72 research outputs found

    Segurança do paciente em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva: desenvolvimento de um projeto de pesquisa

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    RESUMO Objetivo Relatar a experiência sobre os diferentes processos envolvidos no desenvolvimento de um Projeto de Pesquisa em Segurança do Paciente em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Método Estudo com delineamento misto: coorte histórica para a coleta dos dados dos pacientes e eventos adversos/incidentes e transversal para a coleta dos dados da equipe de enfermagem. A coleta de dados ocorreu durante 90 dias, em 2012, no Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo e o Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. Processos desenvolvidos A pesquisa envolveu diversas etapas para sua efetivação: implantação doNursing Activities Score (NAS) no Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo, desenvolvimento de sistema de banco de dados, digitalização de prontuários, treinamento de monitores, extração e carga de dados dos pacientes e coleta de dados durante a passagem de plantão, prontuários. Considerações finais Treinamentos, comprometimento dos pesquisadores e parceria com profissionais da tecnologia da informação foram fundamentais para a qualidade dos resultados obtidos e da produção científica alcançada. Espera-se que esse relato de experiência possa orientar e encorajar os pesquisadores a realizar pesquisas complexas que contribuam para a construção do conhecimento na enfermagem e saúde

    Patient Destination after Discharge from Intensive Care Units: Wards or Intermediate Care Units?

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    This study characterizes patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) of hospitals that have intermediate units (IU) regarding their demographic and clinical data and identifies factors related to discharge from these units. This prospective longitudinal study involved 600 adult patients hospitalized in general ICUs in four hospitals in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Demographic and clinical characteristics were similar to those found in other studies addressing patients hospitalized in ICUs. Factors associated with discharge from ICU to IU were: age ≥60 years, diseases related to the nervous, circulatory or respiratory systems, originated from the IU, and Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II (SAPS II), Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LODS) and Nursing Activities Scores (NAS) at admission and discharge from the ICU. Age and risk of death at admission in the ICU, according to SAPS II, stood out as indicators of discharge to IUs in the Multiple Logistic Regression analysis.Este estudio tuvo como objetivos caracterizar a los pacientes internados en unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) de hospitales con unidades intermediarias - en lo que se refiere a los datos demográficos y clínicos - e identificar los factores relacionados con el alta médica para esa unidad. Es estudio prospectivo longitudinal, con 600 pacientes adultos, internados en UTIs generales de cuatro hospitales del municipio de Sao Paulo. En los resultados, las características demográficas y clínicas fueron similares a las descritas en otros estudios sobre pacientes en UTIs. Los factores asociados con el alta hospitalaria para la unidad intermediaria fueron: edad ≥60 años, antecedentes relacionados al sistema nervioso, circulatorio o respiratorio, procedencia de la unidad intermediaria y valores del Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II (SAPS II), Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LODS) y Nursing Activities Score (NAS) en la admisión y el alta de la UTI. En el análisis de regresión logística múltiple la edad y el riesgo de muerte en la admisión, por el SAPS II, se destacaron como indicadores del alta médica para la unidad intermediaria.Este estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar os pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) de hospitais com unidades intermediárias, quanto aos dados demográficos e clínicos, e identificar os fatores relacionados à alta para essa unidade. É estudo prospectivo longitudinal, com 600 pacientes adultos, internados em UTIs gerais de quatro hospitais do município de São Paulo. Nos resultados, as características demográficas e clínicas foram similares às descritas em outros estudos sobre pacientes em UTIs. Os fatores associados à alta para unidade intermediária foram: idade ≥60 anos, antecedentes relacionados ao sistema nervoso, circulatório ou respiratório, procedência da unidade intermediária e valores do Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II (SAPS II), Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LODS) e Nursing Activities Score (NAS) na admissão e alta da UTI. Na análise de regressão logística múltipla a idade e o risco de morte na admissão, pelo SAPS II, destacaram-se como indicadores de alta para unidade intermediária

    Nursing workload in specialized Semi-intensive Therapy unit: workforce size criteria

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess the nursing workload (NW) in Semi-intensive Therapy Unit, specialized in the care of children with Craniofacial anomalies and associated syndromes; to compare the amount of workforce required according to the Nursing Activities Score (NAS) and the COFEN Resolution 293/04. METHOD Cross-sectional study, whose sample was composed of 72 patients. Nursing workload was assessed through retrospective application of the NAS. RESULTS the NAS mean was 49.5%. Nursing workload for the last day of hospitalization was lower in patients being discharged to home (p<0.001) and higher on the first compared to last day of hospitalization (p< 0.001). The number of professionals required according to NAS was superior to the COFEN Resolution 293/04, being 17 and 14, respectively. CONCLUSION the nursing workload corresponded to approximately 50% of the working time of nursing professional and was influenced by day and outcome of hospitalization. The amount of professionals was greater than that determined by the existing legislation

    The use of the Nursing Activities Score in clinical settings: an integrative review

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    ABSTRACT Objective analyze how studies have approached the results obtained from the application of the Nursing Activities Score (NAS) based on Donabedian’s model of healthcare organization and delivery. Method CINAHL and PubMed databases were searched for papers published between 2003 and March 2015. Results 36 articles that met the inclusion criteria were reviewed and double-coded by three independent coders and analyzed based on the three elements of Donabedian’s health care quality framework: structure, process and outcome. The most frequently addressed, but not always tested, variables were those that fell into the structure category. Conclusion variables that fell into the process category were used less frequently. Beside NAS, the most frequently used variables in the outcome category were mortality and length of stay. However, no study used a quality framework for healthcare or NAS to evaluate costs, and it is recommended that further research should explore this approach

    Impact of promoting self-care in nursing workload

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    Abstract OBJECTIVES To assess the impact of promoting self-care in nursing workload and associate it to the variables: age, gender, socioeconomic status, education, marital status and number of children of caregivers. METHODS Prospective study with 31 children and their caregivers. Participants were assessed at two moments, 1st and 2nd hospitalization, the nursing workload was measured by the Nursing Activities Score (NAS). RESULTS The mean NAS in the 1st hospitalization was 60.9% and in the 2nd hospitalization was 41.6%, that is, 14.6 and 9.9 hours of nursing, respectively. The nursing workload on the first day of hospitalization was higher compared to the last day, both for the 1st (p<0.001) and for the 2nd hospitalization (p<0.001), and higher in the first (p<0.001) and in the last day (p=0.025) in the 1st hospitalization. Comparing the 1st hospitalization to the 2nd hospitalization, the first was higher (p<0.001), and NAS items related to the training of self-care was influenced (p<0.001). CONCLUSION The nursing workload associated to self-care promotion corresponded to 14.6 hours and was higher than determined by the existing legislation