1,346 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of the Guided Discovery Learning (GDL) Method Using a Contextual Approach Reviewed From Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability of Senior High School in Muna District

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas metode pembelajaran penemuan terbimbing menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual dalam hal keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa SMP. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas VIII Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kecamatan Kontukowuna, Kabupaten Muna, Sulawesi Tenggara pada tahun 2016/2017. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui penyediaan empat item pertanyaan instrumen tes keterampilan berpikir kritis, di mana setiap pertanyaan mewakili indikator kemampuan berpikir kritis dan lembar observasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji t satu sampel. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa nilai uji t 2,719> (t_0,05,27) = 2,0518, yang dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode pembelajaran penemuan terbimbing efektif dalam hal kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMP. Hasil ini didukung oleh peningkatan rata-rata pretest 27,66 ke posttest 76,00 yang lebih tinggi dari kriteria penguasaan mengajar minimum (KKM) dari 70

    The Effectivity of Multi Source Feedback (MSF) to Assess Professional Behaviour (Pb) of Nursing Students: an Evaluation Study

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    Background: Nurses are requested to give an excellent services to patients not only excellent in skills but also excellent in behaviour which serve comfort to patients. The behaviour is called professional behaviour or soft skill. Purpose: The aim of this research is investigating the effectiveness of MSF in assessing nursing students\u27 professional behaviour (PB).Methods: The design of the research is an evaluation study which compares the result of PB between before and after joining practice in clinical setting. The participants were thirty three participants consisting of 33 nursing students and 3 mentors. Data were collected using a quantitative approach. The participants are requested to do self and peer assessment using SPRAT modification form while mentors are asked to assess nursing students using the same form. The assessment was conducted twice, before and after joining internship. The data were analysed to compare the score of PB before and after joining the internship among group of participant using Paired sample T-test or dependent sample T test. Result: The results showed that there were differences of score between before and after joining internship with α = 0.000; 0.001; and 0.000 for self, peer, and mentor assessment respectively. There was no difference of score before joining internship among assessors with α = 0.509, and there was a difference of score after joining internship among assessors with α = 0.005. It means that MSF is an effective method to assess PB of nursing students. Conclusion: Applying MSF method to assess PB of nursing student is suggested for better assessment


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    ABSTRAKKualitas udara pada kandang ayam  broiler  dipengaruhi oleh  kadar  gas yang ada pada kandang. Gas amonia adalah gas yang ada pada kandang dan berbahaya bagi ayam broiler.Maka dari itu, dirancang suatu peralatan instrumentasi berupa purwarupa alat yang bisa membaca kadar gas amonia pada kandang ayam  broiler  dengan sensor serta menampilkannya dalam LCD dan mengeluarkan gas amonia tersebut menggunakan blower secara otomatis sesuai dengan kadar gas berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega 16.  Purwarupa ini dapat membaca kadar gas amonia, menampilkan data kadar gas pada LCD dengan satuan ppm (part per million) dan menggerakkan blower secara otomatis sesuai kadar gas.Kata Kunci:  Kandang, Ayam  Broiler, Gas amonia, Sensor,  LCD, Blower, Mikrokontroler ATMega 16ABSTRACTAir quality  in broiler  chicken coop  is affected  by the concentration  of the gas  inside the coop. Ammonia gas is a gas in the cage and dangerous for broilers.Therefore,  a  prototype  of  instrumentation tools is designed that  can  read the  ammoniagas levels  in  broiler  chicken coop  using  the sensor, show it into  LCD,  remove  automatically ammonia  gas  using a  blower  according to the  gas  concentration  based  MicrocontrollerATMEGA  16.  This  prototype  can  read the  content  of  ammonia  gas,  gas  concentration, show data  on the LCD  with units of  ppm  (parts per million)  and  drive the  blower  automatically according to the gas concentration.Keywords : Cage, Broiler, Gas ammonia, sensor, LCD, Blower, Microcontroller ATMEGA 1

    Comparing new entrants' strategy and performance in the UK telecommunications service industry: 1991-1997

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    The relationship between entry strategy and performance has been widely studied. Most of these studies were conducted or modelled in the context of free-competition industries. Little research has been conducted to study new entrant strategies in industries which were formerly natural monopolies industries. For this reason, this study is intended to compare and examine the relationship between new entrants strategy and performance in the newly liberalised industries, particularly in the UK telecommunications service during the period 1991-1997. The study found that entry into newly liberalised industry has not automatically resulted in the success of new entrants. In particular, the study has shown that all new entrants' losses were severe in the first three years of entry. AJI new entrants had a negative ROI, ROS, RONA, and Cash Flow. The new entrants also had a very small market share. Nevertheless, a half of the sample performed relatively better than another half of sample. Among the better performers, three were an entry by diversifying companies (Cable-TV Companies) and one was an entry by a newly created company. A diversifying company has benefited from its ability to capitalise existing customer base, skills and resources, and achieve economies of scale in network investment, operation and maintenance, and advertising and marketing. A newly createdinnovative entrant has benefited from its proprietary of technological (i.e. fixed radio access) advantage to avoid a high level of sunk cost, less investment per new subscriber, and faster network deployment. A better performer has also achieved a greater strategic flexibility as result of lower invested slack resources (i.e. capital expenditure, working capital, and marketing and administration costs) and higher generated slack resources (i.e. cash flow and ratio of current asset/current liabilities). The results of the study support the thought that type of entrants, magnitude of investments - generated slack and invested slack resources-, and competitive positioning are likely to have a significant relationship with the performance of new entrants, while timing of entry is only considered to be a contingent determinant of entry success. The results also suggest that pioneering advantage and competitive reaction to entry of the incumbents still became potential barriers to entry

    Environmental and Sustainability Issues of Indonesia Agriculture

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    Agriculture in Indonesia intensifies from the swidden to very intensive systems and expands rapidly, including tosteep slopes and peatland areas. These have implications to the environment and the system's sustainability.Cereal and pulses-based farming systems uses moderate amount of chemicals and thus poses little threats to waterquality. However, these systems encroach into steepland accelerating erosion and depleting soil fertility. Intensivevegetable farming applies around 50 Mg/ha of barnyard manure, 300 kg/ha of N, and high rates of pesticides,posing a threat to water quality in the downstream areas. Plantation develops very rapidly, including to forest andpeatland areas. Conversion, to plantation crops, of forest (with 132300 Mg C/ha) decreases, but of shrub (with1540 Mg C/ha) and Imperata grassland (with < 5 Mg C/ha) increases the carbon stock to 3050 Mg/ha. Thetraditional tree-crop-based agriculture, characterized by a mixture of several species, reduces erosion and maintainsrelatively high carbon stock and biodiversity. Lowland rice (paddy) system, currently covering around 7.9 millionha area, has been practiced sustainably for thousands of years. Despite providing food security and variousenvironmental services, this system is under tremendous pressures of conversion to industrial and settlement areas.Meanwhile, some 20 million ha peatland of Indonesia is being converted at a rate of 1.3% annually for agricultureand silviculture. The carbon-rich land rapidly emits carbon once it is cleared and drained. Indonesian agriculturaldevelopment is challenged by the demand to keep a high level of production with minimal negative impacts to theenvironment. This can be achieved by prioritization of low carbon stock land for agricultural expansion,rationalization of fertilizer application, minimization of intensive agricultural expansion to steepland, andsafeguarding paddy field from conversion

    Soil and Carbon Conservation for Climate Change Mitigation and Enhancing Sustainability of Agricultural Development

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    Agricultural sector is a sector which is vulnerable to climate change and a source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Therefore, besides the need for adaptation, agriculture has a potential to mitigate the climate change. This paper discusses the adaptation and mitigation of agriculture to the changing climate through soil and carbon conservation. Various soil conservation technological innovations on mineral soils potentially increase carbon stocks and subsequently improve soil physical and chemical properties and activities of living soil organisms. Conservation of peat soil basically reduces the rate of decomposition of organic matter or GHG emissions and also prolongs the lifespan of the peat. Soil and carbon conservation aimed to answer a variety of local issues such as sustainable agriculture and global issues such as reduction of GHG emissions from agricultural land. Rehabilitation of degraded peat shrub and peat grassland to agricultural land potentially provides significant carbon conservation and economic benefits. Evaluation of land status, land suitability, technology readiness, financial and institutional supports are the prerequisites needed to rehabilitate the abandoned land into productive and higher carbon storage lands

    Eksplorasi dimensi spiritual dalam praktik pelaporan akuntansi sosial dan lingkungan di Bali

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    Social and environmental accounting has attracted growing attention from companies in Indonesia as these companies face an increasing pressure to report their social and environmental responsibilities to the public. Despite this trend, however, Indonesia lacks a social and environmental reporting model that is relevant to its business environment, i.e., a model that incorporates the spiritual dimension, and not merely the economics, social, and environmental dimensions. The main aim of this study was to explore the spiritual dimension of the social and environmental reporting practices of a tourism company in Bali. The exploration was based on Tri Hita Karana, a local societal value held by the people of Bali. This study employed a two-phase research approach, where the first phase focused on exploring the social and environmental reporting practices of the company, while the second phase centered on refining and assessing the applicability of this reporting model in other companies. The results of this study show that the appropriate model of social and environmental accounting for Indonesian companies should consist of four dimensions: economic, environmental, social, and spiritual. Among these dimensions, the implementation of the spiritual dimension in social and environmental accounting faces the greatest challenges

    Penerapan Prinsip Manajemen Kualitas di Poli Umum Puskesmas Kecamatan Tebet Jakarta Selatan

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    The general polyclinic at Tebet Community Health Center, South Jakarta has already implemented quality management principles based on ISO 9001:2000. However, it was noted in 2005 that the implementation was hindered by several constraints. The objective of this study is to describe the implementation of eight principles of ISO 9001:2000 quality management system in general polyclinic at Tebet Community Health Center, South Jakarta. Methods used in this study is qualitative through document analysis, in-depth interview and observation. Client focus principles was applied through client satisfaction survey and routine client meeting. Leadership principle was applied through motivational support and routine management review meeting. Involvement principle was applied by providing opportunity for all personnel in decision making and attending further education and training. Process approach principle was applied by referring to quality output accomplishment. Systemic approach principle was applied by determination of quality management procedure. Continuous improvement principle was applied through revision based on survey results and findings. Fact-based decision making principle was applied through utilisation of survey and audit (both internal and external) results in the decision making process to produce accurate decisions. The study also found a mutually benefit relationship between Tebet Community Health Center and regulators including DKI Jakarta Health Office and Sub-office of Public Health of South Jakarta City

    Hadis-hadis Ekologi Dalam Konteks Perindustrian Di Indonesia

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    As the religion of rahmatan lil ‘alamin, Islam does not only concern with how mankinds worship to Allah (ibadah), and establish relationship among mankinds (muamalah) but also protect and preserve ecological systems around them as main purposes of Islamic laws (maqashid al-syari\u27ah). As the best role model (uswah al-hasanah), Prophet Muhammad pbuh has shown especially how to deal with ecology in relation to industrial activities. As a predominantly Moslem country, hadeeth as a religious text is expected to a great influence on the way of life including industrial world in order to realize public welfare and prosperity by industrial practitioners in Indonesia in general. However, religious passion has not had a positive impact in industrial world. Welfare as the main goal can only be enjoyed by a small group of people. Dealing with the phenomena, this article, therefore, aims at discussing hadeeths in relation to ecology and presenting analysis the implementation of the hadeeths in industrial practices in Indonesi
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