276 research outputs found


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    The problem with the company is the increase in non-conformance findings in the internal ISO audit report which is very significant, namely as many as 20 findings related to clause 7.2 of controlling information documents within a period of 6 months. Therefore, the main problem raised in this analysis is how to reduce the findings of non-conformities in the results of internal audit and document management at PT. Dinar Makmur uses fishbone diagrams, PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACTION (PDCA) cycles and provides training for employees to employee evaluations until the findings of the company's internal audit results decline. After that, a calculation of the improvements that have been made is carried out by adding up the clause findings obtained after the audit and divided by the number of sections/departments multiplied by the number of points audited. So the results of the increase in the value of the audit as much as 12% success rate from before the repair. After improvements were made, there was a decrease in findings in the previous period January-June 2018 as many as 40 findings and in the July-December 2018 period as many as 30 findings, and the difference in the decline that has been achieved is 10 findings

    Membangun Lingkungan Internet Sehat Di Rumah Tinggal Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Web Filtering

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    Healthy internet is a human activity that access to the public network that the Internet is done in an orderly manner, good, and ethical in accordance with norms and rules that apply in the community. Healthy internet USAge is also by not doing unlawful internet activity, one of them is accessing illegal content (adult website). Currently, the use of Internet technology in the home environment has been very developed, with the ease that given the use of the Internet will be increasing. The problem is how to create a healthy internet environment by not accessing adult website links so that it can be protected from the access of children under age in the neighborhood. To maintain the activities of Internet use at home, then made an application that serves to monitoring the access to the Internet, especially to block the activities of accessing illegal content. This application is made by implementing Squid by way of doing filtering to access web. The results of this study is an application that can be used to monitor the Internet access at home. So it can create a healthy internet environment at home

    Efectos del fuego prescrito sobre matorral en las propiedades del suelo

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    The edaphic factors have been evaluated in a sloping segment of 2,68 ha of the «Tuña» woodland municipality of Tineo, affected for descending controlled burns of Erica and Ulex with a yield of 1,5 ha h-1. The soil alterations, immediately after the controlled burns and to the 7, 30 and 90 day, took place to 0-2, 2-5 and 5-10 cm of depth, showing the existence of a temporary increment of the soil fertility (increase of C, N, K, Ca, Mg and specially of available P). Immediately after the fire, clay fraction diminished and sand it increased and vice versa to the 7, 30 and 90 days of the controlled burns. The increase of soil fertility after the fire it could be taken advantage for the quick establishment of a vegetal cover due to the regrowth of the burned vegetation.Se evaluaron las propiedades edáficas en un segmento de pendiente de 2,68 ha del «monte Tuña», municipio de Tineo, afectado por quema controlada a hecho descendente de Erica y Ulex con un rendimiento de 1,5 ha h-1. Las alteraciones en el suelo, inmediatamente después de la quema y a los 7, 30 y 90 días, se produjeron a 0-2, 2-5 y 5-10 cm de profundidad, demostrando la existencia de un incremento temporal de la fertilidad de los suelos quemados (aumento de C, N, K, Ca, Mg y sobre todo de P asimilable). Justo después del fuego hubo una disminución de la fracción arcilla y un aumento de la fracción arena y viceversa a los 7, 30 y 90 días de la quema. El aumento de fertilidad tras la quema podría ser aprovechado para el rápido establecimiento de una cubierta vegetal debido a la brotación de la vegetación quemada

    Pengaruh Brand Image Dan Persepsi Harga Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Sepatu Merek Nike Di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya)

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    This research aime to determine the influence of the Brand Image and Price Perception on Customer Loyalty. The type of this research is explanatory with quantitative approach. Location of the study at Administration Science Faculty Brawijaya University, student use Nike shoes. The sampling technique of this research is used purposive sampling with 120 people. Data analysis technique is used multiple regression with t test and F test. The result of this research based on determination coefficient is 0.528 amounted to 52,8 % of variable Customer Loyalty are influenced by the free variables Brand Image and Price Perception, 47.2 % variable customer loyalty influenced by other variables. There is a significant influence in partial (individual) on the free variable (Brand Image and Price Perception) of customer loyalty. Each has value t calculate>t table of 4.939>1,980 and 3.757>1,980. There is a significance influence in simultan test between brand image and price perception on customer loyalty. Each has value F calculate>F table of 67.573 > 3.074
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