23 research outputs found

    Appreciation of 2017 GRL Peer Reviewers

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    On behalf of the journal, AGU, and the scientific community, the Editors would like to sincerely thank those who reviewed manuscripts for Geophysical Research Letters in 2017. The hours reading and commenting on manuscripts not only improves the manuscripts, but increases the scientific rigor of future research in the field. Many of those listed below went beyond and reviewed three or more manuscripts for our journal, and those are indicated in italics. The refereeing contributions they made contributed to 6,553 individual reviews of 2,782 manuscripts. Thank you again. We look forward to the coming year of exciting advances in the field and communicating those advances to our community and to the broader public

    Sulfur's impact on core evolution and magnetic field generation on Ganymede

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    Analysis of the melting relationships of potential core forming materials in Ganymede indicate that fluid motions, a requirement for a dynamo origin for the satellite's magnetic field, may be driven, in part, either by iron (Fe) "snow" forming below the core-mantle boundary or solid iron sulfide (FeS) floating upward from the deep core. Eutectic melting temperatures and eutectic sulfur contents in the binary Fe-FeS system decrease with increasing pressure within the interval of core pressures on Ganymede (<14 GPa). Comparison of melting temperatures to adiabatic temperature gradients in the core suggests that solid iron is thermodynamically stable at shallow levels for bulk core compositions more iron-rich than eutectic (i.e., <21 wt% S). Calculations based on high-pressure solid-liquid phase relationships in the Fe-FeS system indicate that iron snow or floatation of solid iron sulfide, depending on whether the core composition is more or less iron-rich than eutectic, is an inevitable consequence of cooling Ganymede's core. These results are robust over a wide range of plausible three-layer internal structures and thermal evolution scenarios. For precipitation regimes that include Fe-snow, we present scaling arguments that give typical Rossby and magnetic Reynolds numbers consistent with dynamo action occurring in Ganymede's core. Furthermore, by applying recently derived scaling relationships relating magnetic field strength to buoyancy flux, we obtain estimates of surface magnetic field strength comparable with observed values. Copyright 2006 by the American Geophysical Union

    Dust Pond

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