139 research outputs found

    Repeatability of quantitative18F-FLT uptake measurements in solid tumors: an individual patient data multi-center meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: 3'-deoxy-3'-[18F]fluorothymidine (18F-FLT) positron emission tomography (PET) provides a non-invasive method to assess cellular proliferation and response to antitumor therapy. Quantitative18F-FLT uptake metrics are being used for evaluation of proliferative response in investigational setting, however multi-center repeatability needs to be established. The aim of this study was to determine the repeatability of18F-FLT tumor uptake metrics by re-analyzing individual patient data from previously published reports using the same tumor segmentation method and repeatability metrics across cohorts. METHODS: A systematic search in PubMed, EMBASE.com and the Cochrane Library from inception-October 2016 yielded five18F-FLT repeatability cohorts in solid tumors.18F-FLT avid lesions were delineated using a 50% isocontour adapted for local background on test and retest scans. SUVmax, SUVmean, SUVpeak, proliferative volume and total lesion uptake (TLU) were calculated. Repeatability was assessed using the repeatability coefficient (RC = 1.96 × SD of test-retest differences), linear regression analysis, and the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The impact of different lesion selection criteria was also evaluated. RESULTS: Images from four cohorts containing 30 patients with 52 lesions were obtained and analyzed (ten in breast cancer, nine in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and 33 in non-small cell lung cancer patients). A good correlation was found between test-retest data for all18F-FLT uptake metrics (R2 ≥ 0.93; ICC ≥ 0.96). Best repeatability was found for SUVpeak(RC: 23.1%), without significant differences in RC between different SUV metrics. Repeatability of proliferative volume (RC: 36.0%) and TLU (RC: 36.4%) was worse than SUV. Lesion selection methods based on SUVmax ≥ 4.0 improved the repeatability of volumetric metrics (RC: 26-28%), but did not affect the repeatability of SUV metrics. CONCLUSIONS: In multi-center studies, differences ≥ 25% in18F-FLT SUV metrics likely represent a true change in tumor uptake. Larger differences are required for FLT metrics comprising volume estimates when no lesion selection criteria are applied

    Clinical Relevance of High Plasma Trough Levels of the Kinase Inhibitors Crizotinib, Alectinib, Osimertinib, Dabrafenib, and Trametinib in NSCLC Patients

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    Background: the study aims to evaluate whether high plasma trough levels of the kinase inhibitors (K.I.s) crizotinib, alectinib, osimertinib, dabrafenib, and trametinib were associated with a higher risk of toxicity in non–small-cell lung cancer patients. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, patients with non–small-cell lung cancer treated with the selected K.I.s were included if at least one plasma trough level at steady state (Cmin,ss) was available. Data were extracted from electronic medical records and laboratory databases. The high group for each K.I. was defined as 10% of patients with the highest first Cmin,ss. The remaining patients were placed in the non-high group. The frequency of dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs), defined as adverse events leading to dose reduction, dose interruption, or permanent discontinuation, was compared between the 2 groups. Results: A total of 542 patients were included in the different K.I. groups. A high Cmin,ss of crizotinib (n = 96), alectinib (n = 105), osimertinib (n = 227), dabrafenib (n = 52), and trametinib (n = 62) correlated with a Cmin,ss ≥490, ≥870, ≥405, ≥150, and ≥25 ng/mL, respectively. DLTs were more common in the alectinib high group than in the alectinib non-high group (64% vs. 29%, P = 0.036). Liver toxicity was observed in 4 (36%) patients in the high group and 5 (5%) patients in the non-high group (P = 0.007). For other K.I.s, no significant differences were observed in the frequency of DLTs between the high and non-high groups. Conclusions: For alectinib, high Cmin,ss was correlated with a higher risk of DLT. No differences in the frequency of DLTs were observed between the high and non-high groups for crizotinib, osimertinib, dabrafenib, and trametinib

    Baseline and longitudinal variability of normal tissue uptake values of [F-18]-fluorothymidine-PET images

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    Purpose [18F]-fluorothymidine ([18F]-FLT) is a PET-tracer enabling in-vivo visualization and quantification of tumor cell proliferation. For qualitative and quantitative analysis, adequate knowledge of normal tissue uptake is indispensable. This study aimed to quantitatively investigate baseline tracer uptake of blood pool, lung, liver and bone marrow and their precision, and to assess the longitudinal effect of systemic treatment on biodistribution. Methods 18F–FLT-PET(/CT) scans (dynamic or static) of 90 treatment-naïve oncological patients were retrospectively evaluated. Twenty-three patients received double baseline scans, and another 39 patients were also scanned early and late during systemic treatment with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Reproducible volume of interest were placed in blood pool, lung, liver, and bone marrow. For semi-quantitative analysis, SUVmean, SUVmax, and SUVpeak with several normalizations were derived. Results SUVs of basal lung, liver, and bone marrow were not significantly different between averaged dynamic and static images, in contrast with blood pool and apical lung. Highest repeatability was seen for liver and bone marrow, with repeatability coefficients of 18.6% and 20.4% when using SUVpeak. Systemic treatment with TKIs both increased and decreased normal tissue tracer uptake at early and late time points during treatment. Conclusion Simultaneous evaluation of liver and bone marrow uptake in longitudinal response studies may be used to assess image quality, where changes in uptake outside repeatability limits should trigger investigators to perform additional quality control on individual PET images. Advances in knowledge For [18F]-FLT PET images, liver and bone marrow have low intra-patient variability when quantified with SUVpeak, but may be affected by systemic treatment. Implications for patient care In [18F]-FLT-PET response monitoring trials, liver and bone marrow uptake may be used for quality control of [18F]-FLT PET images

    DCE-MRI perfusion and permeability parameters as predictors of tumor response to CCRT in patients with locally advanced NSCLC

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    In this prospective study, 36 patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC), who underwent dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) before concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (CCRT) were enrolled. Pharmacokinetic analysis was carried out after non-rigid motion registration. The perfusion parameters including Blood Flow (BF), Blood Volume (BV), Mean Transit Time (MTT) and permeability parameters including endothelial transfer constant (Ktrans), reflux rate (Kep), fractional extravascular extracellular space volume (Ve), fractional plasma volume (Vp) were calculated, and their relationship with tumor regression was evaluated. The value of these parameters on predicting responders were calculated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to find the independent variables. Tumor regression rate is negatively correlated with V e and its standard variation V e-SD and positively correlated with K trans and Kep. Significant differences between responders and non-responders existed in Ktrans, Kep, Ve, Ve-SD, MTT, BV-SD and MTT-SD (P < 0.05). ROC indicated that Ve < 0.24 gave the largest area under curve of 0.865 to predict responders. Multivariate logistic regression analysis also showed Ve was a significant predictor. Baseline perfusion and permeability parameters calculated from DCE-MRI were seen to be a viable tool for predicting the early treatment response after CCRT of NSCLC. © 2016 The Author(s)

    Pemetrexed Induced Thymidylate Synthase Inhibition in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study with 3 '-Deoxy-3 '-[F-18]fluorothymidine Positron Emission Tomography

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    OBJECTIVES: Pemetrexed is a thymidylate synthase (TS) inhibitor and is effective in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). 3'-deoxy-3'-[¹⁸F]fluorothymidine (¹⁸F-FLT), a proliferation marker, could potentially identify tumor specific TS-inhibition. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pemetrexed-induced TS-inhibition on ¹⁸F-FLT uptake 4 hours after pemetrexed administration in metastatic NSCLC patients. METHODS: Fourteen NSCLC patients underwent dynamic ¹⁸F-FLT positron emission tomography (PET) scans at baseline and 4 hours after the first dose of pemetrexed. Volumes of interest were defined with a 41%, 50% and 70% threshold of the maximum pixel. Kinetic analysis and simplified measures were performed. At one, two, four and six hours after pemetrexed, plasma deoxyuridine was measured as systemic indicator of TS-inhibition. Tumor response measured with response evaluation criteria in solid tumors (RECIST), time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS) were determined. RESULTS: Eleven patients had evaluable ¹⁸F-FLT PET scans at baseline and 4 hours after pemetrexed. Two patients had increased ¹⁸F-FLT uptake of 35% and 31% after pemetrexed, whereas two other patients had decreased uptake of 31%. In the remaining seven patients ¹⁸F-FLT uptake did not change beyond test-retest borders. In all patients deoxyuridine levels raised after administration of pemetrexed, implicating pemetrexed-induced TS-inhibition. ¹⁸F-FLT uptake in bone marrow was significantly increased 4 hours after pemetrexed administration. Six weeks after the start of treatment 5 patients had partial response, 4 stable disease and 2 progressive disease. Median TTP was 4.2 months (range 3.0-7.4 months); median OS was 13.0 months (range 5.1-30.8 months). Changes in ¹⁸F-FLT uptake were not predictive for tumor response, TTP or OS. CONCLUSIONS: Measuring TS-inhibition in a clinical setting 4 hours after pemetrexed revealed a non-systematic change in ¹⁸F-FLT uptake within the tumor. No significant association with tumor response, TTP or OS was observed

    Carcass persistence and detectability : reducing the uncertainty surrounding wildlife-vehicle collision surveys

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    Carcass persistence time and detectability are two main sources of uncertainty on roadkill surveys. In this study, we evaluate the influence of these uncertainties on roadkill surveys and estimates. To estimate carcass persistence time, three observers (including the driver) surveyed 114km by car on a monthly basis for two years, searching for wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVC). Each survey consisted of five consecutive days. To estimate carcass detectability, we randomly selected stretches of 500m to be also surveyed on foot by two other observers (total 292 walked stretches, 146 km walked). We expected that body size of the carcass, road type, presence of scavengers and weather conditions to be the main drivers influencing the carcass persistence times, but their relative importance was unknown. We also expected detectability to be highly dependent on body size. Overall, we recorded low median persistence times (one day) and low detectability (<10%) for all vertebrates. The results indicate that body size and landscape cover (as a surrogate of scavengers' presence) are the major drivers of carcass persistence. Detectability was lower for animals with body mass less than 100g when compared to carcass with higher body mass. We estimated that our recorded mortality rates underestimated actual values of mortality by 2±10 fold. Although persistence times were similar to previous studies, the detectability rates here described are very different from previous studies. The results suggest that detectability is the main source of bias across WVC studies. Therefore, more than persistence times, studies should carefully account for differing detectability when comparing WVC studies

    Effectiveness of manual therapies: the UK evidence report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this report is to provide a succinct but comprehensive summary of the scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of manual treatment for the management of a variety of musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The conclusions are based on the results of systematic reviews of randomized clinical trials (RCTs), widely accepted and primarily UK and United States evidence-based clinical guidelines, plus the results of all RCTs not yet included in the first three categories. The strength/quality of the evidence regarding effectiveness was based on an adapted version of the grading system developed by the US Preventive Services Task Force and a study risk of bias assessment tool for the recent RCTs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By September 2009, 26 categories of conditions were located containing RCT evidence for the use of manual therapy: 13 musculoskeletal conditions, four types of chronic headache and nine non-musculoskeletal conditions. We identified 49 recent relevant systematic reviews and 16 evidence-based clinical guidelines plus an additional 46 RCTs not yet included in systematic reviews and guidelines.</p> <p>Additionally, brief references are made to other effective non-pharmacological, non-invasive physical treatments.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Spinal manipulation/mobilization is effective in adults for: acute, subacute, and chronic low back pain; migraine and cervicogenic headache; cervicogenic dizziness; manipulation/mobilization is effective for several extremity joint conditions; and thoracic manipulation/mobilization is effective for acute/subacute neck pain. The evidence is inconclusive for cervical manipulation/mobilization alone for neck pain of any duration, and for manipulation/mobilization for mid back pain, sciatica, tension-type headache, coccydynia, temporomandibular joint disorders, fibromyalgia, premenstrual syndrome, and pneumonia in older adults. Spinal manipulation is not effective for asthma and dysmenorrhea when compared to sham manipulation, or for Stage 1 hypertension when added to an antihypertensive diet. In children, the evidence is inconclusive regarding the effectiveness for otitis media and enuresis, and it is not effective for infantile colic and asthma when compared to sham manipulation.</p> <p>Massage is effective in adults for chronic low back pain and chronic neck pain. The evidence is inconclusive for knee osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, migraine headache, and premenstrual syndrome. In children, the evidence is inconclusive for asthma and infantile colic.</p