4 research outputs found
In Cote d’Ivoire, as in many African countries, social tensions are frequently linked to a crisis of the rule of property law. These socio-legal conflicts are referred to by various names depending on their subject matter or the time and place in which they arise: law crises, the weakness of the State apparatus, the unsuitability and failure of institutions, and so on. However, in the majority of cases, these conflicts stem from a common phenomenon: weak land tenure security, or more precisely, land insecurity. The awareness of the magnitude of the problem of securing land tenure and its formalization through the "PAMOFOR" project (in which we participated as a research group and technical land operator), leads us to ask the following questions: How can we master the analysis of land governance and land tenure security in Côte d'Ivoire? And what is its current state? Indeed, an assessment of land governance in Cote d’Ivoire is required. To accomplish this goal, the LGAF tool was used as the foundation of a highly participatory approach to systematically analyzing various aspects of land governance. The goal is to identify best practices and reach agreement on priority areas for land administration improvement. The analysis' findings enable stakeholders to address key governance gaps and develop a clear roadmap for improving land governance
Automatisation de l’outil d’Analyse de la Gouvernance Foncière LGAF : cas d’étude de la Côte d’Ivoire
En Côte d’Ivoire, le passage du droit coutumier aux lois foncières suscite des tensions dans certaines localités. Pour y remédier, l’Etat ivoirien a mis en place une politique de sécurisation foncière visant le développement durable et le maintien de la paix social. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, une évaluation de la structure foncière ainsi que de la politique adoptée en matière de gestion du foncier a été faite en 2016 par le cadre d’analyse de la gouvernance foncière. L’objectif de ce travail est d’automatiser ce cadre d’analyse de la gouvernance foncière pour actualiser l’état de la gouvernance foncière en Côte d’Ivoire. L’actualisation de l’état de gouvernance foncière en Côte d’Ivoire s’est effectuée au travers d’une session de panel durant laquelle, la Plateforme en ligne du cadre d’analyse de la gouvernance foncière a été appréciée et a permis de mener à bien l’analyse. De cette dernière, il ressort que les pratiques et procédures en matière d’utilisation et de gestion du foncier n’ont pas changé de 2016 à 2020
In Cote d’Ivoire, as in many African countries, social tensions are frequently linked to a crisis of the rule of property law. These socio-legal conflicts are referred to by various names depending on their subject matter or the time and place in which they arise: law crises, the weakness of the State apparatus, the unsuitability and failure of institutions, and so on. However, in the majority of cases, these conflicts stem from a common phenomenon: weak land tenure security, or more precisely, land insecurity. The awareness of the magnitude of the problem of securing land tenure and its formalization through the "PAMOFOR" project (in which we participated as a research group and technical land operator), leads us to ask the following questions: How can we master the analysis of land governance and land tenure security in Côte d'Ivoire? And what is its current state? Indeed, an assessment of land governance in Cote d’Ivoire is required. To accomplish this goal, the LGAF tool was used as the foundation of a highly participatory approach to systematically analyzing various aspects of land governance. The goal is to identify best practices and reach agreement on priority areas for land administration improvement. The analysis' findings enable stakeholders to address key governance gaps and develop a clear roadmap for improving land governance
Located in West Africa, the Ivory Coast is an independent country (from France) in 1960. Since then, it has experienced strong demographic growth (until 1998) which, added to a significant migration of foreigners has subsequently led to community tensions due to the scarcity of resources. Thus, the rural land domain was the nest of several types of conflict resulting in the serious military-political crisis that the country experienced from 2002 to 2010. Today, land therefore represents for the Ivory Coast one of the major challenges for social peace, stability and economic development. As a result, the State has made land tenure security a national priority, by implementing important mechanisms to allow the application of the law on rural land in order to transform customary laws into property rights. To achieve these objectives, an assessment of the land structure as well as of the land governance policy adopted was carried out in 2016 using the land governance analysis framework. The objective of this work is to automate this framework of analysis of land governance to update the state of land governance in Ivory Coast. The update of the state of land governance in Ivory Coast was carried out through a round table during which the online platform of the Land Governance Analysis Framework tool was used for the assessment of the dimensions. It made it possible to retrieve the opinions of Ivorian experts, who used it from their home in Ivory Coast, by continuing to update the state of land governance. This platform is a real innovation in the analysis of land governance by the Land Governance Analysis Framework tool. The panel organized as part of our end of study project made it possible to analyze the concepts discussed, where experts and panelists presented their experiences, the real situation and the practices in force in Ivory Coast. This shows that overall, from 2016 to 2020, the Ivorian land situation has not changed