20 research outputs found

    Second vertical derivatives and trend surface analysis of the aeromagnetic data over part of the Benin Basin, Nigeria

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    The Benin basin has been interpreted as a rift basin bounded by two trans-oceanic fracture zones: the Romanche Fracture Zone to the west and Chain Fracture Zone to the east. These paleo-structures trend approximately in the NE-SW direction. Linear features identified in the study area have principal trend directions in the NE-SW and N-S, and to a lesser extent E-W and NW-SE directions. The E-W structures are localized in their occurrence and are revealed around Akure area while the N-S fractures which are revealed in part of the study area especially around the Ilesha – Ife axis are marked by considerable shearing and brecciations. The N-S fractures are gravity induced while the conjugate northeasterly and northwesterly sets which were products of transcurrent movements are characterized by wide zones of cataclastic deformation. The NE-SW is indeed well developed in the study area and has been interpreted as an important zone of tectonic activity which tends to suggest that they are deep seated. Finally, the distribution of mafic and felsic rock forming minerals were correlated to the positive and negative second vertical derivative anomalies around Ilesha area. These minerals are believed to be the by-products of the re-activation of the trans-oceanic fracture zones that also acted as conduits for the primary mineralization

    Origin and generation mechanisms of geopressures in shale dominated settings world-wide: A review

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    Geopressures are common in young Tertiary sedimentary basins where marine units underlie rocks of higher permeability. A low permeability environment and conditions that reduce available pore space or increase fluid volume are necessary for geopressures to occur and be maintained. In the Niger Delta, Gulf of Mexico, and indeed worldwide, the generation of geopressure is often related to the sedimentation rate, while its dissipation depends on the hydrological properties of the sediments(that is porosity, permeability, etc).Geopressures influences many fluid related aspects of petroleum geology including diagenesis, migration and accumulation of oil and gas ,and indeed reservoir quality. It also constitutes a hazard in drilling wells and directly impacts on drilling costs and the safety of petroleum exploration. The general overview of the different casual mechanisms and their relative contributions to the present day geopressure regime is indeed very important. The objective of this work is therefore to review the different mechanisms of geopressure and to assess the relative contributions of individual mechanisms to geopressuredevelopment. A primary objective here is to critically evaluate the relative importance of each

    Conference summary report of the 10th Annual General and Scientific Meeting of the Nigerian Society of Neonatal medicine (NISONM) held in Ibadan, Nigeria on 4th -7th July, 2017

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    The 10th Annual General and Scientific Meeting (AGSM) of the Nigerian Society of Neonatal Medicine (NISONM) took place in Ibadan, South -West Nigeria. The theme of the conference was: Imperatives in neonatal survival initiatives in Nigeria: The current state. The conference addressed a variety of topics relevant to newborn health from eminent speakers from across the globe. The four-day conference included preconference workshops and community mobilization/ health outreach in Lagelu local government area