11 research outputs found

    The outsourcing in ship management: Turkish ship owners' attitudes to third party ship management companies

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    Dış kaynak kullanımı yönetimsel bir karar olup neredeyse her sektörde yaygın hale gelmeye başlamıştır. Küreselleşmenin, rekabetin ve çok hızlı değişen çevre koşullarının etkisiyle dış kaynak kullanımına olan talep artmış bu durum denizcilik sektörünü de etkisi altına almıştır. Armatörler için en önemli ve en kapsamlı konu olan gemi yönetimi kavramı çeşitli yönetim türleri ve buna bağlı olan pek çok çeşit alt hizmetten oluşmaktadır. Bu kadar kapsamlı ve zaman zaman karmaşıklaşan bir kavram olan gemi yönetiminin çeşitli nedenlerle bu alanda uzmanlaşmış kişilere devredilmesi giderek kaçınılmaz olmaktadır. Çok hızlı değişen piyasa koşulları, yasal düzenlemeler ve diğer çevresel faktörler; her geçen gün gemi sahiplerini bu alanda uzman olan işletmelerden hizmet almaya zorlamaktadır. Üçüncü taraf gemi yönetim işletmeleri olarak adlandırılan bu tür uzman işletmelerden gemi yönetim hizmeti alma özellikle Avrupa ve Amerika?da son derece yaygın olarak kullanılırken, bu sektör Türkiye?de henüz o kadar yaygın kullanılır hale gelememiştir. Bu çalışmada, bunun nedenleri araştırılarak Türk armatörlerinin üçüncü taraf gemi yönetim işletmelerine yönelik bakış açıları incelenmek istenmiş ve Türk armatörlerine bir anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. As a managerial decision, the outsourcing has become prevalent in almost every sector. With the effects of the globalisation, competition and rapidly changing environmental conditions, the demand for outsourcing has increased and this situation also has taken hold of the maritime sector. The ship management concept, which is the most important and comprehensive subject for the ship owners, consists of different management types and a wide range of sub services connected to it. It?s getting more inevitable to assign the ship management, an outstanding concept covering a huge scope of principles and sometimes getting more and more complicating, to the professional managers for a variety of reasons. Therefore, rapidly changing market conditions, legal regulations and other environmental factors force ship owners to get service from the professionals. While taking services from certain specialist businesses called third party ship mangement companies, has become highly prevalent especially in Europe and America, such practice has not yet widely preferred in Turkey. In this study, the reasons of this situation were searched. The attitudes and/or perceptions of Turkish ship owners towards third party ship management companies were analyzed and a questionnaire was conducted through Turkish ship owners

    Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research

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    Tramp shipping has played an important role in world seaborne trade since the 19th century. Shipowner companies operating in tramp shipping, which is a mean of maritime transport associated with bulk cargoes that make up three-quarters of all maritime trade, also provide an important economic power to the sector. These shipowners need to grow by making profitable investments in order to survive and maintain their competitive advantage in such a dynamic and competitive market. Based on this, in the exploratory study, fifteen interviews were made with the managers of the fifteen shipowner companies operating in the field of tramp shipping sector, and their opinions were taken about the concept of growth, growth in terms of quality-quantity, the reasons for growth, the factors considered, and the problems encountered in growth process. The data obtained as a result of the interviews were analysed with MAXQDA 2020, a computer-aided qualitative data analysis program. According to the results of the research, it has been determined that the shipowner companies mostly grow by expanding their fleet; market conditions and economic situation of maritime sector play an important role in the decision to grow, and financing, economic crises and government policies and laws are barriers to growth