3 research outputs found


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    UKM. Tahu Sumedang Rimbo Panjang Pekanbaru adalah unit usaha yang bergerak dalam pembuatan tahu. Proses produksi pada stasiun kerja perendaman kacang terdapat permasalahan postur kerja membungkuk dan pada stasiun penggilingan pekerja mejangkau setinggi dada pekerja 132cm untuk meletakkan kacang ke mesin penggilingan. Identifikasi awal menggunakan kuesioner NBM terhadap 3 orang pekerja, sebanyak 66,67% merasakan sakit pada leher bagian atas dan bawah, 66,67 % pada bahu kiri dan 100% pada bahu kanan, punggung dan pinggng, 33,33% pada bagian tangan kiri dan kanan. Proses identifikasi level pekerjaan dilakukan menggunakan metode WERA terhadap 9 kategori yaitu bahu, pergelangan tangan, punggung, kaki, leher, kekutan, getaran, kontak stres dan lamanya pekerjaan. Didapat score 35 pada stasiun perendaman dan score 31 pada stasiun penggilingan dengan level medium perlu dilakukan perbaikan pada stasiun kerja perendaman dan stasiun kerja penggilingan. Dilakukan identifikasi setelah perbaikan menggunakan metode WERA didapat score 24 pada stasiun penggilingan dan score 24 pada stasiun perendaman dengan level low pekerjaan diterima tidak perlu dilakukan perbaikan pada stasiun kerja perendaman dan penggilingan

    Implementation of Education Supervision at Binjai MTSN School

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    Supervision is a process that is often carried out in every educational institution. In this case, a research process was carried out at MTsN Binjai with the aim of seeing how the process of implementing supervision carried out by the head of MTSN Binjai on teachers. The methodology used in this study was descriptive qualitative research by conducting a process of observation and interviews at MTsN Binjai. . The results of the research process said that the supervision implementation process carried out by the head of MTSN Binjai was carried out well in accordance with established procedures. In addition, the head of MTSN Binjai also has a firmness in carrying out an implementation of supervision of teachers so that teachers can improve their abilities and performance in the teaching and learning process

    Improvement in Body Posture of Sumedang Tofu Small Enterprise Workers Using Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA)

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    Workers at Sumedang Tofu Small and Medium Enterprises at Rimbo Panjang Pekanbaru have to bend over to move soybeans with a total weight of 77 kg, with a single lifting capacity of 11 kg. The research was conducted to identify the level of work risk before repairs were carried out and the level of work risk after the repair was carried out by designing an ergonomically designed Sumedang Tofu making immersion place to obtain time efficiency before and after improvements to the soaking and milling process. The process of identifying the level of work is carried out using the Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA) method on 9 categories, namely shoulders, wrists, back, legs, neck, strength, vibration, contact stress and length of work. Obtained a score of 35 at the immersion work station and a score of 31 at the milling work station with a medium level so that it requires improvement. Improvement of worker's body posture using tool design based on anthropometric data. Soybean soakers use footrests so that workers do not need to reach too high above the workers' chests at the milling work station and shorten the distance of moving soybeans. Obtained a score of 24 at the immersion work station and a score of 24 at the milling work station with a low level so that it does not require repair. Time efficiency after repair is 3.33 seconds with a percentage of 45.42% at the milling work station and 2.08 seconds with a percentage of 11.34 % at the immersion work station