134 research outputs found

    Low-molecular-weight heparin reduces hyperoxia-augmented ventilator-induced lung injury via serine/threonine kinase-protein kinase B

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High-tidal-volume mechanical ventilation and hyperoxia used in patients with acute lung injury (ALI) can induce the release of cytokines, including high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB1), oxygen radicals, neutrophil infiltration, and the disruption of epithelial and endothelial barriers. Hyperoxia has been shown to increase ventilator-induced lung injury, but the mechanisms regulating interaction between high tidal volume and hyperoxia are unclear. We hypothesized that subcutaneous injections of enoxaparin would decrease the effects of hyperoxia on high-tidal-volume ventilation-induced HMGB1 production and neutrophil infiltration via the serine/threonine kinase/protein kinase B (Akt) pathway.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Male C57BL/6, either wild type or Akt<sup>+/-</sup>, aged between 6 and 8 weeks, weighing between 20 and 25 g, were exposed to high-tidal-volume (30 ml/kg) mechanical ventilation with room air or hyperoxia for 2 to 8 hours with or without 4 mg/kg enoxaparin administration. Nonventilated mice served as a control group. Evan blue dye, lung wet-to-dry weight ratio, free radicals, myeloperoxidase, Western blot of Akt, and gene expression of HMGB1 were measured. The expression of HMGB1 was studied by immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>High-tidal-volume ventilation using hyperoxia induced microvascular permeability, Akt activation, HMGB1 mRNA expression, neutrophil infiltration, oxygen radicals, HMGB1 production, and positive staining of Akt in bronchial epithelium. Hyperoxia-induced augmentation of ventilator-induced lung injury was attenuated with Akt deficient mice and pharmacological inhibition of Akt activity by enoxaparin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data suggest that enoxaparin attenuates hyperoxia-augmented high-tidal-volume ventilation-induced neutrophil influx and HMGB1 production through inhibition of the Akt pathway. Understanding the protective mechanism of enoxaparin related with the reduction of HMGB1 may help further knowledge of the effects of mechanical forces in the lung and development of possible therapeutic strategies involved in acute lung injury.</p

    Hookworm-Related Anaemia among Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review

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    Anaemia affects large numbers of pregnant women in developing countries and increases their risk of dying during pregnancy and delivering low birth weight babies, who in turn are at increased risk of dying. Human hookworm infection has long been recognized among the major causes of anaemia in poor communities, but understanding of the benefits of the management of hookworm infection in pregnancy has lagged behind the other major causes of maternal anaemia. Low coverage of anthelmintic treatment in maternal health programmes in many countries has been the result. After systematically reviewing the available literature we observed that increasing hookworm infection intensity is associated with lower haemoglobin levels in pregnant women. We also estimate that between a quarter and a third of pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with hookworm and at risk of preventable hookworm-related anaemia. However, all identified intervention studies showed a benefit of deworming for maternal or child health and we argue that increased efforts should be made to increase the coverage of anthelmintic treatment among pregnant women

    Alu Exonization Events Reveal Features Required for Precise Recognition of Exons by the Splicing Machinery

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    Despite decades of research, the question of how the mRNA splicing machinery precisely identifies short exonic islands within the vast intronic oceans remains to a large extent obscure. In this study, we analyzed Alu exonization events, aiming to understand the requirements for correct selection of exons. Comparison of exonizing Alus to their non-exonizing counterparts is informative because Alus in these two groups have retained high sequence similarity but are perceived differently by the splicing machinery. We identified and characterized numerous features used by the splicing machinery to discriminate between Alu exons and their non-exonizing counterparts. Of these, the most novel is secondary structure: Alu exons in general and their 5′ splice sites (5′ss) in particular are characterized by decreased stability of local secondary structures with respect to their non-exonizing counterparts. We detected numerous further differences between Alu exons and their non-exonizing counterparts, among others in terms of exon–intron architecture and strength of splicing signals, enhancers, and silencers. Support vector machine analysis revealed that these features allow a high level of discrimination (AUC = 0.91) between exonizing and non-exonizing Alus. Moreover, the computationally derived probabilities of exonization significantly correlated with the biological inclusion level of the Alu exons, and the model could also be extended to general datasets of constitutive and alternative exons. This indicates that the features detected and explored in this study provide the basis not only for precise exon selection but also for the fine-tuned regulation thereof, manifested in cases of alternative splicing

    Accumulation of poly(A) RNA in nuclear granules enriched in Sam68 in motor neurons from the SMNA7 mouse model of SMA

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a severe motor neuron (MN) disease caused by the deletion or mutation of the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene, which results in reduced levels of the SMN protein and the selective degeneration of lower MNs. The best-known function of SMN is the biogenesis of spliceosomal snRNPs, the major components of the pre-mRNA splicing machinery. Therefore, SMN deficiency in SMA leads to widespread splicing abnormalities. We used the SMN?7 mouse model of SMA to investigate the cellular reorganization of polyadenylated mRNAs associated with the splicing dysfunction in MNs. We demonstrate that SMN deficiency induced the abnormal nuclear accumulation in euchromatin domains of poly(A) RNA granules (PARGs) enriched in the splicing regulator Sam68. However, these granules lacked other RNA-binding proteins, such as TDP43, PABPN1, hnRNPA12B, REF and Y14, which are essential for mRNA processing and nuclear export. These effects were accompanied by changes in the alternative splicing of the Sam68-dependent Bcl-x and Nrnx1 genes, as well as changes in the relative accumulation of the intron-containing Chat, Chodl, Myh9 and Myh14 mRNAs, which are all important for MN functions. PARG-containing MNs were observed at presymptomatic SMA stage, increasing their number during the symptomatic stage. Moreover, the massive accumulations of poly(A) RNA granules in MNs was accompanied by the cytoplasmic depletion of polyadenylated mRNAs for their translation. We suggest that the SMN-dependent abnormal accumulation of polyadenylated mRNAs and Sam68 in PARGs reflects a severe dysfunction of both mRNA processing and translation, which could contribute to SMA pathogenesis.This work was supported by grants from: “Dirección General de Investigación” of Spain (BFU2014-54754-P and SAF2015-70801-R, cofinanced by FEDER) and “Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla-IDIVAL (NVAL17/22). Dr. Tapia is the recipient of a grant from SMA Europe and FundAME (Spain)

    Topology of molecular machines of the endoplasmic reticulum: a compilation of proteomics and cytological data

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a key organelle of the secretion pathway involved in the synthesis of both proteins and lipids destined for multiple sites within and without the cell. The ER functions to both co- and post-translationally modify newly synthesized proteins and lipids and sort them for housekeeping within the ER and for transport to their sites of function away from the ER. In addition, the ER is involved in the metabolism and degradation of specific xenobiotics and endogenous biosynthetic products. A variety of proteomics studies have been reported on different subcompartments of the ER providing an ER protein dictionary with new data being made available on many protein complexes of relevance to the biology of the ER including the ribosome, the translocon, coatomer proteins, cytoskeletal proteins, folding proteins, the antigen-processing machinery, signaling proteins and proteins involved in membrane traffic. This review examines proteomics and cytological data in support of the presence of specific molecular machines at specific sites or subcompartments of the ER

    History of clinical transplantation

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    The emergence of transplantation has seen the development of increasingly potent immunosuppressive agents, progressively better methods of tissue and organ preservation, refinements in histocompatibility matching, and numerous innovations is surgical techniques. Such efforts in combination ultimately made it possible to successfully engraft all of the organs and bone marrow cells in humans. At a more fundamental level, however, the transplantation enterprise hinged on two seminal turning points. The first was the recognition by Billingham, Brent, and Medawar in 1953 that it was possible to induce chimerism-associated neonatal tolerance deliberately. This discovery escalated over the next 15 years to the first successful bone marrow transplantations in humans in 1968. The second turning point was the demonstration during the early 1960s that canine and human organ allografts could self-induce tolerance with the aid of immunosuppression. By the end of 1962, however, it had been incorrectly concluded that turning points one and two involved different immune mechanisms. The error was not corrected until well into the 1990s. In this historical account, the vast literature that sprang up during the intervening 30 years has been summarized. Although admirably documenting empiric progress in clinical transplantation, its failure to explain organ allograft acceptance predestined organ recipients to lifetime immunosuppression and precluded fundamental changes in the treatment policies. After it was discovered in 1992 that long-surviving organ transplant recipient had persistent microchimerism, it was possible to see the mechanistic commonality of organ and bone marrow transplantation. A clarifying central principle of immunology could then be synthesized with which to guide efforts to induce tolerance systematically to human tissues and perhaps ultimately to xenografts