46 research outputs found

    The Formulation of High-Calorie and Rich-Fe Biscuits for Pregnant Women with Chronic Energy Malnutrition

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    Supplementary food distribution for pregnant women still depends on the local policy. This program is funded using Health Operational Funds and distributed in form of milk, eggs, raw materials such as green beans and others. The field constraints of this program were acceptability and willingness of pregnant women to process the raw materials. This study aims to address the problems of providing supplementary food for pregnant women who suffer from chronic energy malnutrition and anemia by making the formulation of high protein biscuits and Fe using soybean flour substitution catfish eggs and flour as a source of protein and Fe. Biscuits produced is expected to be one of the snacks and nutritions for women who suffer from chronic energy deficeincy. The ingredients were flour, fish powder, soy flour, eggs, milk powder, sugar, and maize flour. The method used was pure experimental approach completely randomized design with three times repetition. The formulation of the biscuits proportion between fish and soy flour as much as 2:1, 1:1, and 1:2. Proximate test shows that the proportion of fish and soy flour 1:2 has the highest energy value (496.81 kcal) with a value of 17.74% protein. Organoleptic test indicates that the most favorable taste and tekstur was the formulation with the proportion of fish flour and soy flour 1:2. The formulation of high protein and Fe biscuits for women with chronic energy malnutrition and anemia in Boyolali favoured by third trisemester pregnant women is the one with the proportion of 1:2

    Parameters to Assess Nutritional Status in a Moroccan Hemodialysis Cohort

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    Introduction: Malnutrition is common in maintenance hemodialysis (HD) and is associated with increased mortality and morbidity in affected patients. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of malnutrition and correlate the methods of nutritional assessment.Methods: We evaluated the nutritional status of 40 prevalent HD patients by subjective global assessment (SGA) score, anthropometrics [body mass index (BMI), arm circumference (AC), triceps skin-fold thicknesses (TSF), arm muscle circumference (AMC)], biochemical tests [normalized protein equivalent to total nitrogen appearance (nPNA), and pre-dialysis serum albumin and serum prealbumin levels] and bio-electrical impedance (BEI) analysis to estimate body composition [lean tissue index (LTI) and fat tissue index (FTI)].Results: The study assessed 40 patients (20 males and 20 females) with a mean age of 50.7±16.5 years. The prevalence of malnutrition according to the different methods ranged from 5 % to 65%. There were highly significant gender-specific differences in AMC (p < 0.001) and TSF (p < 0.001). The BEI revealed a highly significant difference in LTI (p < 0.001) but no difference in FTI (p = 0.14) according to gender. There was a positive correlation between LTI and both serum albumin (r = 0.37; p = 0.018) and serum prealbumin (r = 0.53; p < 0.001). Also, there was a significant positive correlation between FTI and BMI (r = 0.59; p < 0.001), AC (r = 0.44; p = 0.004) and TSF (r = 0.61; p < 0.001).Conclusion: Our data suggest that BEI analysis provides a useful means of assessing nutritional status and was correlated with anthropometrics and biochemical findings.Keywords: Anthropometric Measurements; Bioelectrical Impedance; Hemodialysis; Malnutrition; Subjective Global Assessmen

    Ocorrência de Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouché, 1835) em caprinos no Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.

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    Primeiro registro de Siphonaptera da espécie Ctenocephalides felis felis parasitando caprinos jovens (12,3%), procedentes de propriedades rurais, no Município de Mossoró, na região semiárida do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

    Relação sexual do parasitismo por Haemonchus contortus em Caprinos (Capra hircus).

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    A hemoncose é uma doença parasitaria importante para pecuária, sendo os ovinos e caprinos as espécies que apresentam um maior acometimento. Esta enfermidade é provocada pelo nematódeo de gênero Haemonchus sp., parasito de abomaso, medindo entre 1 a 2,5 cm. Tratase da mais patogênica das helmintoses, provocando diminuição do ganho de peso, graves anemias, edemas de mucosa gástrica diminuindo a absorção de nutrientes, edemas externos denominados ?edema de barbela?, sendo sua sintomatologia característica de hemoncose, além de provocar óbito em graves parasitoses. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a fauna parasitária abomasal e a relação sexual do parasitismo por Haemonchus contortus. Foram coletadas amostras abomasais de caprinos após o abate, sendo recuperado um total de 12460 helmintos. Os animais abatidos foram observados no pré abate e pós abate. No pré abate foram observados pelos arrepiados e sem brilho além de anemias grave. Após o abate foi observado o parasitismo abomasal por H. contortus e T. axei, onde a carga parasitária do H. contortus representou mais de 98% do parasitismo, sendo a relação entre macho e fêmea equivalente, além do parasitismo observou-se lesões de mucosa provocado pela fixação do nematóide ao órgão e carcaça pálida. Sexual relationship of parasitism by Haemonchus contortus in Goats (Capra hircus). Abstract: The hemoncose is an important parasitic disease to livestock, being the species sheep and goats the most affected. This disorder is caused by the nematode Haemonchus sp. abomasal parasite, measuring 1 to 2.5 cm. This is the most pathogenic helminthes, causing reduction of weight gain, severe anemia, edema of the gastric mucosa promoting decreasing the absorption of nutrients, external swelling called "edema of dewlap", and it?s characteristic signs of hemoncose, besides causing death in severe parasitosis. The aim of this study was describe the abomasal parasite fauna and sexual parasitism with Haemonchus contortus. Abomasal samples were collected after slaughter of goats, being recovered a total of 12460 helminths. The slaughtered animals were observed before and after slaughter. Before the slaughter were observed hair bristly and opaque, beyond severe anemia. After killing was observed abomasal parasitism by H. contortus and T. axei, where the parasitic load of H. contortus was accounted for more than 98% of parasitism, being equivalent the relation between male and female, in addition of the parasitism was observed mucosal lesions caused by fixation of nematode in abomasum, and pale carcass

    Pronostic visuel et évolution réfractive après chirurgie de la cataracte congénitale avec implantation primaire: Étude d’une série de 108 cas

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    La cataracte congénitale constitue la cause la plus fréquente de cécité évitable chez les enfants. Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer le pronosticréfractif et fonctionnel, des enfants opérés de cataracte congénitale avec implantation. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective de 108 enfants, dont 85cataractes bilatérales, 23 unilatérales opérés entre 2007 et 2011. La réfraction a été mesurée à 1 mois, 3 mois, 6 mois, 1 an, 2 ans, 3 ans et/ou 4 ans en post-opératoire. La meilleure acuité visuelle corrigée, ainsi que l'incidence des complications post-opératoires ont été analysé. L'âge moyen de la chirurgie était de 25 mois avec une durée moyenne de suivi de 3,17 ans. Les complications retrouvées étaient l'inflammation, la prolifération secondaire, et le glaucome. L'acuité visuelle (AV) moyenne corrigée finale était de 5,75/10e pour les formes bilatérales, et de  4,16/10e pour les unilatérales (p = 0,001). Les facteurs de mauvais pronostic retrouvés étaient l'âge tardif de la chirurgie, la densité de la cataracte et la survenue de complications (p = 0,001). L'incidence des complications post-opératoires était significativement plus élevé chez les enfants opérés à un jeune âge (p = 0,001). Les facteurs de mauvais pronostic visuel chez les enfants opérés pour cataracte congénitale avec implantation, sont représentés par le caractère unilatéral de la cataracte, l'âge tardif de la chirurgie, la densité de la cataracte et la survenue de complications post opératoires

    Les facteurs pronostiques de survie sans récidive chez les patientes atteintes de tumeur du col de l’utérus

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    La radiochimiothérapie est le traitement de référence des tumeurs du col localement avancées, et plusieurs études ont montré l'importance des facteurs pronostiques sur le contrôle local de la tumeur et la survie des malades. L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer l'impact des facteurs pronostiques, en particulier de l'étalement sur la survie sans récidive des patientes suivies pour cancer du col utérin. Il s'agit d'une série rétrospective portant sur 177 femmes suivies en 2011 pour tumeur du col utérin de stade IB à III selon la classification de FIGO 2009 ayant bénéficié d'une radiothérapie à la dose de 46 Grays sur le pelvis et une surimpression sur les paramètres envahis associée à du cisplatine 40mg/m² par semaine suivie de curiethérapie réalisée selon le mode haut débit de dose (HDR) ou bas débit de dose (LDR). La moyenne d'âge était de 53ans, la médiane de l'étalement total était de 65 jours, 75% des patientes ont reçu 4 cures de chimiothérapie, et les patientes ont été suivies après le traitement pendant une durée médiane de 34 mois. La récidive locale et métastatique était de 33,3% chez les patientes ayant des adénopathies pelviennes, contre 16,3% chez celles qui en étaient indemnes (p= 0,031), elle était de 26,3% chez les patientes ayant un étalement supérieur à 65 jours contre 11% chez celles dont l'étalement en était inférieur (p= 0,01). La présence d'adénopathies pelviennes et l'étalement total de la radiothérapie apparaissaient respectivement comme les seuls facteurs pronostiques indépendant de survenue de récidive, p= 0,04 OR= 2,6 IC95% (1,05 6,3) et p= 0,01 OR= 2,9 IC95% (1,26 6,7). En analyse multivariée, la technique de curiethérapie p = 0,003 OR= 0,25 IC95% (0,1 0,6) et l'étalement total du traitement p= 0,0001 OR= 4,7 IC95% (2 10,8) apparaissaient comme les seuls facteurs pronostiques indépendant de survie sans récidive. L'étalement supérieur à 65 jours et la technique de curiethérapie LDR semblent être les facteurs de mauvais pronostic de survie sans récidive dans notre étude

    Espécies do gênero Eimeria Schneider, 1875 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) em pequenos ruminantes na Mesorregião Oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.

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    O estudo teve como objetivo identificar as espécies do gênero Eimeria presentes em caprinos e ovinos na região oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram examinadas 566 amostras fecais no período de agosto/2005 a abril/2006, de pequenos ruminantes, de ambos os sexos e provenientes de criações da região. Encontraram-se oocistos de Eimeria em 68,42 dos criatórios com 20,67% dos animais infectados. O parasitismo é relativamente comum entre os caprinos (17,92%) e ovinos (25,35%) criados em regime extensivo. O estudo teve como objetivo identificar as espécies do gênero Eimeria presentes em caprinos e ovinos na região oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram examinadas 566 amostras fecais no período de agosto/2005 a abril/2006, de pequenos ruminantes, de ambos os sexos e provenientes de criações da região. Encontraram-se oocistos de Eimeria em 68,42 dos criatórios com 20,67% dos animais infectados. O parasitismo é relativamente comum entre os caprinos (17,92%) e ovinos (25,35%) criados em regime extensivo. [Species of the genus Eimeria schneider, 1875 (apicomplexa:eimeriidae) in small ruminant in the west mesorregion of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Bazil]. Abstract: This study aimed to identify the species of the genus Eimeria present in goats and sheep in the west meso region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. In a total 566 fecal samples were examined between august/2005 and april/2006, from small ruminants of both genders and proceeding from regional rearings. The genus Eimeria were found in 68.42 of the rearings with 20.67% of the animals infected. The parasitism is relatively common among goats (17.92%) and sheeps (25.35%) raised extensively. Eimeria species in goats were: E. ninakohlyakimovae (25.72), E. arloingi (21.96), E. apsheronica (16.18), E. christenseni (12.13), E. alijevi (11.84), E. jolchijevi (5.49), E. caprina (4.04), E. hirci (2.31) and E. caprovina (0.28%). Eimeria species found in sheep were first report in the State of Rio Grande do Norte as E. ovina (34.64%), E. ovinoidallis (20.26%), E. parva (16.99%), E. faurei (13.72%), E. granulosa (7.84%), E. ahsata (4.57%), E. crandallis (0.65%) and E. caprovina (1.3%).bitstream/item/27679/1/AAC-Especies-do-genero-Eimeria-SCHNEIDER-1875.pd

    Resistência anti-helmíntica em caprinos no município de Mossoró, RN.

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    O Nordeste brasileiro destaca-se na caprinocultura, onde as helmintoses gastrintestinais estão entre os maiores problemas. Mesmo com drogas anti-helmínticas de amplo espectro, o controle dos parasitos vem sendo prejudicado pela resistência parasitária. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a sensibilidade dos nematódeos de caprinos à ação dos vermífugos ivermectina 1% e albendazole 10%, como também determinar o perfil das propriedades com helmintos resistentes aos princípios ativos em questão. O trabalho foi realizado no período de janeiro a novembro de 2008 em trinta criações de caprinos em Mossoró, RN. Em cada propriedade, selecionaram-se 45 animais, divididos em três categorias. Eram vermifugados dez dias pós-tratamento, coletaram-se amostras de fezes. As coordenadas geográficas de todas as propriedades foram obtidas por GPS. Analisaram-se os dados pelo programa estatístico RESO. Das propriedades estudadas, o Haemonchus contortus teve percentual de 90% resistência ao albendazole em 30,6% à ivermectina. Este, por sua vez, foi o mais prevalente em todos os grupos tratados. Já o Trichostrongylus sp. foi encontrado em 70% das propriedades e percentual da população de helmintos resistentes à ivermectina foi de 33,3%, e ao albendazole de 42,8%. A redução na contagem de ovos nas fezes (RCOF) dez dias póstratamento com ivermectina e albendazole variou entre 43% e 100% e 29% e 100%, respectivamente. O perfil das propriedades demonstrou que os anti-helmínticos mais utilizados pertenciam aos grupos dos benzimidazóis (63,3%), das avermectinas (33,3%) e dos imidazois (3,3%)

    Patient satisfaction in an acute medicine department in Morocco

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patients' satisfaction is an important indicator for quality of care. Measuring healthcare quality and improving patient satisfaction have become increasingly prevalent, especially among healthcare providers and purchasers of healthcare. This is mainly due to the fact that consumers are becoming increasingly more knowledgeable about healthcare. No studies of inpatients' satisfaction with hospital care have been conducted in Morocco. The first objective of the present study was to confirm the reliability and validity of the Arabic version of the EQS-H (Echelle de Qualité des Soins en Hospitalisation). The second objective was to evaluate patient satisfaction in an acute medicine department in Morocco by using the EQS-H questionnaire; and also to assess the influence of certain demographics, socioeconomics, and health characteristics in patient satisfaction.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>it was a patient survey conducted in an acute medicine department of a Moroccan University Hospital. We surveyed their socio demographic status, and health characteristics at admission. We performed structured face to face interviews with patients who were discharged from hospital. The core of the EQS-H questionnaire was translated to Arabic, adapted to the present setting, and then used to measure patient satisfaction with quality of care. The internal consistency of the EQS-H scale was assessed by Chronbach's coefficient alpha. Validity was assessed by factor analysis. Factors influencing inpatients' satisfaction were identified using multiple linear regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Arabic version of EQS-H demonstrated an excellent internal consistency for the two dimensions studied (0.889 for 'quality of medical information' (MI) and 0.906 for 'Relationship with staff and daily routine' (RS)). The principal component analysis confirmed the bidimensional structure of the questionnaire and explained 60% of the total variance. In the univariate analysis, urban residence, higher income, better perceived health status compared to admission, better perceived health status compared to people of the same age, and satisfaction with life in general were related to MI dimension; Otherwise, mal gender, urban residence, higher income, staying in double room, better perceived health status compared to admission, and satisfaction with life in general were related to RS dimension. The multiple linear regression showed that four independent variables were associated with higher satisfaction in MI: More than 2 prior hospitalizations, a longer length of stay (10-14 days) (<it>P </it>= 0.002), staying in double room (<it>P </it>= 0.022), and better perceived health status compared to admission (<it>P </it>= 0.036). Three independent variables were associated with higher satisfaction in RS: a longer length of stay (10-14 days) (<it>P </it>= 0.017), better perceived health status compared to admission day (<it>P </it>= 0.013), and satisfaction with life in general (<it>P </it>= 0.006).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our current data assessing patient satisfaction with acute health care by the Arabic version of the EQS-H showed that the satisfaction rate was average on MI dimension; and good on RS dimension of the questionnaire. The majority of participants were satisfied with the overall care. Demographic, socioeconomic, and health characteristics may influence in-patients satisfaction in Morocco, a low/middle income country. An appreciation and understanding of these factors is essential to develop socio culturally appropriate interventions in order to improve satisfaction of patients.</p