30 research outputs found

    Anti-allergic activity of Glycopeptide isolated from Perilla frutescens BRITTON

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    The anti-allergic activity of Perilla glycopeptide (Pe-GP) isolated from dried Perilla frutescens BRH-TON leaves was investigated. Pe-GP was found to be effective in inhibiting histamine release from IgE-sensitized rat peritoneal mast cells induced by a specific antigen. The histamine release induced by several substances such as concanavalin A, compound 48/80, mastoparan, and ionophore A23187, was also found to be inhibited by Pe-OP. These results suggest that Pe-GP mainly interrupts a pathway of histamine release after calcium influx. Anti-allergic activity of Pe-GP was investigated by ear-swelling response in mice that had been passively sensitized with IgE via intravenous injection. Pe-GP, injected intraperitoneally before exposure to the antigen, was found to inhibit the allergic response in a dosedependent manner (5-100 mg/kg). Pe-GP shows promise as an anti-allergic substance for medical use as well as in health foods. シソ(Perilla frutescens B_)葉熱水抽出液から分離精製されたシソ糖ペプチド(Pe-GP,6kDa)の抗アレルギー活性を検討した。Pe-GPは,ラット腹腔内より単離してIgEで感作したマスト細胞において,特異抗原で刺激したときに誘発されるヒスタミン遊離反応を抑制した。同様にPe-GPはconcanavalin A,compound48/80,mastoparan,ionophore A23187などの誘発するヒスタミン遊離反応も抑制した。これらの結果からPe-GPはヒスタミン遊離機構のうちカルシウム動員以降の経路を主として抑えると考えられる。Pe-GPの生体内における抗アレルギー活性は,IgEを静注して受動感作したマウスの耳介浮腫反応により検討した。抗原塗布前にあらかじめ腹腔内に投与しておくと,Pe-GPは5-100mg/mlの範囲で濃度依存的に浮腫を抑制し抗アレルギー活性を示した。Pe-GPの抗アレルギー活性を有する医薬品としての開発が,健康食品と同様,期待される

    Medial Closed Wedge Distal Femoral Osteotomy Using a Novel Plate With an Optimal Compression System

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    Medial closed wedge distal femoral osteotomy (MCWDFO) has been widely performed for lateral-compartment osteoarthritis since the development of a biplanar osteotomy technique using existing MCWDFO-specific plates. To further improve this system and the technique, we have developed a newly designed MCWDFO plate (TriS-MDFO; Olympus Terumo Biomaterials). The improved shape of the plate consists of a larger head-shaft angle to fit the distal femur after MCWDFO, more distally oriented distal screws to enable longer screw insertion, and a diamond-shaped plate head to avoid interference with the medial patellofemoral ligament. Technically, to overcome the difficulty in inserting proximal screws through the vastus medialis muscle, a cannulated screw system was employed. This system can prevent difficulties in removing the screw due to cross-threading when plate removal is required. Furthermore, we designed a novel compression hook device with a bulb-shaped head to hook on a screw hole to apply a compressive force to the osteotomized site. On the plate side, a characteristic 1.5 mm-thickness stopper is installed to prevent slippage of the hook device. This optimal compression system can minimize the risk of lateral hinge fracture during the compression procedure. These improvements in the TriS-MDFO may increase the ease and safety of MCWDFO