2 research outputs found
Hygrothermal properties of blocks based on eco-aggregates: Experimental and numerical study
- Author
- AFNOR NF EN 1097-6
- AFNOR NF EN 12350-2
- AFNOR NF EN 12390-3
- AFNOR NF EN 12390-5
- AFNOR NF EN 12664
- AFNOR NF EN 197-1
- AFNOR NF EN 933-1
- Alexandra Bourdot
- Amar Benazzouk
- Anh Dung Tran Le
- Antemir
- Behera
- Benazzouk
- Bentz
- Bouguerra
- Chen
- Escadeillas
- Fernández Bertos
- Fernández Bertos
- Frédéric Rosquoët
- Geoffrey Promis
- Gunning
- Gunning
- Gunning
- Hashin
- Kayali
- Kockal
- Lange
- Li
- Maalouf
- Maalouf
- Marinković
- Mora
- Nguyen
- Omar Douzane
- Rahim
- Sales
- Sowell
- Thierry Langlet
- Thomas
- Tran Le
- Tran Le
- Vereecken
- Walker
- Xiao
- Zhou
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Critical review of recent development in fiber reinforced adobe bricks for sustainable construction
- Author
- A Abdul Kadir
- A Mesbah
- A Mesbah
- A N Raut
- A S Muntohar
- ABNT NBR 8492
- ASTM C 1018-97
- ASTM C 1113/C 1113 M-09
- ASTM C 1609
- ASTM C 20-00
- ASTM C 384-98
- ASTM C 618-15
- ASTM C 67
- ASTM D 3822-07
- ASTM D 422-63
- ASTM D 559-03
- ASTM D 790
- ASTM E 2392/E2392M-10
- ASTMD2487-11
- B Taallah
- B Taallah
- Brick Industry Association USA
- British Standards Institute BS 1377-2
- British Standards Institute BS 3921:1985
- British Standards Institute BS 5628-3
- British Standards Institute BS EN 197-1
- British Standards Institute BS EN 771-3
- British Standards Institute BS EN 772-1
- British Standards BS 1924-2
- British Standards BS EN 771-1
- C A Ribeiro
- C Bock-Hyeng
- C Chan
- C Galán-MarĂn
- C Grimwood
- C K Subramaniaprasad
- D Tonnayopas
- DIN 18952 Part 2
- E A Adam
- E Avrami
- E Quagliarini
- Egyptian Standard Specification. ESS 1234
- Egyptian Standard Specification. ESS 584-1
- European Committee for Standardization 1015-2 1998
- European Committee for Standardization EN 1015-11
- European Committee for Standardization EN 12190 1999
- European Committee for Standardization EN 12372
- European Committee for Standardization EN 196-1 2005
- European Committee for Standardization EN 83-821-925
- F Aymerich
- F Parisi
- French Standard AFNOR, NF P 14-306
- French Standard AFNOR, XP P13-901
- G Calatan
- G Minke
- G Minke
- H Binici
- H Binici
- H Binici
- H D Danso
- H Danso
- H Houben
- I Demir
- Indian Standard IS 4860:1968
- Indian Standards BIS 1725
- Indian Standards IS 1725
- Indian Standards IS 2720-10
- Indian Standards IS 2720-2
- Indian Standards IS 2720-4
- Indian Standards IS 2720-5
- Indian Standards IS 2720-7
- Indian Standards IS 4332-1
- Indian Standards IS 4332-3
- Indian Standards IS1498
- Indonesian standard SNI 03-6458
- Indonesian Standard SNI 15-2094
- Italian Building Code IBC. D. M. 14.01
- J C Morel
- J E Oti
- J E Oti
- J E Oti
- J E Oti
- J E Oti
- L MartĂnez-Hernandez
- L Turanli
- M A Bahobail
- M Dondi
- M Dondi
- M L Gualtieri
- M Mostafa
- M N Rojas-Valencia
- M S El-Mahllawy
- M S Roh
- Malaysian Standards MS 76
- New Mexico Construction Bureau NMAC14.7.4
- P Donkor
- P Donkor
- P Muñoz Velasco
- P Taylor
- P Vega
- P Zak
- Q B Bui
- Q Piattoni
- R Banerjee
- R G Elenga
- S A Lima
- S Al-Asheh
- S Deboucha
- S P Raut
- S Serrano
- S Smeu
- S Yetgin
- S Ziegler
- Spanish Standard UNE 103101
- Standards New Zealand NZS 4297
- Standards New Zealand NZS 4298
- T Ashour
- Thai Industrial Standard Institute TIS 77
- Turkish Standard TS 704
- Turkish Standard TS 705
- Turkish Standards TS-2514
- United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UN-Habitat
- US EPA. Final Rule. 40 CFR Part 63
- V Rigassi
- V Sharma
- V Sharma
- V Sharma
- W Russ
- X F Sun
- Y Millogo
- Y Millogo
- Zimbabwe Standard SAZ 724
- Ĺž Yetgin
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study