15 research outputs found

    Acoustic cloak based on BĂ©zier scatterers

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    [EN] Among the different approaches proposed to design acoustic cloaks, the one consisting on the use of an optimum distribution of discrete scatters surrounding the concealing object has been successfully tested. The feasibility of acoustic cloaks mainly depends on the number and shape of the scatterers surrounding the object to be cloaked. This work presents a method allowing the reduction of the number of discrete scatterers by optimizing their external shape, which is here defined by a combination of cubic Bézier curves. Based on scattering cancellation, a two-dimensional directional cloak consisting of just 20 Bézier scatters has been designed, fabricated and experimentally characterized. The method of fundamental solutions has been implemented to calculate the interaction of an incident plane wave with scatterers of arbitrary shape. The acoustic cloak here proposed shows a performance, in terms of averaged visibility, similar to that consisting of 120 scatterers with equal circular cross sections. The operational frequency of the proposed cloak is 5940 Hz with a bandwidth of about 110 Hz.J. Sanchez-Dehesa acknowledges the financial support by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and the European Union Fondo Europeo para el Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) under Grant with Ref. TEC2014-53088-C3-1-R. Lu Zhimiao acknowledges the financial support from the program of China Scholarships Council (No. 201503170282), Wen Jihong, Cai Li and Lu Zhimiao acknowledge the support by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 51275519 and 11372346)Lu, Z.; Sanchis Martínez, L.; Wen, J.; Cai, L.; Bi, Y.; Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J. (2018). Acoustic cloak based on Bézier scatterers. Scientific Reports. 8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-30888-7S8Cummer, S. A. & Schurig, D. One path to acoustic cloaking. 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    Clamp loader ATPases and the evolution of DNA replication machinery

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    Clamp loaders are pentameric ATPases of the AAA+ family that operate to ensure processive DNA replication. They do so by loading onto DNA the ring-shaped sliding clamps that tether the polymerase to the DNA. Structural and biochemical analysis of clamp loaders has shown how, despite differences in composition across different branches of life, all clamp loaders undergo the same concerted conformational transformations, which generate a binding surface for the open clamp and an internal spiral chamber into which the DNA at the replication fork can slide, triggering ATP hydrolysis, release of the clamp loader, and closure of the clamp round the DNA. We review here the current understanding of the clamp loader mechanism and discuss the implications of the differences between clamp loaders from the different branches of life

    The 'glutamate switch' provides a link between ATPase activity and ligand binding in AAA plus proteins

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    AAA+ proteins carry out diverse functions in cells. In most cases, their ATPase activity is tightly regulated by protein partners and target ligands, but the mechanism for this control has remained unclear. We have identified a conserved link between the ligand binding and ATPase sites in AAA+ proteins. This link, which we call the 'glutamate switch', regulates ATPase activity directly in response to the binding of target ligands by controlling the orientation of the conserved glutamate residue in the DExx motif, switching it between active and inactive conformations. The reasons for this level of control of the ATPase activity are discussed in the context of the biological processes catalyzed by AAA+ proteins