16 research outputs found

    Effects of flavouring additives on feed intake and immune function of newly received feedlot cattle

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    Ninety Angus × Hereford steers (259.9 ± 36.18 kg BW) were used in a 56-d experiment to assess the effects of flavouring additives on stimulating feed intake and immune function of newly received feedlot cattle. Steers were homogenously distributed by body weight (BW) into six pens (15 head/pen) and pen was randomly assigned to one of three treatments (two pens/treatment): a standard feedlot receiving diet (CT), or the same diet with a flavouring additive comprised of either sweeteners (SW) or a mix of basic tastes (MX) at 1 g/kg (Lucta SA, Barcelona, Spain). Pens were equipped with a feed intake monitoring system (Growsafe Systems, Airdrie, Canada), while BW, chute behaviour, flight speed, blood samples, saliva samples were collected bi-weekly and hair samples were collected at 4-week intervals during the study. Data were analyzed using a mixed-effects model accounting for repeated measures with steers as the experimental unit, except for chute behaviour, where a non-parametric one-way ANOVA was used. There were multiple treatment × time interactions (P 0.1) over the 56-d feeding period, FE and ADG were greater (P < 0.05) in SW and MX than CT from d 27 to 41, and ADG was lower for SW and MX steers than CT from d 15 to 28. Haptoglobin concentration in blood also showed a treatment × time interaction (P < 0.05), where SW steers had lower concentrations than CT on d 14. Blood fibrinogen and serum amyloid A concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) on d 1 than the rest of the days. Neutrophil percentage was greater (P <0.01) on d 56 than d 28, whereas lymphocyte percentage was lower (P < 0.01) on d 56 than d 28. Hair and saliva cortisol concentration were lower (P < 0.01) on d 56 compared to d 1 and 28, respectively. The use of flavouring additives, and mostly the one based on sweeteners, caused some positive changes in the feeding pattern and haptoglobin concentration of newly received steers. These changes, however, were not consistent over the 56-d feeding period and were not accompanied by a change in their growth performance, temperament, or in the biomarkers of stress, inflammation, or immune function. A different combination of flavouring agents, dose, or strategy to use flavouring agents (one flavour profile vs. a rotation of flavours over time) should be explored in future research trials to further assess the efficacy of these additives in newly received feedlot cattle

    Green magnetite nanocomposite sheet using coprecipitation loading method as a wave absorber in RFID applications

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    EM wave absorber had been used to solve the RFID interference problem when it is used in near metallic environment. Synthetic polymeric matrix from various cellulosic pulps were used to produce wave absorbers with magnetite as its main reinforcement using two different approaches namely lumen loading method and in-situ coprecipitation method. Since both methods were a successful in terms of green technology and cost reduction, this study focused on enhancing the previous two methods by introducing a new developed method called as coprecipitation loading method. Besides that, the exploration of the compatibility of paddy straw and recycled paper as the magnetic sheet matrix also was done to add the green technology value. Result obtained reveal that paddy straw and recycled paper are very good candidate to be embedded with nano-magnetite particles thus conforming its compatibility to be used as a substrate to produce the wave absorber. All three loading methods have good degree of loading around 18.4% to 34.4%, and VSM data also shows that the magnetic wave absorbers exhibit good superparamagnetic behaviour. The proposed method consume less power to be produced compared to the previous methods thus contributes to green environmental effects. All samples were tested in the HF RFID application near to metallic environment showing great performance in alleviating the interference problem and recover up to 60% of the distance detection by comparing to the commercial wave absorber. By using the loading methods and substrates proposed, this research contributes to the production of Green Magnetite Nanocomposites Sheets using substrate from paddy straw and recycled paper pulp combined with magnetite nanoparticles. Besides that, the introduction of coprecipitation loading method also enables magnetic sheet to be produced using less energy compared to previous methods. Lastly, samples produced indicate that the green magnetic wave absorber do perform its main purpose in the RFID application near metallic environment

    Theoretical Ethics Represented in Baroque’s Drawings

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    يعنى البحث الحالي بدراسة (تمثلات الأخلاق النظرية في رسوم الباروك)، ويقع في أربعة فصول: خُصص الأول منها لبيان مُشكلة البحث التي تحددت بالتساؤل الآتي: كيف تمثلت الأخلاق النظرية في رسوم الباروك؟ وتجلّت أهمية البحث في تحديد آلية اشتغال مفهوم الأخلاق النظرية فكراً وممارسةً ضمن نطاق رسوم الباروك في ضوء موقف فلسفي مفاهيمي تأويلي، وهدفت الدراسة إلى: تعرف تمثلات الأخلاق النظرية في رسوم الباروك، أما حدود البحث الموضوعية والزمانية والمكانية فشملت دراسة الأعمال التصويرية(الزيتة) في أوروبا للمدة(1600-1750م) وتحليلها، وتم استعراض المصطلحات الواردة في البحث ومناقشتها، وتناول الفصل الثاني الإطار النظري بمبحثين: الأول؛ مفهوم الأخلاق والأخلاق النظرية في الفلسفة والفن، والثاني: فن الباروك مفاهيم وتطبيقات، وكذلك استخراج ومناقشة المؤشرات للإفادة منها في صياغه أداة البحث، أما الفصل الثالث فقد تضمّن إجراءات البحث، واحتوى الفصل الرابع نتائج البحث، والاستنتاجات، والتوصيات، والمقترحات. ومن أهم النتائج التي توصّل إليها البحث ما يأتي: 1-جاء الباروك متعايشاً مع الناس، فإلى جانب المواضيع الدينية والبلاطية صور مواضيع المجتمع ومؤكداً نشر التواضع وبث روح الإيثار وأن الفرد من أجل الجماعة وأن الإرادة والعقل هما من موجودات العالم الأخروي ولا سبيل في هذه الدنيا إلا إلى الفضائل لنيل السعادة الأبدية كما في العينة(5،4،3،2،1). 2-اتخذت الدينامية الباروكية عنصر المفاجأة وفي التنكر لقواعد الأسلوب النهضوي في خلق رؤى جديدة تسعى لدايكتيك متعالي ولتحقق أفقاً ميتافيزيقياً يسعى بحكمته وفضائله إلى الفوز بالسعادة الأبدية وأنها تسعى للفعل بدل الارتكاسية.&nbsp; Current research means study " Theoretical ethics represented in baroque drawings" It is located in four Chapteres، The first is devoted to illustrating the research problem which was determined by the following question: How Theoretical ethics&nbsp; were represented in Baroque drawings? The importance of the research was manifested in determining the mechanism of operating the concept of theoretical ethics، intellectually and Exercise، within the scope of the Baroque drawings in light of philosophical conceptual and explanatory، The study aimed to: Identify Theoretical ethics represented in baroque drawings، As for the limits of the research the Objectivity، temporal and spatial، they included studying and analyzing pictorial works (Oil painting) in Europe for the period (1600-1750 AD)، Also has been reviewed and discussed&nbsp; The terms mentioned in the research، As&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; second chapter dealt with the theoretical framework and in two topics The first is The concept of moral and theoretical ethics in philosophy and art، The second: Baroque art concepts and applications، As well as extracting and discussing indicators to be used in formulating the research tool، &nbsp;As for the third chapter it included the research procedures، Chapter four contained the results of the research، conclusions، recommendations، and proposals، Among the most important results reached by the the research are:1- Baroque came to live with people، Besides religious and palatial issues Pictures of the subjects of society، emphasizing the spreading of humility and the spreading of the spirit of altruism، that the individual is for the sake of the community and that the will and the mind are among the assets of the afterlife and there is no way in this world except for the virtues to obtain eternal happiness as in the sample (5،4،3،2،1). 2- The Baroque dynamism has taken the element of surprise and disavowal of the rules of the Renaissance style in creating new visions that seek a transcendent dialectic and to achieve a metaphysical horizon that seeks through its wisdom and virtues to win eternal happiness and that it seeks to do rather than retrograde

    Laparoscopic repair of traumatic intraperitoneal bladder rupture: a rare case report

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    Laparoscopic repair of traumatic intraperitoneal bladder rupture is safe and effective technique. We here report case of 49 year male with traumatic intraperitoneal bladder rupture proven by CT urogram after sustaining blunt trauma abdomen injury, repaired by laparoscopy technique. Patient recovered without any complications and was discharged on postoperative day 6 under stable condition. we here by conclude that if bladder injury identified early and conditions if feasible, laparoscopic repair is one of the good options for further management without involving open laparotomy

    Single puncture percutaneous nephrolithotomy for large staghorn calculus: experience at a tertiary care center

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    Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is recommended procedure for stones greater than 2 cm This procedure is being used commonly by all urologists worldwide. With increasing using of imaging studies, the incidence of large staghorn calculus has been consistently decreasing because most of the stones are being detected while they are still small. In this case report we are presenting a case of a large staghorn calculus of size 6.7×5.2 cm which was completely cleared by PCNL with a need for relook procedure

    The effect of chitosan content to physical and degradation properties of biodegradable urea fertilizer

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    Chitosan has been widely used in many applications due to its biodegradability and non-toxicity. This article discusses the effect of different chitosan loadings on properties of ureafertilizer which prepared through direct wet mixing process. Absorption and soil degradationtests were performed to measure the amount of water intakes and the life-cycle of the fertilizer.The chemical interaction and thermal properties were analyzed using FTIR and DSC,respectively. It was found that water absorbency and degradation rate increases with chitosanloading, and FTIR confirms the presence of urea in as-produced fertilizers from a unique –NHand amide C=O functional groups

    Etika bisnis dalam Islam.

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    Jakartaxviii, 185 p.; 24 cm

    Etika bisnis dalam islam

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    Sistem bisnis kapitalis, komunis dan sosialis telah menyebabakan kebangkrutan ekonomi dunia baik di timur maupun di barat

    Etika bisnis dalam Islam

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    xv; 177 hal.; 200