478 research outputs found


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    In a survey carried out between April and December, 2003 to investigate the incidence of reproductive pathology among cows slaughtered at Zuru central abattoir and some selected slaughter slabs within Zuru emirate, Kebbi State, a total of 84(16.8%) abnormalities were recorded from 500 female genitalia examined. The incidence of various abnormalities observed included bilateral Ovarian follicular cysts (1.6%), Endometritis (0.4%), Uterine hypoplasia (1.0%), Pyometra(1.2%), Ovarian tumour (0.2%), Cystic endometrial hyperplasia (0.4%), Para ovarian cyst (0.2%), Vulvo-vaginitis (1.6%), Salpingitis (2.0%), Ovarian abscess (0.2%), Ovarian agenesis (2.0%) and vulva tick infestation (6.0%). From this study, tick infestation of the vulva ranked the highest genital pathological condition recorded and the ticks were identified as Boophilus spp. This was closely followed by Salpingitis and Ovarian agenesis. These conditions most times result into conception failures, abortions or still births, situations that often lead to the culling of the animals by their owners. It is suggested that timely medical interventions to diagnose and treat these genital disorders will however save some of these economic losses. This study provides information on the diseases affecting reproductive tracts as well as their adverse effects and significance in cattle production and breeding in Nigeria. It recommends a close watch on the cattle industry by relevant stake holders with a view to preventing unwarranted slaughter of viable cows erroneously believed to be unproductive. &nbsp

    An Economic Feasibility Model for Sustainable 5G Networks in Rural Dwellings of South Africa

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    Numerous factors have shown Internet-based technology to be a key enabler in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDG), as well as narrowing the divide between the global north and south. For instance, smart farming, remote/online learning, and smart grids can be used to, respectively, address SDGs 1 and 2 (ending poverty and hunger), 3 (quality education), and 7 and 9 (energy and infrastructure development). Though such Internet-based solutions are commonplace in the global north, they are missing or sparsely available in global south countries. This is due to several factors including underdevelopment, which dissuades service providers from investing heavily in infrastructure for providing capable Internet solutions such as 5G networks in these regions. This paper presents a study conducted to evaluate the feasibility of deploying 5G networks in the rural dwellings of South Africa at affordable rates, which would then serve as a pre-cursor for deploying solutions to improve lives and achieve the SDGs. The study evaluates the economic viability of a hybrid network model which combines terrestrial and aerial networks to provide 5G coverage in rural areas. The feasibility study reveals that such a network can be engineered at low monthly subscription fees to the end users and yield good returns to the service providers in rural areas; however, for large but sparsely populated suburban locations, the traditional terrestrial network with base stations is more suitable

    Concurrent pleomorphic adenoma in parapharyngeal space and submandibular gland

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    BACKGROUND: Pleomorphic adenoma in the parapharyngeal space either occurs de novo or as an extension from the deep lobe of the parotid gland. CASE PRESENTATION: A rare synchronous occurrence of pleomorphic adenoma in the parapharyngeal space and submandibular gland of a 48-year-old Nigerian male is reported. CONCLUSION: Pleomorphic adenoma concurrent in the parapharyngeal space and submandibular gland is very rare. A complete surgical excision of both tumors is the treatment of choice

    Sustainablility of Agricultural Transformation Agenda: The Place of Rice Farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Self-sufficiency in rice production and processing has eluded Nigeria for a long time despite continuous efforts by the Federal Government of Nigeria towards its realization. Chains of activities in the Nigerian rice production and processing industry are largely executed manually and on small scale level. Thus, the issues of value chain aspects that would have improved the profitability of the rice industry have only just been taken into consideration as part of the Presidential Initiative – Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA).This study examines the prospect of Agricultural Transformation Agenda amongst rice farmers in Ogun State where rice production is a growing industry in attempt to achieve food sustainability in line with the Agricultural Transformation Agenda. Well-structured and validated questionnaires are used to survey and report the activities and processes carried out by the rice farmers in target area. However, part of the result of the survey indicated that the level of awareness of Agricultural Transformation Agenda is still very low in the study area. There is need for a conscious and concerted effort to be made by relative Government Agencies to create greater awareness about ATA for the rice farmers and others involved in empowering the growth of the rice industry, otherwise the vision and motives of Agricultural Transformation Agenda may remain just an academic exercise. Other Government Agricultural Policy, for example the Fadama and/or Ogun State Agricultural Development (OGADEP )  were well accepted and their impact is greatly significant in the study area which is a clear indication that ATA strategies like the above-named policies would be well adopted by the rice farmers as well as those related participants like the processing and marketing aspects of the industry if the gospel of Agricultural Transformation Agenda is effectively preached to the rice farmers in the study area.   Key words: Rice industry, Small holder farms, Family labour, Agricultural Transformation Agenda, Government Agricultural Policy, Ogun State, Nigeria

    Geophysical Investigation for Aquifer Potential Assessment and Groundwater Development at EKSU Staff Quarters GRA Ado Ekiti, Southwest Nigeria

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    Very-Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) and Electrical resistivity methods for  reconnaissance and detailed geophysical studies respectively have been carried out within the Ekiti-State University Staff Quarters at Onigari GRA area of Ado-Ekiti. The study’s objectives include amongst others to detect drillable points for groundwater abstraction boreholes in order to frontally address the inherent problem of scarce water supply for uses by the university staff and their families living within the quarters. Seventeen (17) East-West traverses were established along where VLF profiling were conducted at an interval of 10m. The qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the VLF-EM data revealed twenty three (23) positions along the traverses that exhibited significant conductivities which are suggestive of thick and/or fractured overburden which are favourable structures for possible groundwater accumulation, these 23 positions were selected for further detailed investigation using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique. The Twenty-three (23) VES stations were thereafter occupied employing the Schlumberger arrangement, with half-electrode spacing (AB/2) varying from 1-150m. The quantitative interpretation of the obtained VES data were carried out using the  curve-matching and computer iteration techniques. The 3-layer (A and H); 4-layer (HK, KH, KQ and QH); 5-layer (HKH); 6-layer (AKHK and KHKH) and 7-layer (HKHKH) depth sounding curves were derived from the area. The 4-Layer type curve is predominant with 25% occurrence. The geoelectric sections mapped-out five lithologic units; including the topsoil; the weathered layer; the partly weathered/fractured basement, the fractured basement and the fresh basement. From the integrated consideration of the geoelectric parameters and inferred aquifer characteristics of the study area, it becomes clearer that the following VES postions are recommendable for the development of good yielding groundwater development schemes in order of priority,VES 20 ,  VES 12 , VES 18 ,  VES 10 , VES 8 ,  VES 7  and VES 15. Keywords: Traverses, Depth Sounding Curves, geoelectric sections, VES stations, aquifer units, borehole

    Geophysical Investigation for Aquifer Potential Assessment and Groundwater Development at EKSU Staff Quarters GRA Ado Ekiti, Southwest Nigeria

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    Very-Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) and Electrical resistivity methods for  reconnaissance and detailed geophysical studies respectively have been carried out within the Ekiti-State University Staff Quarters at Onigari GRA area of Ado-Ekiti. The study’s objectives include amongst others to detect drillable points for groundwater abstraction boreholes in order to frontally address the inherent problem of scarce water supply for uses by the university staff and their families living within the quarters. Seventeen (17) East-West traverses were established along where VLF profiling were conducted at an interval of 10m. The qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the VLF-EM data revealed twenty three (23) positions along the traverses that exhibited significant conductivities which are suggestive of thick and/or fractured overburden which are favourable structures for possible groundwater accumulation, these 23 positions were selected for further detailed investigation using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique. The Twenty-three (23) VES stations were thereafter occupied employing the Schlumberger arrangement, with half-electrode spacing (AB/2) varying from 1-150m. The quantitative interpretation of the obtained VES data were carried out using the  curve-matching and computer iteration techniques. The 3-layer (A and H); 4-layer (HK, KH, KQ and QH); 5-layer (HKH); 6-layer (AKHK and KHKH) and 7-layer (HKHKH) depth sounding curves were derived from the area. The 4-Layer type curve is predominant with 25% occurrence. The geoelectric sections mapped-out five lithologic units; including the topsoil; the weathered layer; the partly weathered/fractured basement, the fractured basement and the fresh basement. From the integrated consideration of the geoelectric parameters and inferred aquifer characteristics of the study area, it becomes clearer that the following VES postions are recommendable for the development of good yielding groundwater development schemes in order of priority,VES 20 ,  VES 12 , VES 18 ,  VES 10 , VES 8 ,  VES 7  and VES 15. Keywords:Traverses, Depth Sounding Curves, geoelectric sections, VES stations, aquifer units, borehole

    Enhancement of Perfluoropolyether Boundary Lubrication Performance

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    A ball bearing simulator operating under starved conditions was used to perform screening tests to evaluate the boundary lubrication performance of a branched perfluoropolyether (PFPE), K-143 AB. Several approaches to enhance boundary lubrication were studied. These included: (1) soluble boundary additives, (2) bearing surface modifications, (3) 'run-in' surface films, and (4) ceramic bearing components. In addition, results were compared with two non-perfluorinated liquid lubricant formulations. Based on these tests, the following tentative conclusions can be made: (1) Substantial improvements in boundary lubrication performance were observed with a beta-diketone boundary additive and a tricresyl phosphate (TCP) liquid surface pretreatment, (2) the use of rough Si3N4 balls (R(sub a) = 40 micro-inch) also provided increases in test duration, but with concomitant abrasive wear, (3) moderate improvements were seen with two boundary additives (a phosphine and a phosphatriazine) and a neat (100%) fluid (a carboxylic acid terminated PFPE); and small improvements with surface pretreatments with synthetic hydrocarbons, a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coating, and TiC coated 440 C and smooth Si3N4 balls (R(sub a) = 1 micro-inch), and (4) two non-PFPE lubricant formulations (a polyalphaolefin (PAO) and synthetic hydrocarbon) yielded substantial improvements

    Determination of the median nerve safe-zone in the carpal tunnel using the distal forearm bony prominences

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    Background: The compression of the median nerve (MN) in the carpal tunnel (CT) is one of the most common aetiologies of entrapment neuropathy syndromes in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of the palpable bony prominences of the distal forearm (radial styloid process [RSP] and ulnar styloid process [USP]) with MN in the CT, in order to determine a safe-zone of the MN during carpal tunnel procedures. Materials and methods: This study involved the bilateral dissection of the CT region of 30 adult cadaveric specimens (n = 60). Results: The mean distance between the RSP and USP was 49.34 mm. The mean distance of the MN from the RSP and the USP were 22.44 mm and 26.66 mm, respectively. The mean diameter of the MN within the CT deep to the flexor retinaculum was 5.93 mm. In addition, the MN was located postero-lateral and postero-medial to palmaris longus tendon (PLT) in 78.33% and 21.67% of specimens, respectively. Conclusions: This study found that the MN was located less than 60% of the RSP-USP distance from the RSP. Furthermore, the MN was mostly located postero-lateral to the PLT. Therefore, injection or surgical incision made at/medial to a point 60% of the RSP-USP distance from the RSP will be outside the safe-zone of the MN. The knowledge of this surface anatomical relationship of the MN may be useful during decompression for CT syndrome

    Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai-Dorfman Disease): Report of a case in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital

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    Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML) is a rare, benign disease of unknown aetiology. This disease typically presents with massive, painless cervical lymphadenopathy but may occur in a wide variety of extranodal sites. This report describes a 43-year old man with a left submandibular swelling and left lateral cervical lymphadenopathy clinically suggestive of a malignancy. Initial cytological examination of a fine needle aspirate specimen taken from the mass suggested a chronic granulomatous inflammatory lesion. A definitive diagnosis of SHML was however made only after excisional biopsy of the lesion. The patient was followed up for 6 months and no recurrence of the lesion was observed. SHML may be considered a rare lesion among Nigerians. Knowledge of its clinical presentation with understanding of the differentials diagnosis is important to avoid unnecessary intervention. The diagnosis can be made from FNAC, histopathology and immune-histochemistry. There is no ideal protocol for the treatment. Follow-up is however necessary to detect relapses

    Odontogenic tumors in Nigerian children and adolescents- a retrospective study of 92 cases

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    BACKGROUND: Tumours arising from odontogenic tissues are rare and constitute a heterogenous group of interesting lesions. The aim of this study was to determine the relative frequency of odontogenic tumors (OT) among Nigerian children and adolescents 19 years or younger. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The histopathology records were retrospectively reviewed for all the tumors and tumor-like lesions of the oral cavity and the jaws seen in children and adolescents ≤ 19 years seen between January 1980 and December 2003. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections were re-evaluated and the diagnosis in each case was confirmed or modified according to World Health Organization (WHO) classification, 1992; and were subjected to analysis of age, sex, site of tumor and histopathologic type. RESULTS: A total of 477 tumors and tumor-like lesions were seen in patients ≤ 19 years during the period of the study. Of these, 92 (19.3%) were odontogenic tumors. Benign odontogenic tumors constituted 98.9% of the cases seen, while only 1 case (1.1%) of malignant variety was seen during the period. The mean (SD) age of patients was 14.9 (± 3.1) years (range, 4–19 years). Male-to-female ratio was 1:1; and mandible-to-maxilla ratio was 2.7:1. OT's were most frequently seen in patients aged 16–19 years (46.7%) and the least number (2.2%) were found in patients aged 0–5 years. Among nine histologic types of OT seen, ameloblastoma (48.9%), adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (19.6%) and odontogenic myxoma (8.7%) were predominant. Multicystic/solid and unicystic variants of ameloblastoma were diagnosed in 40 (89%) and 5 (11%) cases respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Odontogenic tumors are relatively common in children and adolescents in Nigeria. One out of every 5 children and adolescents with tumors and tumor-like lesions of oral cavity and the jaws seen in this study had a diagnosis of odontogenic tumor
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