radio. The radio-IR SED’s of the knots are examined, along with those of two more distant hotspots at the eastern extreme of the radio feature. The detected emission appears to be synchrotron, with peaks in the NIR for all except one case, which exhibits a power-law spectrum throughout

    Mapping adaptation of barley to droughted environments

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    Identifying barley genomic regions influencing the response of yield and its components to water deficits will aid in our understanding of the genetics of drought tolerance and the development of more drought tolerant cultivars. We assembled a population of 192 genotypes that represented landraces, old, and contemporary cultivars sampling key regions around the Mediterranean basin and the rest of Europe. The population was genotyped with a stratified set of 50 genomic and EST derived molecular markers, 49 of which were Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), which revealed an underlying population sub-structure that corresponded closely to the geographic regions in which the genotypes were grown. A more dense whole genome scan was generated by using Diversity Array Technology (DArT®) to generate 1130 biallelic markers for the population. The population was grown at two contrasting sites in each of seven Mediterranean countries for harvest 2004 and 2005 and grain yield data collected. Mean yield levels ranged from 0.3 to 6.2 t/ha, with highly significant genetic variation in low-yielding environments. Associations of yield with barley genomic regions were then detected by combining the DArT marker data with the yield data in mixed model analyses for the individual trials, followed by multiple regression of yield on markers to identify a multi-locus subset of significant markers/QTLs. QTLs exhibiting a pre-defined consistency across environments were detected in bins 4, 6, 6 and 7 on barley chromosomes 3H, 4H, 5H and 7H respectivel