197 research outputs found

    Youth participation in Agroforestry practices in Nigeria: Problems and prospects

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    This paper examines the various types of Agroforestry systems that can be practiced by the youth in Nigeria. However, the paper  pinpointed lack of access to knowledge, information and education, poor socio-cultural orientation towards agroforestry technology,  limited access to land, lack of capital and financial support as well as poor culture of entrepreneurship as the major problems and challenges that have made the youths to be unable to participate in agroforestry sector as effectively as supposed in Nigeria. Meanwhile, in exploiting the full potential of Agroforestry for youth participation in Nigeria, a range of prospects are inherent which include: (i)  increased variety of food (ii) increased variety of farm products (iii) Creating more employment  opportunities to absorb an ever increasing labour force and a lot more. The paper concludes on the premise that Nigeria has a great prospect in making the agroforestry sector’s ample potential to provide income-generating opportunities for youth if some problems hindering the youth participation are overcome

    Determination of the Composition of Cement Raw Materials and Mixes

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    This study determine the composition of cement, raw materials and mixes. The range of parameters determine in percentage were as follows: SiO2 (0.7245-59.8512), Al2O3 (0.1915-18.0996), Fe2O3 (0.1326-33.1373) Cl (0.01), CaO (0.5231-56.7013), F/CaO (0.88), MgO (0-1.9301), K2O (0.2102-0.4580), IR (0.5-1.5), LOI (0.72-42.99), SO3 (0-1.6520), N2O (0.1058). All these components were determined in accordance with the Nigeria Industrial Standard and the result obtained compare well with British Standard (BS) specification and Nigeria Industrial Standard. It is important that the concentration (in percentages) do not exceed certain limits because below or above the limits will have disastrous effect on the cement and concentrate that will later be produced

    Access to digital materials on research output: Experience of Federal University Libraries users in northern states of Nigeria

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    This study examined access to digital materials on research output in some selected federal university libraries users in northern Nigeria. To achieve the goals, three objectives guided the study. Quantitative method and survey design were adopted to elicit data from lecturers and ICT librarians using close-ended questionnaire. A multi-stage sampling technique was used in selecting respondents from each institution. The data collected were analysed descriptively and the results were presented using frequency counts, mean and aggregate mean scores in tables. The findings revealed that access to digital materials influenced research output of library users with particularly to number of journal articles, conference papers presented, books, and chapters in books published. The choice of metadata type is determined by the number of modules such as administrative, technical, and preservation so as to resolve militating technical factors, promote information availability, interactive nature of technology, and portability of digital content. It could be concluded that access to digital materials and use immensely contributed to research output and metadata types, technical factors moderate access, adoption, use and research output in the selected federal universities in northern Nigeria. It is recommended that access and use of digital materials be prioritised for service effectiveness and efficiency on digital platforms supported by the libraries in the zone. Choice of metadata types should be based on possessing modules that support administrative, structural, technical, transformative procedures and preservation. Keywords: Access; Digital materials; Research output; Experience; Federal University ; Library users; Northern Nigeri

    Roles of various virulence and resistance genes associated with Salmonella and methods of their identification

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    Salmonellosis is an infectious disease affecting human and animals. The virulence of Salmonella is a function of chromosomal and plasmid factors, many genes code for these factors. Salmonella genes can be classified as core (housekeeping) genes and accessory genes. The core genes of a species are those genes found in (nearly) all known members of the species and they include mostly genes that are necessary for the cell to survive and grow, these include gene encoding enzymes which function in biosynthetic pathways. Genes in the accessory genome are those unique to particular strains and are mainly in the following groups: genomic islands including Salmonella Pathogenicity islands (SPls), prophages, insertion sequences.Keywords: Genes, Pathogenicity, Resistance, Salmonella, Virulenc

    Nutritional status of day and boarding students attending school for special needs in North-central Nigeria

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    Background: Less information is available on the nutritional status of disabled children in developing countries where the situation is further complicated by widespread malnutrition among the general population. The study assessed and compared the nutritional status between day and boarding students of the school for special needs Ilorin Kwara State.Methods: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study using quantitative method of data collection from 300 respondents. Nutritional status was assessed using anthropometric measures and Data was analysed using SPSS software version 21.0. Level of significance was pre-determined at p-value < 0.05 at a confidence level of 95%.Results: More than half of the respondents 173 (58%) had normal weight while 127 (42%) were underweight. Female respondents had higher BMI than male respondents. There was a significant relationship between BMI of respondents with age among the boarding students. Many of the boarding students 105 (44.7%) were underweight compared with the day students. The BMI and sex of respondents in both day and boarding schools had no significant relationship.Conclusion: Nutritional status had significant relationship with age, gender, meal frequency and mother's level of education. Day students had better nutritional status compared with the boarding students. Government, parents and caretakers should give more attention on nutritional need of this category of the population.Keywords: Nutrition, status, school, students, need

    Assessment of quality of life among patients attending HIV clinics in Ilorin metropolis

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    Objectives: The Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), is being hit hard by the epidemic of AcquiredImmunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and carries the globe's heaviest burden of HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS has been transformed into a chronic condition, albeit one with no cure, making it important to assess determinants of quality of life (QoL) and, if required, improve the QoL of People Living with HIV (PLHIV). The study assessed the determinants of quality of life of patients attending HIV clinics in Ilorin metropolis.Methods: The study was a descriptive cross sectional study. A sample size of 384 HIV positive patients who were systematically recruited at the 5 public service delivery sites in Ilorin. Data was analyzed using SPSS software version 20.0. Level of significance was pre-determined at p-value < 0.05 at a confidence level of 95%.Results: Majority 213 (55.5%) of the respondents had good QoL, while 171 (44.5%) had low QoL with overall Mean score of 68±14. This study showed that being employed, high income, and low cost of care were associated with good health related (HRQoL). Regression analysis revealed that age > 30yrs (odds = 1.5), longer duration on Highly Active Anti-retroviral Therapy (HAART) >3yrs (Odds = 1.5), CD4 count >500cells/mm3 (Odds = 1.2), high monthly income (Odds=1.6) and low cost of care (Odds= 1.27) were found to determine good QoL.Conclusion: Government should therefore expand access to HIV care by considering more Primary Health Care facilities as Anti-Retroviral Therapy ( ART) treatment centers.Key words: Quality of life, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Patients, Anti-Retroviral Therap

    Atherogenic risk pattern among Nigerian hypertensive and diabetic patients undergoing follow-up visit in a tertiary hospital

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    Objectives: Cardiovascular risk can be predicted using lipid ratios such as the atherogenic index which is defined as the base 10 logarithm of the ratio of plasma triglyceride (TG) to high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) – it is a useful prognostic parameter for guiding timely interventions and has also been employed as a predictor of cardiovascular risk. However, this is rarely used in the clinical practice in developing countries including Nigeria.Methods: This study was a hospital-based cross-sectional study of 382 hypertensive and diabetic patients attending outpatient clinics of a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. Atherogenic risk profile, was categorized as low risk (<0.1), intermediate risk (0.1–0.24), and high risk (>0.24). Predictors were established using regression analysis. Level of significance was set at p-value of <0.05 and 95% confidence interval.Results: The mean age of participants was 56±12 years, 31.4% of participants had high atherogenic risk. This was higher among female patients (60.0%). Participants with high TC, high LDL, uncontrolled blood pressure had odds of 1.64, 1.43 and 1.17 times of developing high atherogenic risk respectively.Conclusion: A significant proportion of participants in this study population were at risk of developing atherosclerosis. Key identified populations at risk of CVD should be considered for routine artherogenic assessment.Keywords: Atherogenic, indices, hypertension, diabete

    Some observations on ticks (Acari : Ixodidae) infesting sheep in River Nile Province of Northern Sudan

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    Five species of ixodid ticks were found in a cross-sectional survey in which 200 sheep were examined for ticks in River Nile Province, Sudan. Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum was the predominant species (73.6 %), whereas ticks belonging to the Rhipicephalus sanguineus group (14.7 %), Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi (9.1 %), Rhipicephalus simus (2 %) and Hyalomma dromedarii (0.5 %) were also found. The mean tick load was 11.2 per animal. In a subsequent longitudinal survey ticks were collected on a monthly basis from eight sentinel sheep that were introduced into the area. It was found that H. a. anatolicum almost disappeared during the hot period between April and August, whereas it's highest numbers were present in winter between November and February. It is concluded that there is only one generation of H. a. anatolicum per year, which may explain the yearround appearance of clinical cases of malignant ovine theileriosis indicating endemic instability of this disease in River Nile Province

    Pharmacological, nutritional and antimicrobial uses of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves in poultry nutrition: An updated knowledge

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    Recently, developing countries have focused on using innovative feed in poultry nutrition. The plant Moringa oleifera is native to India but grows worldwide in tropical and subtropical climates. Moringa is planted on a large scale as it can tolerate severe dry and cold conditions. All parts of this plant can be used for commercial or nutritional purposes, and it has a favorable nutritional profile. Beneficial phytochemicals, minerals, and vitamins are abundant in the leaves. The leaf extracts can be used to treat malnutrition; they also possess anticancer, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Further, moringa contains antinutritional substances, such as trypsin inhibitors, phytates, tannins, oxalates, cyanide, and saponins, which have a harmful effect on mineral and protein metabolism. Previous research suggested that including moringa in chicken diets boosts their growth and productivity. Therefore, this review focuses on the characterization and application of M. oleifera in poultry nutrition and its potential toxicity. Furthermore, we discuss the nutritional content, phytochemicals, and antioxidants of M. oleifera leaf meal and its applicability in poultry rations

    Unrelenting catastrophic droughts and successive failed rainy seasons in the Greater Horn of Africa

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    â–ª The Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA) is one of the world's most negatively impacted regions by climatic extremes and changes affecting millions, including farmers and livestock keepers. â–ª Addressing the impacts of devastating extreme weather events, climate variabilities, and changes in GHoA require, among other things, strengthening Climate Information Services (CIS), including in terms of Anticipatory Action, Early Warning Systems (EWS), and preparedness and early action for climate-resilient development. â–ª Part of the recommendations and policy-related solutions to the devastating extreme weather events and climate crisis calls for countries to shift from delayed silos and reactive emergency management to proactive responses through effective joint investment, adoption, and implementation of multi-hazard early warning for all initiatives and programs aimed at enhanced regional preparedness and early action by the GHoA countries and the international development partners. â–ª These include: (i) Strengthening disaster risk knowledge and management, (ii) Enhancing infrastructure, human and technical capacity for observing, monitoring, analysing, and forecasting extreme weather and climate variability-related hazards, (iii) Improving communication and dissemination for better access, uptake, and use of a multi-hazard early warning, and (iv) Enhancing preparedness and coordinated early action by building regional, national, and community-level response capabilities of the GHoA countries. â–ª There is a clear and urgent need to protect the lives of millions of people, including smallholder farmers and livestock keepers, from extreme weather and the climate crisis in the GHoA region. â–ª National governments, regional climate centers, and international development partners should support the enhancement and sustainability of infrastructure, as well as human and technical expertise in the region to take advantage of the advances in science and technology (i.e., use of digital decision support tools, ICTs, and broadcast systems) to ensure the availability and accuracy of CIS and EWS for enhanced service delivery for all, preparedness and early action at the national and sub-national levels
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