56 research outputs found

    調理によるワカメ中の無機成分の変化(B. 生活科学)

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    The objective of this investigation was to determine the effects of mineral contents, hardness and color of the ash-treated and untreated Wakame thalls during storage at 20℃ condition. On the other hand, mineral contents and hardness of dipped specimens in water were evaluated, and also, the influences of mineral contents in cooked specimens were estimated from viewpoint of cooking. The obtained results were as follows; 1) Although mineral contents of untreated specimens did not markedly change during 70 days storage, calcium and iron contents of ash-treated specimens were remarkably increased after 30 days storage. The hardness of ash-treated specimens was higher than that of untreated ones, but the both of them was gradually decreased after 30 days storage, and the fresh color of ashtreated specimens was maintained in comparison with untreated ones. 2) All mineral elements in specimens were more or less decreasd by dipping treatment in water, and especially, potassium, natrium, calcium and iron in specimens were more eluted after dipping treatment for 5 to 10 minutes. Bisides, the hardness of the both of ash-treated and untreated specimens was gradually decreased according as long of dipping time, but the hardness of asn-treated specimens was exceeded in comparison with untreated ones. 3) All mineral elements in specimens were more or less decreased by treatments of dipping in vinegar, boiling and dipping in hot water, and especially, calcium and magnesium contents in specimens were remarkably decreased by dipping treatment in vinegar

    加熱調理によるジャガイモ中の無機成分の動向(B. 生活科学)

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    The purpose of the present work was to determine the changes in mineral elements in potato (CV. DANSHAKU) as affected by heating cookery of four various treatments. As the obtained results, mineral elements in potato were more or less decreased by boiling treatments, and especially, potassium was decreased remarkably. However, no differences in elements elution was measured by steaming, baking and frying treatments. On the other hands, saturation or elution of mineral elements were resulted between seasoning solution and potato by using boiling treatments with seasoning solution scuh as soy sauce or ketchup. In those treatments, potassium and magnesium in potato were eluted into seasoning solution, and on the contrary, sodium and iron were clearly permeated into potato by boiling treatments with 7% soy sauce plus 10% sugar or 14% tomato ketchup plus 0.5% salt

    調理における"つける"操作過程での食品の吸水および保水率ならびに無機成分溶出率の変化 : 干ダイコン, カンピョウについて(B. 生活科学)

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    本研究は, 干ダイコンおよびカンピョウを用い, 調理時の"つける"操作過程での組織の吸水率, 保水率ならびに無機成分のつけ汁中への溶出率の変化を調査した。その結果, 干ダイコンでは50℃浸漬が急速吸水に有効であり, カンピョウでは塩添加もみの操作を加えることによって著しく吸水を促進した。また, それぞれの操作によって吸水率が高い場合には保水率も高い傾向を示した。つけ汁中への無機成分(Fe, MgおよびK)の溶出は, 干ダイコンでは著しくは温度に関係なく, 5分ないし10分間の短時間浸漬で約50%前後の溶出率を示し, 長時間浸漬との間に大きな差異はなかった。カンピョウでは元素によってその溶出率は多少相違はみられたが, とくに塩添加もみを加えることによってMgおよびKの溶出を著しく促進し, もみなし方法に比べて約2倍の溶出率となったことが注目された。以上の結果から, ミネラル給源として, これら乾燥食品のつけ汁の有効利用をはかることも, より望ましいことが調理科学の立場から示唆された。These studies were carried out to determine the effects of soaking treatment on absorptive degree, water-hold capacity and solubility of mineral elements (Fe, Mg, K) in dried strips of radish and dried gourd shavings. As the results, absorption of water in dried strips of radish was rapidly accelerated by using hot water (50℃), and that of dried gourd shavings was progressed remarkably by rubbing with salt before soaking treatment. In a significant tendency, it was seen that water-hold capacity was high in the case of high absorption of water by soaking treatment on these materials. While, the solubilities of iron, magnesium and potassium in the soaking water during 5 or 10 minutes on dried strips of radish were recognized about 50% of total content on each elements and that of 5 hours treatment was not different remarkably. Especially, the solubilities of magnesium and potassium in the soaking water of dried grourd shavings by rubbing with salt before soaking treatment were twice as much as non-rubbing. In these results, it indicates that these soaking water were good source of mineral apply on the cooking, from view point of science of cookery

    凝固剤を異にする豆腐中並びにその製造過程における産物中の無機成分含量の変化(B. 生活科学)

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    These studies were carried out to determine the effects of mineral contents (iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium) in Tofu and some by-products as affected by six kinds of coagulants. Calcium sulfate, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, glucono delta lactone, natural nigari and mixed nigari (being used at Tofu shop) were used as coagulants. As the results, water-hold capacity was highest in the case of using calcium sulfate, and taste was best in the case of using natural nigari. Magnesium, calcium and potassium contents in Tofu were higher than the other elements. Especially, magnesium contents in Momen-tofu was remarkably increased by using magnesium chloride, natural nigari and mixed nigari, and calcium content was increased by using calcium sulfate and calcium chloride, but iron, sodium and potassium contents did not markedly change in any coagulants. While, calcium content in Kinu-tofu added calcium sulfate and potassium content in Kinu-tofu added any coagulants were higher than that of Momen-tofu, remarkably. Especially, potassium content in \u27yu\u27 was noticeably higher than that of Tofu and \u27Okara\u27 (bean-curd refuse). On the other hands, elution rate of potassium in Momen- and Kinu-tofu was increased accompany with dipping time in water, clearly. Although elution rate of each elements in Momen-tofu did not markedly change in any coagulants, but difference of elution rate in Kinu-tofu was recognized by coagulants

    調理における"つける"操作過程での食品の吸水および保水率ならびに無機成分溶出率の変化 : シイタケ, ユバおよびヒジキについて(B. 生活科学)

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    本研究ではシイタケ, ユバ, ヒジキを用い, "つける"操作過程での吸水率, 保水率ならびに無機成分の浸漬水中への溶出率の変化を調べた。その結果, ユバでは浸漬開始から5分間でほとんど吸水が完了したのに比べ, シイタケ, ヒジキでは1時間まで徐徐に吸水が行われ, 材料によって吸水の経時的変化に著しい差異のあることが認められた。無機成分については, Na, Kの浸漬水への溶出が多く, ことにシイタケを50℃で浸漬した場合には5時間経過後には90%の溶出率を示す結果となった。CaおよびMgもNa, Kにつぐ溶出率を示したが, 試料によって溶出の経時的変化に大きな差異が見られ, シイタケ, ヒジキに比べ, ユバでの溶出が短時間で急速に起こったことが注目された。なお, シイタケの糖は50℃の水温で浸漬すると, 20℃の場合より溶出が一層促進された。The effects of soaking treatment on absorptive degree, water-hold capacity and solubility of mineral elements in dried Shiitake, dried Yuba and Hijiki were examined. As the results, absorption of water in dried Yuba was almost completed at 5 minutes after soaking treatment, and that of dried Shiitaki and Hijiki were continued gradually until 1 hour after soaking treatment. While, the elution of sodium and potassium in these materials were high, especially solubilities of potassium in dried Shiitake at 5 hours treatment by using hot water (50℃) were recognized about 90% of total content. The elution of mineral elements in dried Yuba was more accelerated than that of dried Shiitake and Hijiki. Solubilities of sugar in dried Shiitake by soaking with high temperature water (50℃) were high as compared with low temperature water (20℃)

    枝豆の品質に及ぼす収穫時期と貯蔵温度の影響(B. 生活科学)

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    大豆の利用拡大を図る目的で, 極大粒種のオオツル, 普通黄大豆タマホマレ, 緑大豆井手町在来の3品種を用い, 枝豆としての収穫時期の判定と, 収穫後の品質変化について検討した。本実験で用いた大豆3品種とも一莢当りの種子数が1,2粒と枝豆用の品種に比べ少なく, また収穫までの生育日数も長くかかることがわかった。大豆の風味や品質に関与する還元糖, アミノ酸, アスコルビン酸は種子の成熟にしたがい減少した。しかし, 全糖は増加傾向にあった。大豆の莢の外観による収穫適期の判定には, CIEのa値が化学成分の変化と高い相関関係にあることがわかった。収穫後の品質保持には, 低温貯蔵が有効であるが, 井手町在来のように, 20℃貯蔵でも全糖, アミノ酸含量の減少が少ない品種のあることがわかった。Green soybean seeds (Edamame) have higher levels of ascorbic acid, sugars, such as glucose, and sucrose, and free amino acids than matured beans. These compounds depend on the tastable quality of soybean seeds and decrease rapidly after harvest. In this paper, the seeds of 3 cultivars, which are Otsuru, Tamahomare, and Ide-cho zairai were used to evaluate their acceptability for Edamame. The harvest periods of these soybean were later than the Edamame cultivars and were about 50 to 63 days after flowering. The seeds of a pod contained mainly one and two and three seeds was only 2 to 10 percent of total pods. Reducing sugar, free amino acids, ascorbic acid contents showed a decline of these cultivars during maturation. These changes coincided with CIE a values of seed pods. After harvest, ascorbic acid and free amino acid contents in three cultivars decreased rapidly at 20℃ storage. Total sugar content in Ide-cho zairai remained more or less constant up to 7 days at 5° and 20℃ storage. From these results, it was found that these cultivars had fewer seeds per a pod, but were exploited for fresh vegetables, such as snack, salad, side dish and so on. Among the rest, Ide-cho zairai was better keeping quality after harvest

    京都特産黒大豆の枝豆利用に関する研究(B. 生活科学)

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    Black beans (Glycine max Merrill forma Kuromame Makino) are used to make Nimame (seasoned boiled beans) and their taste and texture are prefered in Japan. There are many cultivars of black beans and \u27Shin-tanbaguro\u27 is one of the main cultivers in Kyoto. In this paper, \u27Shin-tanbaguro\u27 is used to evaluate its availability for green soybeans (Edamame). The optimal harvest periods for edamame ranged from 60 to 65 days after flowering. The seed volume and weight was larger than yellow and green beans. The seeds of a pod contained mainly one and two. The chemical compositions were high total sugars, free amino acids and ascorbic acid contents in \u27Shin-tanbaguro\u27. Total sugar and free amino acids contents were decreased with storage after harvest. The seed coat color turned green to purple with heat treatment. The hardness of cotyledon with good texture and acceptable taste was about 0.7 to 0.9 kgf and cooking time obtained for 20min with boiling water contained 0.5% NaCl. Our results indicate green beans of \u27Shin-tanbaguro\u27 may contribute to fresh vegetables and snack materials

    黄色カリフラワーの調理特性に関する研究(B. 生活科学)

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    Yellow cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L., Botrytis group) was packed with low density polyethylene bag (30μm thickness : 50×54cm) non-hermertically and stored at 5℃ and room temperature (15-22℃) for freshness test. It was kept fresh about 15 days at 5℃ storage and 5 days at room temp. as same as white head type. Yellow type had higher carotene content than white one. They also contained significant amount of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and vitamin C. The color of head was quickly changed; CIE (1976) L and a values were decreased and b value was increased up to 2 min during boiling. The better treatment to keep good yellow color was added to flour (0.5%) into boiling water. The volatile responsible for the cooked odor was found 2-ethylhexanoic acid and the formation of this compound was suppressed to boil with flour, vinegar, and lemon juice. From these results, the new type cauliflower can be good materials for salad and relish

    野菜漬物中の無機成分の変化(B. 生活科学)

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    キュウリ, ナス, キャベツを用いて塩漬け及び糠漬けを行い, 漬け込み後経日的にpHの変化並びに無機成分の挙動を調べた。1.塩漬け, 糠漬けのいずれの場合も, 漬け材料, 糠床及び漬け汁ともに経日的にpHは低下した。2.塩漬けのキュウリ, ナス及びキャベツ中のNa含量は経日的に増加したが, キュウリ, キャベツ中のMg, Ca, K含量は減少するのに対し, ナス中では増加することが認められた。3.糠漬けのキュウリ, ナス及びキャベツ中のNa及びMg含量は増加し, Ca含量は減少した。また, ナス中のK含量は漸増したが, キュウリ, キャベツ中では減少する傾向が認められた。These studies were carried out to know the changes in mineral contents in cucumber, egg plant and cabbage as affected by soaking treatment. The vegetables were pickled using 5% or 2% salt and soaked in rice bran mash. The results obtained were as follows; 1. After soaking treatment, the pH values of vegetables, rice bran mash and eluted solution from vegetables were decreased during the soaking. 2. Sodium content in cucumber, egg plant and cabbage in salting was increased rapidly, and although magnesium, calcium and potassium contents in cucumber and cabbage were decreased, these elements contents in egg plant were contrary increased during the period of salting. 3. On the other hand, sodium, magnesium contents in cucumber, egg plant and cabbage soaked in rice bran mash were increased remarkably, but calcium content in them was decreased. In addition, potassium content in egg plant was increased sightly, but it was decreased in cucumber and cabbage during the soaking

    もやしの無機成分に関する研究(B. 生活科学)

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    種々の原料種子を用いてもやしを製造し, その無機成分含有量について調べたところ, 次のような結果を得た。1) 原料種子に多く含まれる無機成分はもやしにも多く含まれた。各無機成分は概して子葉部総量の方が伸長部総量よりも多かったが, 伸長部の生育が盛んになると伸長部総量が増加した。2) ブラックマッペもやしは生育に伴って伸長部生鮮重量が増加したが, 子葉部生鮮重量は減少した。また, 生育に伴い各無機成分の子葉部総量が減少し, 伸長部総量が増加した。3) ブラックマッペもやしの製造にCaCl_2溶液を用いたが, このCaCl_2処理によって胚軸部の硬さが増し, 子葉部・伸長部の総Ca量および子葉部生鮮重量が増加した。一方, 伸長部生鮮重量は減少した。These studies were carried out to determine mineral contents (iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium) in 8 different seed sprouts. The obtained results were as follows : 1) Mineral contents which were high in raw seeds were also high in their own seed sprouts. In generally, the total amount of mineral contents in cotyledon was higher than that of hypocotyl and young root. But the latter period, these contents were increased with the development of hypocotyl and young root. 2) While fresh weight of hypocotyl and young root was increased, that of cotyledon was decreased with the growth of black gram sprouts. The total amount of mineral contents in cotyledon was decreased, and on the contrary, that of hypocotyl and young root was increased with the growth of black gram sprouts. 3) Black gram sprouts were cultivated by using CaCl_2 solution. By CaCl_2 treatment, hardness of hypocotyl was enhanced and furthermore the total amount of calcium in both cotyledon and hypocotyl+young root and fresh weight of cotyledon were increased. However, fresh weight of hypocotyl and young root was decreased