9 research outputs found

    Análise das velocidades: referencial de 4mM, de equilíbrio de 30 min e velocidade crítica em nadadoras adolescentes Velocities analysis: 4 mM reference, 30 min steady-state and critical velocity in female adolescent swimmers

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados do cálculo da velocidade de limiar anaeróbio (Lan), correspondente a 4mM de lactato, obtidos em testes de 2 x 400m (V4-2), 4 x 400m (V4-4) e a velocidade crítica (VC) relacionando-as com a velocidade média determinada no teste de 30 min (VMT30) em nadadoras adolescentes. METODOLOGIA: Participaram deste estudo 20 nadadoras (14,36 ± 1,22 anos; 52,75 ± 5,32kg; 159,97 ± 11,26cm; 22,5 ± 4,73% gordura corporal) de nível regional e estadual com pelo menos dois anos de treinamento sistemático. Testes realizados: Teste de 30 min (VMT30), Teste de duas distâncias (V4-2), Teste de quatro distâncias (V4-4) e Velocidade Crítica (VC). Análise estatística: o procedimento adotado para a comparação de todas as metodologias, duas a duas, foi a técnica de análise de regressão simples. RESULTADOS: As velocidades médias dos testes foram: VMT30: 1,12 ± 0,06m/s; V4-2: 1,14 ± 0,12m/s; V4-4: 1,12 ± 0,06m/s e a VC média: 1,14 ± 0,07m/s. Análise de regressão simples entre as metodologias duas a duas: V4-4 e V4-2 (r = 0,324), VC e V4-2 (r = 0,058), VMT30 e V4-2 (r = 0,595), VC e V4-4 (r = 0,807), VMT30 e V4-4 (r = 0,796) e VMT30 e VC (r = 0,677). As retas de regressão ajustadas apresentaram em relação à bissetriz os valores de p = 0,3060; 0,1716 e 0,0058. CONCLUSÕES: A determinação da VMT30 constitui-se em um bom instrumento para a prescrição de treinamento para as nadadoras estudadas, o que nem sempre ocorre com o modelo V4-2; a [La] de 4mM com quatro pontos e o cálculo do limiar de lactato através da técnica de efeitos aleatórios, mostrou-se viável para a determinação do Lan para as nadadoras, quando comparada com a VMT30; a VC e V4-4 apresentaram boa correlação assim como a VC e VMT30.<br>OBJECTIVE: To compare the results of the calculation of the anaerobic threshold velocity (AT), corresponding to 4 mM lactate, obtained in 2 x 400 m (V4-2), 4 x 400 m (V4-4) tests and critical velocity (CV) relating to the mean velocity determined in the 30 min test (VMT30) in female adolescent swimmers. METHODS: Twenty female swimmers (14.36 ± 1.22 years old; 52.75 ± 5.32 kg ; 159.97 ± 11.26 cm; % body fat 22.5 ± 4.73),with city and state level with at least two years of sistematic training participated in this study. Performed tests: 30 min test (MVT30), two-distance test (V4-2), four-distance test (V4-4) and critical velocity (CV). Statistical analysis: the procedure adopted to compare all methodologies, two by two, was the single regression analysis technique. RESULTS: The mean velocities were: T30: 1.12 ± 0.06 m/s; V4-2: 1.14 ± 0.12 m/s; V4-4: 1.12 ± 0.06 m/s and CV mean = 1.14 ± 0.07 m/s. Single regression analysis between metodologies, two by two: V4-4 and V4-2 (r = 0.324); CVand V4-2 (r = 0,058); MVT30 and V4-2 (r = 0.595); CV and V4-4 (r = 0.807); MVT30 and V4-4 (r = 0,796) and MVT30 and CV (r = 0,77). The adjusted regression lines presented in relation to the bisectrix the values of p = 0.3060; 0.1716 and 0.0058. CONCLUSIONS: The VMT30 determination is a good instrument for training prescription for the female adolescent swimmers studied, unlike the V4-2 model. The 4mM [La] with four points and lactate threshold calculation using random effects technique was useful for the AT determination in female adolescent swimmers, when compared to the MVT30; the CV and V4-4 presented a good correlation as well as the CV and MVT30

    Recovery in Soccer

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    International audienceIn the formerly published part I of this two-part review, we examined fatigue after soccer matchplay and recovery kinetics of physical performance, and cognitive, subjective and biological markers. To reduce the magnitude of fatigue and to accelerate the time to fully recover after completion, several recovery strategies are now used in professional soccer teams. During congested fixture schedules, recovery strategies are highly required to alleviate post-match fatigue, and then to regain performance faster and reduce the risk of injury. Fatigue following competition is multifactorial and mainly related to dehydration , glycogen depletion, muscle damage and mental fatigue. Recovery strategies should consequently be targeted against the major causes of fatigue. Strategies reviewed in part II of this article were nutritional intake, cold water immersion, sleeping, active recovery, stretching , compression garments, massage and electrical stimulation. Some strategies such as hydration, diet and sleep are effective in their ability to counteract the fatigue mechanisms. Providing milk drinks to players at the end of competition and a meal containing high-glycaemic index carbohydrate and protein within the hour following the match are effective in replenishing substrate stores and optimizing muscle-damage repair. Sleep is an essential part of recovery management. Sleep disturbance after a match is common and can negatively impact on the recovery process. Cold water immersion is effective during acute periods of match congestion in order to regain performance levels faster and repress the acute inflammatory process. Scientific evidence for other strategies reviewed in their ability to accelerate the return to the initial level of performance is still lacking. These include active recovery, stretching, compression garments, massage and electrical stimulation. While this does not mean that these strategies do not aid the recovery process, the protocols implemented up until now do not significantly accelerate the return to initial levels of performance in comparison with a control condition. In conclusion, scientific evidence to support the use of strategies commonly used during recovery is lacking. Additional research is required in this area in order to help practitioners establish an efficient recovery protocol immediately after matchplay, but also for the following days. Future studies could focus on the chronic effects of recovery strategies, on combinations of recovery protocols and on the effects of recovery strategies inducing an anti-inflammatory or a pro-inflammatory response