12 research outputs found

    La Red Nacional de Ensayos Genéticos: una herramienta para la monitorización de la diversidad genética

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    La diversidad genética es un componente esencial de la biodiversidad. Mientras que las actuales técnicas de secuenciación permiten evaluar la diversidad genética neutral a un bajo coste, la evaluación de la diversidad genética en caracteres cuantitativos (de gran importancia adaptativa) constituirá en un futuro próximo la principal limitación pues sigue necesitando ensayos en ambiente común y condiciones ecológicas contrastadas, además de un seguimiento permanente. La Red Nacional de Ensayos Genéticos Forestales (GENFORED), creada al amparo de la Estrategia Española de Conservación y Uso sostenible de la diversidad genética, tiene como misión: servir de nexo entre los equipos involucrados en la gestión de ensayos, promover el uso de protocolos comunes, consensuados y científicamente validados y fomentar el uso compartido de datos, mejorando su rentabilidad y difusión. Así, esta Red ha permitido calcular la diversidad existente a nivel poblacional, parámetros de diferenciación entre poblaciones, así como niveles de diversidad intrapoblacional. La combinación de forma eficiente de estos datos con los obtenidos a partir de marcadores moleculares ofrece la posibilidad de constituirse en el método más eficaz para la monitorización de la diversidad genética a nivel nacional o europeo.Diversidad adaptativaInfraestructuras I+DEnsayos de ambiente comúnPublishedPóste

    Linkage of random amplified polymorphic DNA markers in Pinus halepensis Mill

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    A genetic linkage analysis involving 60 random decamer primers in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis MILL.), one of the most important Mediterranean conifers, is reported. Five trees originating from five natural Spanish populations and 40 haploid megagametophytes per tree were investigated based on joint segregation and independent assortment. Twenty-two decamers were selected for their stable and repeatable banding patterns and 10 of these produced 24 polymorphic loci that presented Mendelian inheritance. Some degree of segregation distortion was evident in 16% of the loci tested. A total of 155 linkage tests were executed based on LOD-scores and χ2 contingency tables. Six linkage groups that include 13 loci were detected OPA01750 OPP041200 OPP04930, OPA112500 OPA11950, OPA191150 OPA191090, OPN06690 OPN06420, OPN12450 OPN12300 and OPP10640 : OPP10600. Recombination frequencies were homogeneous across trees and chromosomal interference was found to be negative. Total consensus genetic map length ranged from 175 cM to 225 cM depending on the mapping function used. This is the first linkage study in this species using RAPD markers and single tree megagametophytes

    Evaluation of high resin yielders of Pinus pinaster Ait

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    The resin yield superiority of 51 selected high resin yielding candidate trees of Pinus pinaster Ait. in Central Spain, was evaluated over two years. The resin yield of each selected individual was compared to the yield of 10 control trees. Micro-chipping evaluations were carried out in a clonal bank to determine the clonal heritability and the correlation between the resin yield of the ortets and their ramets. The selection of candidate trees in the forest was quite effective, in comparison to that of the control trees (average production of 7.2 kg/tree/year in selected trees, 3.7 kg/tree/year in control trees). The candidate trees had slight differences in diameter, height, crown size and tree stocking when compared to control trees. However, there was no correlation between resin yield superiority and any of these morphological traits. Trees were selected over the large area in the forest and, to standardise the resin yield under different ecological conditions, the selection intensity of each candidate tree with respect to its ten control trees was computed. Eleven candidate trees (21%) yielded a selection intensity of over 3.3 (one tree selected from more than 800 trees) out of which three obtained a selection intensity greater than 4 (1 in 10,000 trees). In terms of actual resin production, ten trees produced more than 10 kg/tree/year, out of which one tree produced 25.1 kg/year. Strong correlation was recorded between the selection intensity and resin yield of the high yielders, indicating the superiority of the candidate trees, but not with the mean production of the control trees. A moderate correlation r = 0,63) was recorded between the resin yield of the otters with their micro-chipped clones, and high clonal heritability (h2 = 0.5) was obtained. These results indicate that the obtained high selection intensity of the high yielding trees was strongly influenced by genetic factors, and therefore, indicate the possibility of breeding for this trait in Pinus pinaster

    Effects of water stress and substrate fertility on the early growth of Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal from Ethiopian Savanna woodlands

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    Key message AcaciasenegalandAcacia seyalpresent different drought stress coping mechanisms that are independent of substrate fertility. Higher substrate fertility increased aboveground plant growth, even with low watering. The potential of native African tree species for agriculture and forestry have not yet been thoroughly investigated. In this experiment, we studied the early growth of Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal plants in an experiment with two substrates of contrasting fertility (low/high) and two watering frequency regimes (low = 24.40 l/m2 per month, high = 48.80 l/m2 per month). Our objectives were (1) to study whether the mechanisms by which nutrients affect plant growth at the seedling stage operate differently when water availability varies, and (2) to look for differences in the growth strategies of the two species in early stages. Higher substrate fertility increased aboveground plant growth at the expense of roots in both water regimes. Though water stress significantly limited growth under both soil conditions, substrate fertility effects were relatively higher in plants with low water supply than in those with high water supply. However, even with low resources the root-to-shoot ratio was between 0.7 and 0.9, plants presented adequate nutrition and no mortality was observed. This indicates opportunistic mechanisms for water and nutrient use. A. seyal showed the lowest negative pre-dawn stem water potential value (−0.15 MPa) and shed nearly all leaves in the hottest month of the assay, which suggests a different drought avoidance strategy and adaptation to water stress than A. senegal. Both species can be produced successfully in local nursery conditions and can survive and thrive with low watering. The study also demonstrated that fast growing genotypes can be effectively isolated in nursery conditions. © 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Evaluación precoz de la producción de miera en Pinus pinaster Ait

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    El presente trabajo analiza la eficacia de la minirresinación en árboles injertados de Pinus pinaster para evaluar la selección de árboles grandes productores de miera realizada en campo, así como estimar la heredabilidad clonal de la producción de miera. La minirresinación se realizó en 69 ramets de 17 clones de árboles grandes productores de miera y en 10 árboles controles (árboles no injertados, de producción normal) situados en el banco clonal de Carbonero (Segovia). La técnica consistió en picas cuadradas de 2,5 cm de lado durante los tres meses de máxima producción de miera (junio-agosto). Se dieron en total seis picas, una cada 15 días con posterior aplicación de estimulante (ácido sulfúrico en forma de pasta). La producción media de los árboles seleccionados es de 183 g, frente a una media de 107 g para los árboles control. Se han obtenido correlaciones positivas entre la producción de miera con la altura total del árbol evaluado (r = 0,45, & = 0,01) y con su diámetro (r = 0,43, & = 0,01). Existe un efecto significativo del clon en la producción de miera. La heredabilidad clonal (o repetibilidad) tiene un valor de 0,501 para la producción de resina, tras ajustar la producción mediante las covariables de altura y diámetro de cada uno de los árboles evaluados. La alta correlación (r = 0,63; " = 0,05) entre la superioridad del ortet (árbol seleccionado en monte, medida por su intensidad de selección) y la producción media de sus ramets (evaluados mediante minirresinación) demuestra la eficacia de ambos métodos de evaluación en los programas de mejora de la especie Pinus pinaste

    Assessing regional species pools for restoration programs in Spain

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    The relationship between current and potential distribution in 34 main Spanish forest tree species (data from the Third Spanish Forest Inventory) was determined using a Maximum Entropy functional approximation with climatic data as predictive variables. A method for detecting regional species pools at two different scales biogeoclimatic classes (CLATERES classification), and forest landscape types (WWF classification) has been proposed. Then, the Absence percentage for a species (i.e. the proportion of landscapes types or biogeoclimatic classes in which the species is included in the regional species pool but is actually not present) was determined. Results show higher figures of Potential Species Richness in the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian Range, while inland or coastal Mediterranean semiarid landscapes have lower figures. Using a classification based on biogeoclimatic variables (CLATERES) improves precision when estimating Absent Species Richness. Absence percentage is zero or close to zero for five species (Pinus uncinata, Quercus robur, Quercus ilex, Quercus humilis and Juniperus communis), while for other six species (Acer pseudoplatanus, Fraxinus angustifolia, Alnus glutinosa, Populus alba, Sorbus aucuparia and Pinus pinea) the figures are higher than 0.6, which means the species is absent in more than 60 % of the landscapes or biogeoclimatic classes that it could inhabit. The relationships between tree life traits and the absence of species from the ecosystems studied is slight but non-dominant species, species not subjected to forest management, or zonal species are less widely distributed that their climatic potentiality indicates. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht