5 research outputs found

    Kajian mengenai pembangunan dan penilaian format manual pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam CD-interaktif bagi pelajar kejuruteraan elektrik di politeknik-politeknik Malaysia

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    Seiring dengan era perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi masa kini, maka adalah wajar dikatakan para pendidik perlu menyesuai serta mengaplikasikan konsep multimedia dalam teknologi pendidikan bagi memotivasi dan membantu proses pembelajaran pelajar. Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk menghasilkan format manual pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) dalam CDInterahifpendidikan. Tujuan pembangunan format manual P&P ini adalah untuk membantu serta memberi panduan kepada para pensyarah dalam menyediakan pakej pengajaran dan pembelajaran mereka berasaskan CD-Interahif supaya lebih mantap bagi mencapai matlamat dan objeh.1:ifyang dikehendaki, Penilaian ke atas kajian ini adalah berdasarkan instrumen yang digunakan iaitu melalui borang soal selidik. Seramai 60 orang responden yang dipilih secara rawak terlibat dalam kajian ini, Responden ini terdiri daripada 8 orang pensyarah yang mengajar, 2 orang pensyarah pakar dalam menilai produk dan 50 orang pelajar semester 1, Sijil Kejuruteraan Elektrik di Politeknik Johor Bahru yang mengambil matapelajaran Teknologi Elektrik 1, Analisis data kajian ini seterusnya diproses dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) versi 10,0 secara h.llantitatif bagi mendapatkan nilai peratusan dan skor min, Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pembangunan format manual P&P dalam CD-Interah.1.ifini penting dalam menyediakan pakej P&P yang berkesan dari segi menepati ciri-ciri yang dikehendaki, kesesuaian dan kekangannya apabila ia diaplikasikan di Politeknik Johor Bahru


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    This paper entitled “the effectiveness of using miming game in teaching the present continuous tense” is written as partial fulfillment of the recruitments of sarjana pendidikan degree. The objective of this research is to know whether miming game is effective to improve the students’ mastery of present continuous tense and to know the students’ response to ward the method. This research is conducted to answer the question: Is the miming games technique effective to improve students’ mastery of present continuous tense? And What are the students’ response toward the use of miming game in learning present continuous tense? A pre- experimental research is applied as the research design in the first grade students of Mts Negeri 1 Bandung. The sample of this research is class H with the total 30 students as sample. The technique used to gain the data is tests, those are pre-test, and post-test, and also questionnaire. And the result of the value of t- that is 5.691 with the df = 29 at p = 0.05 of two tailed, the critical value of t-table is 2.045. As the value of the derived t- is higher than t-table (5.691 > 2.045) so that the Null Hypotheses (Ho) is rejected and the Alternative Hypotheses (Ha) is accepted meaning that there is significant difference in the result of students score before and after the treatment using miming game. This means that the use of miming game in teaching present continuous tense to the first grade of Mts Negeri 1 Bandung is effective. Furthermore, from the questionnaire, most of the students gave positive response toward the use of miming game in learning present continuous tense. This can be seen from the result of the questionnaire that miming game make them motivated in learning English especially present continuous tense.Key word : Game, Teaching, present continuous tens

    Entwicklung der Risiko- und Prognoseberichterstattung am deutschen Kapitalmarkt

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