12 research outputs found

    Linking stellar populations to H II regions across nearby galaxies I. Constraining pre-supernova feedback from young clusters in NGC 1672

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    Context. Stellar feedback is one of the fundamental factors regulating the evolution of galaxies. However, we still do not have access to strong observational constraints on the relative importance of the different feedback mechanisms (e.g. radiation, ionised gas pressure, stellar winds) in driving Ha II region evolution and molecular cloud disruption. To quantify and compare the different feedback mechanisms, the size of an Ha II region is crucial, whereas samples of well-resolved Ha II regions are scarce. Aims. We constrain the relative importance of the various feedback mechanisms from young massive star populations by resolving Ha II regions across the disk of the nearby star-forming galaxy NGC 1672. Methods. We combined measurements of ionised gas nebular lines obtained by PHANGS-MUSE, with high-resolution (PSF FWHM ∼ 0.1 ∼10 pc) imaging from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in both the narrow-band Hα and broad-band (NUV, U, B, V, I) filters. We identified a sample of 40 isolated, compact Ha II regions in the HST Hα image. We measured the sizes of these Ha II regions, which were previously unresolved in seeing-limited ground-based observations. In addition, we identified the ionisation source(s) for each Ha II region from catalogues produced as part of the PHANGS-HST survey. In doing so, we were able to link young stellar populations with the properties of their surrounding Ha II regions. Results. The HST observations allowed us to resolve all 40 regions, with radii between 5 and 40 pc. The Ha II regions investigated here are mildly dominated by thermal or wind pressure, yet their elevation above the radiation pressure is within the expected uncertainty range. We see that radiation pressure provides a substantially higher contribution to the total pressure than previously found in the literature over similar size scales. In general, we find higher pressures within more compact Ha II regions, which is driven by the inherent size scaling relations of each pressure term, albeit with significant scatter introduced by the variation in the stellar population properties (e.g. luminosity, mass, age, metallicity). Conclusions. For nearby galaxies, the combination of MUSE/VLT observations with stellar population and resolved Hα observations from HST provides a promising approach that could yield the statistics required to map out how the importance of different stellar feedback mechanisms evolve over the lifetime of a Ha II region

    Pharmacists‘ Job Satisfaction and Its Effect on Dispensing Precaution Taken at Community Pharmacies

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    Farmacijos specialistas kaip paskutinis vaisto paskyrimo ir išdavimo proceso grandinės narys turi moralinę ir teisinę pareigą imtis visų atsargumo priemonių išduodant vaistus, kad apsaugotų pacientus ir bendruomenę nuo galimos žalos dėl netinkamo gydymosi vaistais ar gydymosi netinkamais vaistais. Farmacijos specialisto, kaip vaistinės darbuotojo elgsena priklauso ne tik nuo asmeninių vertybių, bet ir organizacinių veiksnių, pavyzdžiui, pasitenkinimo darbu. Dėl šios priežasties tyrimo tikslas buvo ištirti farmacijos specialistų pasitenkinimą darbu visuomenės vaistinėse ir šio pasitenkinimo poveikį saugiam vaistų išdavimui. Rezultatai atskleidė, kad labiausiai farmacijos specialistai buvo patenkinti darbu su kolegomis. Mažiausiai juos tenkino vaistinėse esanti skatinimų sistema. Darbu su kolegomis labiau patenkinti buvo dirbantieji mažesnėse vaistinėse, uždarbiu – tinklo vaistinių darbuotojai. Vyresnio amžiaus farmacininkai buvo labiau patenkinti vaistinės vadovybe ir skatinimų sistema, taip pat buvo atsakingesni išduodami receptinius vaistus. Nustatyta, kad farmacijos specialistų pasitenkinimas atlyginimu ir vaistinės skatinimų sistema turėjo reikšmingą poveikį jų elgsenai saugiai išduodant receptinius vaistus. Vaistinių vadovams rekomenduojama atkreipti dėmesį į šiuos pasitenkinimo darbu aspektus kaip priemonę pagerinti farmacinės paslaugos kokybę ir užtikrinti saugesnį vaistų išdavimą visuomenės vaistinėse.Pharmacists being the final safeguard against potentially harmful medication-related problems have moral and legal obligation to take precautions and, if necessary, to intervene the medication process in order protect the community from potential harm due to prescription and dispensing errors. However, pharmacists’ dispensing behaviour may be affected by organizational factors, such as job satisfaction. The aim of the study was to apply the Partial Least Squares Structural Modelling Approach to assess pharmacists’ job satisfaction and its effect on dispensing precaution taken at community pharmacies in Lithuania. The results showed that pharmacists’ satisfaction with salary and promotion significantly affected their dispensing precaution behaviour. Community pharmacies are recommended to consider these aspects as a means of increasing pharmaceutical service quality