181 research outputs found

    State Transfer Between a Mechanical Oscillator and Microwave Fields in the Quantum Regime

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    Recently, macroscopic mechanical oscillators have been coaxed into a regime of quantum behavior, by direct refrigeration [1] or a combination of refrigeration and laser-like cooling [2, 3]. This exciting result has encouraged notions that mechanical oscillators may perform useful functions in the processing of quantum information with superconducting circuits [1, 4-7], either by serving as a quantum memory for the ephemeral state of a microwave field or by providing a quantum interface between otherwise incompatible systems [8, 9]. As yet, the transfer of an itinerant state or propagating mode of a microwave field to and from a mechanical oscillator has not been demonstrated owing to the inability to agilely turn on and off the interaction between microwave electricity and mechanical motion. Here we demonstrate that the state of an itinerant microwave field can be coherently transferred into, stored in, and retrieved from a mechanical oscillator with amplitudes at the single quanta level. Crucially, the time to capture and to retrieve the microwave state is shorter than the quantum state lifetime of the mechanical oscillator. In this quantum regime, the mechanical oscillator can both store and transduce quantum information

    A seasonal cycle in the export of bottom water from the Weddell Sea

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    Dense water formed over the Antarctic continental shelf rapidly descends into the deep ocean where it spreads throughout the global ocean as Antarctic Bottom Water1, 2. The coldest and most voluminous component of this water mass is Weddell Sea bottom water1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Here we present observations over eight years of the temperature and salinity stratification in the lowermost ocean southeast of the South Orkney Islands, marking the export of Weddell Sea bottom water. We observe a pronounced seasonal cycle in bottom temperatures, with a cold pulse in May/June and a warm one in October/November, but the timing of these phases varies each year. We detect the coldest bottom water in 1999 and 2002, whereas there was no cold phase in 2000. On the basis of current velocities and water mass characteristics, we infer that the pulses originate from the southwest Weddell Sea. We propose that the seasonal fluctuations of Weddell Sea bottom-water properties are governed by the seasonal cycle of the winds over the western margin of the Weddell Sea. Interannual fluctuations are linked to the variability of the wind-driven Weddell Sea gyre and hence to large-scale climate phenomena such as the Southern Annular Mode and El Niño/Southern Oscillation

    Influence of leaf trichome type, and density on the host plant selection by the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)

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    Host selection by adult greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) was assessed on two pelargonium plant cultivars, Pelargonium x domesticum (regal) and P. x hortorum (zonal) using Petri dish bioassay chambers in choice and no-choice tests. Plant characteristics which could influence the oviposition preference of the whitely i.e., type and density of trichomes on the abaxial leaf surface was determined. A strong host preference was observed for the regal compared to the zonal pelargonium by the adult whiteflies. In no-choice tests, adults laid a significantly higher number of eggs on regal than on zonal leaves both at 24 and 48 hours post-exposure, respectively. After exposure to the adult whitefly, the number of 42 eggs in choice tests were similar between cultivars at 24 hours, but were higher for regal at 48 and 72 hours. The total number of trichomes (sng: straight non-glandular + sg: straight glandular) per 0.50 cm2 44 was significantly less on regal (Mean ± SE sng + sg; 43.1 ± 1.5) than on zonal leaves (60.5 ± 1.2); however, the sng trichomes were significantly higher on the zonal (49.4 ± 0.96) than the regal leaves (28.6 ± 1.00). Also, the number of sg trichomes was slightly higher for the regal cultivar leaves compared to the zonal, being 14.4 ± 1.2 and 11.2 ± 0.5, respectively. Results suggest that the trichome density, type and the ability to express glandular exudates can affect adult whitefly Pelargonium cultivar preference and plays an important role in their host plant selection for oviposition

    Interferon lambda 4 impacts the genetic diversity of hepatitis C virus

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a highly variable pathogen that frequently establishes chronic infection. This genetic variability is affected by the adaptive immune response but the contribution of other host factors is unclear. Here, we examined the role played by interferon lambda-4 (IFN-λ4) on HCV diversity; IFN-λ4 plays a crucial role in spontaneous clearance or establishment of chronicity following acute infection. We performed viral genome-wide association studies using human and viral data from 485 patients of white ancestry infected with HCV genotype 3a. We demonstrate that combinations of host genetic variants, which determine IFN-λ4 protein production and activity, influence amino acid variation across the viral polyprotein - not restricted to specific viral proteins or HLA restricted epitopes - and modulate viral load. We also observed an association with viral di-nucleotide proportions. These results support a direct role for IFN-λ4 in exerting selective pressure across the viral genome, possibly by a novel mechanism

    UK guidance on the initial evaluation of an infant or an adolescent with a suspected disorder of sex development

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    It is paramount that any child or adolescent with a suspected disorder of sex development (DSD) is assessed by an experienced clinician with adequate knowledge about the range of conditions associated with DSD. If there is any doubt, the case should be discussed with the regional team. In most cases, particularly in the case of the newborn, the paediatric endocrinologist within the regional DSD team acts as the first point of contact. The underlying pathophysiology of DSD and the strengths and weaknesses of the tests that can be performed should be discussed with the parents and affected young person and tests undertaken in a timely fashion. This clinician should be part of a multidisciplinary team experienced in management of DSD and should ensure that the affected person and parents are as fully informed as possible and have access to specialist psychological support. Finally, in the field of rare conditions, it is imperative that the clinician shares the experience with others through national and international clinical and research collaboration

    Rectal gel application of Withania somnifera root extract expounds anti-inflammatory and muco-restorative activity in TNBS-induced Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is marked with chronic inflammation of intestinal epithelium driven by oxidative stress. Traditional treatments with plant extracts gained renewed interest due to their ability to ameliorate the multi factorial conditions like inflammation. We investigated the beneficial effects of <it>Withania somnifera </it>in Trinitro Benzyl Sulfonic Acid (TNBS) induced experimental IBD through a rectally applicable formulation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study included (i) preparation of gel formulation from aqueous <it>Withania somnifera </it>root extract (WSRE), (ii) biochemical assays to determine its performance potential, (iii) testing of formulation efficacy in TNBS-induced IBD rat model, and (iv) histo-patholgical studies to assess its healing and muco-regenerative effect in IBD-induced rats. For this purpose, concentration dependant antioxidant activity of the extracts were evaluated using biochemical assays like (a) inhibition of lipid peroxidation, (b) NO scavenging, (c) H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>scavenging, and (d) ferric reducing power assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The extract, at 500 μg/ml, the highest concentration tested, showed 95.6% inhibition of lipid peroxidation, 14.8% NO scavenging, 81.79% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>scavenging and a reducing capacity of 0.80. The results were comparable with standard antioxidants, ascorbic acid and curcumin. WSRE treatment positively scored on histopathological parameters like necrosis, edema, neutrophil infiltration. The post treatment intestinal features showed restoration at par with the healthy intestine. In view of these results, gel formulation containing an aqueous extract of <it>W. somnifera</it>, prepared for rectal application was tested for its anti-inflammatory activity in TNBS-induced rat models for IBD. Commercially available anti-inflammatory drug Mesalamine was used as the standard in this assay.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Dose of the rectal gel applied at 1000 mg of WSRE per kg rat weight showed significant muco-restorative efficacy in the IBD-induced rats, validated by histo-pathological studies.</p

    Progestogens to prevent preterm birth in twin pregnancies: an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized trials

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Preterm birth is the principal factor contributing to adverse outcomes in multiple pregnancies. Randomized controlled trials of progestogens to prevent preterm birth in twin pregnancies have shown no clear benefits. However, individual studies have not had sufficient power to evaluate potential benefits in women at particular high risk of early delivery (for example, women with a previous preterm birth or short cervix) or to determine adverse effects for rare outcomes such as intrauterine death.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>We propose an individual participant data meta-analysis of high quality randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of progestogen treatment in women with a twin pregnancy. The primary outcome will be adverse perinatal outcome (a composite measure of perinatal mortality and significant neonatal morbidity). Missing data will be imputed within each original study, before data of the individual studies are pooled. The effects of 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate or vaginal progesterone treatment in women with twin pregnancies will be estimated by means of a random effects log-binomial model. Analyses will be adjusted for variables used in stratified randomization as appropriate. Pre-specified subgroup analysis will be performed to explore the effect of progestogen treatment in high-risk groups.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Combining individual patient data from different randomized trials has potential to provide valuable, clinically useful information regarding the benefits and potential harms of progestogens in women with twin pregnancy overall and in relevant subgroups.</p

    Has Selection for Improved Agronomic Traits Made Reed Canarygrass Invasive?

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    Plant breeders have played an essential role in improving agricultural crops, and their efforts will be critical to meet the increasing demand for cellulosic bioenergy feedstocks. However, a major concern is the potential development of novel invasive species that result from breeders' efforts to improve agronomic traits in a crop. We use reed canarygrass as a case study to evaluate the potential of plant breeding to give rise to invasive species. Reed canarygrass has been improved by breeders for use as a forage crop, but it is unclear whether breeding efforts have given rise to more vigorous populations of the species. We evaluated cultivars, European wild, and North American invader populations in upland and wetland environments to identify differences in vigor between the groups of populations. While cultivars were among the most vigorous populations in an agricultural environment (upland soils with nitrogen addition), there were no differences in above- or below-ground production between any populations in wetland environments. These results suggest that breeding has only marginally increased vigor in upland environments and that these gains are not maintained in wetland environments. Breeding focuses on selection for improvements of a specific target population of environments, and stability across a wide range of environments has proved elusive for even the most intensively bred crops. We conclude that breeding efforts are not responsible for wetland invasion by reed canarygrass and offer guidelines that will help reduce the possibility of breeding programs releasing cultivars that will become invasive