26 research outputs found

    The south-eastern Anatolia project (GAP) in Turkey and Middle East in terms of economic, strategic and politic

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    The South-eastern Anatolia Region has political, economic, commercial and strategically importance as well as religious due to the fact that it has been used as settlement, and hosted for divine religions. This region is on the historical Silk Road, and Turkey part of the Mesopotamia, which means to the land between two rivers in Latin, composed of fertile soil and located in a geographical place where the energy resources roads crosses. There have been significant delays in the realization of the South-eastern Anatolia Project (GAP) due to the some external factors. In this study, we discuss political, economic, and strategically importance of the GAP project. In Turkey, background of the GAP is based on the Keban Dam Project in 1930s. GAP was firstly planned as irrigation and hydroelectric power plant (HEPP) projects on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. This project was transformed to multipurpose regional development program after 1980s. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers represent over 28% of the nation’s water supply by rivers, and the economically irrigable areas in the region make up 20% of those for the entry country. Turkey has a total gross hydropower potential of 433 billion kWh/year, but only 125 billion kWh/year of the total hydroelectric potential of Turkey can be economically used. By the construction of new hydropower plants, 36% of the economically usable potential of the country would be tapped. The GAP region has a 22% share of the country’s total hydroelectric potential, with plans for 22 dams and 19 hydroelectric power plants, installed capacity with 7500 MW. Once completed, 27 billion kWh of electricity will be generated annually. GAP also constitutes 21% irrigation potential of Turkey together with the irrigation area having approximately two millions hectare

    Linking the long-term variability in global wave energy to swell climate and redefining suitable coasts for energy exploitation

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    The sustainability of wave energy linked to the intra- and inter-annual variability in wave climate is crucial in wave resource assessment. In this study, we quantify the dependency of stability of wave energy flux (power) on long-term variability of wind and wave climate to detect a relationship between them. We used six decades of re-analysis wind and simulated wave climate in the entire globe and using two 30-yearly periods, we showed that not only the previously suggested minimum period of 10 years for wave energy assessment appears to be insufficient for detecting the influence of climate variability, but also the selection period for wave energy assessment can lead to an over/underestimation of about 25% for wave power. In addition, we quantified the dependency of rates of change of wave power, wind speed and wave parameters and showed that the change in wave power is mainly a function of change in swell wave climate globally. Finally, we redefined the suitability of global hotspots for wave energy extraction using intra-annual fluctuation, long-term change, and the available wave power for the period of six decades. The results highlight the importance of climate variability in resource assessment, sustainability, and prioritizing the hotspots for future development

    Development of hydropower energy in two adjacent basins (northeast of turkey)

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    The main objective in doing the present study is to investigate the sustainable development ofhydropower plants in two adjacent basins being located in northeast of Turkey, which are the Coruhriver basin being the least problem river of Turkey in respect to international cooperation as comparedwith Turkey's other trans-boundary waters and the Eastern Black Sea Basin (EBSB) having greatadvantages from the view point of small hydropower potential or hydropower potential without storage among 25 hydrological basins in Turkey. The contribution of the hydropower energy potentialin these basins to reconstruction of Turkey electricity structure is investigated and a comparison inbetween is carried out. Finally, it is found that the EBSB will be corresponded from 8.3% and 10.3%of nowadays total electricity energy production and net electricity consumption of Turkey, while Coruh river basin will provide 7.40% and 9.19% of total electric generation and electricity consumption of Turkey, respectively, after all hydropower projects within these basins are commissioned. In other words, one-fifth of Turkey's electricity consumption will be met from northeast of Turkey. For this reason, development studies and investments in the hydropower sector should be encouraged and supported and projects within these basins should be put into operation assoon as possible

    Comparative Performance Analysis of Different Wind Fields in Southern and North-Western Coastal Areas of the Black Sea

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    This study determines the qualities of atmospheric wind field data in comparison with wind measurements at five locations along the Black Sea coast. For this purpose, four different wind fields were obtained from three different weather centres (NCEP, NASA, and ECMWF). Three of these are reanalyses winds (Climate Forecast System Reanalysis CFSR, Modern-Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications MERRA, ECMWF reanalyses ERA-Interim) and one is the operational dataset (ECMWF operational). The performance of them was determined using the wind measurements from 2000 to 2014 at five coastal locations along the southern coastline of the Black Sea (Kumköy, Amasra, Sinop, Giresun, Hopa) and from 2006 to 2009 at offshore location (Gloria) off the coast of Romania. Performances of these wind fields were determined based on statistical characteristics (mean, standard deviation and variation coefficient etc.), statistical error analysis for all data and for different wind speed intervals, wind roses and probability distributions. Besides, long-term variations of yearly error values (SI and bias) of wind speeds from wind data sources during 2000 - 2014 were discussed. Finally, it was concluded that the CFSR winds give the best performance at most stations. The ECMWF datasets yield better results along the western side but CFSR wind fields have shown better performance along the eastern side of the Black Sea coast and at Gloria offshore location

    Performance evaluation of a global CMIP6 single forcing, multi wave model ensemble of wave climate simulations

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    A performance evaluation is conducted for a state-of-the-art Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6)-derived ensemble of global wave climate simulations. A single-model (forcing), single-scenario approach is considered to build the ensemble, where the differentiating factor between each member is the wave model or physics parameterization used to simulate waves. The 7-member ensemble is evaluated for the 1995-2014 historical period, highlighting the impact of the multiple source terms on its robustness. The ensemble’s ability to accurately represent the present wave climate is assessed through an extensive comparison with long-term ERA5 reanalysis and in-situ observational data. Relevant aspects such as the depiction of extremes and natural wave climate variability are analyzed, and inter-member uncertainties are quantified. Overall, the results indicate that the ensemble is able to accurately simulate the global wave climate, regarding the significant wave height (), mean and peak wave periods ( and , respectively) and mean wave direction (). However, we show that using multiple wave models and parameterizations should be cautiously considered when building ensembles, even under the same forcing conditions. Model-parameterization-induced ensemble spreads during the historical period are found to be high, compromising the robustness of projected changes in wave parameters towards the end of the 21 century across several areas of the global ocean

    On the assessment of the wave modeling uncertainty in wave climate projections

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    This study investigates the epistemic uncertainty associated with the wave propagation modeling in wave climate projections. A single-forcing, single-scenario, seven-member global wave climate projection ensemble is used, developed using three wave models with a consistent numerical domain. The uncertainty is assessed through projected changes in wave height, wave period, and wave direction. The relative importance of the wave model used and its internal parameterization are examined. The former is the dominant source of uncertainty in approximately two-thirds of the global ocean. The study reveals divergences in projected changes from runs of different models and runs of the same model with different parameterizations over 75% of the ensemble mean change in several ocean regions. Projected changes in the wave period shows the most significant uncertainties, particularly in the Pacific Ocean basin, while the wave height shows the least. Over 30% of global coastlines exhibit significant uncertainties in at least two out of the three wave climate variables analyzed. The coasts of western North America, the Maritime Continent and the Arabian Sea show the most significant wave modeling uncertainties

    Wave modeling uncertainty in global wave climate projections: assessment and quantification

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    Ocean wind waves are projected to changeover the twenty-first century under a warming climate. The standard approach to conduct these studies is based on wave climate projections. These products represent future wave climates, for different scenarios, developed using forcing drivers from global climate models (GCMs) or regional climate models (RCMs). Projected changes in wave climate are affected by multiple sources of uncertainty (see Figure): aleatoric uncertainty, socio-economic scenario uncertainty, uncertainty related to GCMs and the epistemic uncertainty associated with the wave modeling

    Uncertainties in wave-driven longshore sediment transport projections presented by a dynamic CMIP6-based ensemble

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    In this study four experiments were conducted to investigate uncertainty in future longshore sediment transport (LST) projections due to: working with continuous time series of CSIRO CMIP6-driven waves (experiment #1) or sliced time series of waves from CSIRO-CMIP6-Ws and CSIRO-CMIP5-Ws (experiment #2); different wave-model-parametrization pairs to generate wave projections (experiment #3); and the inclusion/exclusion of sea level rise (SLR) for wave transformation (experiment #4). For each experiment, a weighted ensemble consisting of offshore wave forcing conditions, a surrogate model for nearshore wave transformation and eight LST models was used. The results of experiment # 1 indicated that the annual LST rates obtained from a continuous time series of waves were influenced by climate variability acting on timescales of 20-30 years. Uncertainty decomposition clearly reveals that for near-future coastal planning, a large part of the uncertainty arises from model selection and natural variability of the system (e.g., on average, 4% scenario, 57% model, and 39% internal variability). For the far future, the total uncertainty consists of 25% scenario, 54% model and 21% internal variability. Experiment #2 indicates that CMIP6 driven wave climatology yield similar outcomes to CMIP5 driven wave climatology in that LST rates decrease along the study area’s coast by less than 10%. The results of experiment #3 indicate that intra- and inter-annual variability of LST rates are influenced by the parameterization schemes of the wave simulations. This can increase the range of uncertainty in the LST projections and at the same time can limit the robustness of the projections. The inclusion of SLR (experiment #4) in wave transformation, under SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, yields only meagre changes in the LST projections, compared to the case no SLR. However, it is noted that future research on SLR influence should include potential changes in nearshore profile shapes

    Çift Yanlı Doğrusal Hareketli Sürekli Mıknatıslı Senkron Motorun Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, bir Çift Yanlı Doğrusal Hareketli Sürekli Mıknatıslı Senkron Motorun tasarımı yapılarak parametreleri belirlenmiş ve belirlenen parametreler ile test sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. İlk olarak motorun tasarım detayları verilmiş ardından motor parametrelerinin elde edilmesinde kullanılan yöntemler aktarılmıştır. Parametrelerin bulunmasında üç farklı yöntem kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemlerden birincisi klasik yöntem olan deneysel yöntemdir. İkinci olarak hassas bir dijital LCR metreden elde edilen sonuçlardır. Üçüncü olarak ürün kodu LG-SV022İG5A-4 olan motor sürücüsünden elde edilen sonuçlardır. Bu sonuçlarla hazırlanan bilgisayar programı yardımı ile motor test edilmiştir. Test sonuçlarından elde edilen akım, frekans, itme kuvveti ve hız grafikleri verilmiş ve bu sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir

    Predictability of long-term change in global wave energy resources based on wind and wave climate variability

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    The development of ocean renewable energy (ORE) can assist additional sources in tackling the impact of changing climate. However, ocean resources are highly affected by climate change impact themselves. Hence, it is important to investigate such impact and consider the climate change impact in sustainability criteria for planning, site selection, and technology development of OREs. In order to assess the sustainability of global wave energy, we utilized five decades of historical re-analysis wave climate to first, investigate the long-term change of wave resources in different time scales, and, second, to show the relation between the change of different wind and wave parameters. Defining such a relationship can be used in the prediction of future changes in wave resources based on change in various wind and wave characteristics for sustainable development purposes