9 research outputs found
Hukuman Bagi Pelaku Tindak Pidana Penadahan Dengan Sistem Gadai
Abstract: This study aims to investigate crime of fencing by the lien system contained in decision No. 293/Pid.B/2013/PN. Mkt. In his decision, judge used Article 480 Paragraph 1 (one) about the aggravating factors, the mitigating circumstances, witnesses at the trial, and the evidences in the trial as a consideration in deciding the case of fencing. In this case, judge decided that the defendant or criminal fencing system is sentenced to prison for 6 (six) months, from the demand of 10 (ten) months. According to the review of Islamic criminal law, the Judge’s ruling has been in accordance with Islamic law, because the defendant’s act is categorized as jarîmah and is sentenced with ta’zîr. That is because the criminal act is an offense where its punishment is not regulated in al-Qur’an and al-Hadith.Keywords: Crime of fencing, pawn system, Islamic criminal law Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti tindak pidana penadahan dengan sistem gadai yang terdapat dalam putusan No.293/Pid.B/2013/PN. Mkt. Dalam putusan tersebut, Majelis Hakim menggunakan Pasal 480 ayat 1, hal-hal yang memberatkan, hal-hal yang meringankan, saksi-saksi di persidangan, serta bukti-bukti dalam persidangan sebagai pertimbangan dalam memutus perkara tindak penadahan ini. Dalam kasus ini, Majelis Hakim memutus bahwa terdakwa atau pelaku tindak pidana penadahan dengan sistem gadai dijatuhi pidana penjara selama 6 (enam) bulan, dari tuntutan 10 (sepuluh) bulan. Menurut tinjauanf fiqh jinâyah putusan hakim telah sesuai dengan hukum Islam, karena perbuatan terdakwa termasuk dalam jarîmah yang hukumannya adalah ta’zîr. Hal tersebut dikarenakan tindak pidana tersebut merupakan sebuah pelanggaran yang hukumannya tidak diatur dalam Nash.Kata Kunci: Tindak pidana penadahan, sistem gadai, fiqh jinâya
Sikap siswa SMP dan SMA Islam Al-Azhar 1 Kebayoran baru Jakarta Selatan terhadap perpustakaan sekolah terhadap penunjang kegiatan belajar
xi, 110 hlm,; ilus,; 30 cm
Sikap siswa SMP dan SMA Islam Al-Azhar 1 Kebayoran baru Jakarta Selatan terhadap perpustakaan sekolah terhadap penunjang kegiatan belajar
xi, 110 hlm,; ilus,; 30 cm
Spiritual Experience Related to Anxiety Level in Pre Operational Cesarean Section Patients
Introduction: Anxiety is a common thing experienced by women who will undergo cesarean section surgery. The level of anxiety and the ability to manage anxiety are not the same for everyone, so efforts are needed to manage anxiety so that there is no delay in surgery. The purpose of this study was to explain the relationship between spiritual experiences and the level of anxiety in patients with preoperative cesarean section.
Methods: The design of this research was correlational analytic with cross sectional approach. The population of this study were mothers who underwent preoperative cesarean section as many as 32 people and with the purposive sampling technique obtained a sample of 30 respondents. The variables measured were spiritual experience and level of anxiety. Data were collected using DSES and HARS instruments. Data analysis using chi square test.
Result: The results showed that 90% of respondents with negative spiritual experiences were in moderate anxiety. The results of the chi square test obtained p = 0.002 which means that spiritual experience is significantly related to the level of anxiety of preoperative cesarean section patients.
Conclusion: Nurses have a role in managing the anxiety of preoperative cesarean section patients. Efforts that can be made are with a spiritual approach so as to create calm for preoperative section patients
Factors associated with family caregiver readiness to care for post-stroke patients after hospital discharge
Abstract Background Post-stroke patients often need support from their family caregivers to continue their care after hospital discharge. Family caregiver readiness in caring for stroke patients is needed to improve the patient's quality of life. This study aimed to analyze factors affecting family caregivers' readiness for post-stroke patient care after hospital discharge. Methods A cross-sectional study of family members of stroke patients admitted to the neurology inpatient unit from February to April 2023, and they were selected through purposive sampling. The general demographic questionnaire, the stroke knowledge questionnaire, and the Family Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale (FAM-RHDS) were used to gather the data. Data analysis was performed with IBM SPSS 26 software. Data were examined through the descriptive, Pearson correlation, and multiple linear regression tests. Results Fifty-nine respondents completed the questionnaires. Factors that were significantly related to family readiness to care for stroke patients were age (p = 0.000), gender (p = 0.000), income (p = 0.000), occupation (p = 0.000), marital status (p = 0.000), and knowledge (p = 0.000). Education level was the one that didn’t correlate with family readiness (p = 0.452). Gender is the most dominant factor affecting the readiness of family caregivers to care for stroke patients (coefficient B = 10.847). Conclusion Male family caregivers should be given special attention to improve their readiness to care for post-stroke patients. Assessment of family caregivers’ readiness for discharge should be part of discharge planning and those who are unprepared may be provided with additional interventions prior to discharge
Family Support in Chronic Kidney Failure Patients with Hemodialysis
Introduction: Hemodialysis is one of the treatments for kidney failure patients, although it is not always effective and has a tendency to make the patient's health worse. One such effect is a rise in interdialytic weight. In this study, patients with chronic kidney failure receiving hemodialysis at the Islamic Hospital A. yani Surabaya were examined to establish the association between family support and weight growth.
Method: a cross-sectional research strategy for analysis. 70 respondents made up the population of all hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure, and 60 respondents made up the purposive sampling sample size. The unrestricted factor is family support. The weight gain between dialysis sessions was the dependent variable. A questionnaire and an observation sheet were used as instruments. The Spearman Rank test was utilized in data analysis.
Results: According to the findings, out of the 60 respondents, the majority's (70%) family support was excellent, and the majority (76.7%) of those who had dialysis saw modest weight gain. According to statistical analysis, the p value was 0.001, which indicates that among hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure who receive family support, there is a relationship between weight gain.
Conclusion: In patients with chronic renal failure receiving hemodialysis, the more well-controlled the interdialytic weight increase, the better the family support. The requirement for support and assistance for dialysis patients so they can follow the recommended course of treatment