7 research outputs found

    Disentangling interatomic repulsion and anharmonicity in the viscosity and fragility of glasses

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    Within the shoving model of the glass transition, the relaxation time and the viscosity are related to the local cage rigidity. This approach can be extended down to the atomic level in terms of the interatomic interaction or potential of mean force. We applied this approach to both real metallic glass formers and model Lennard-Jones glasses. The main outcome of this analysis is that in metallic glasses the thermal expansion contribution is mostly independent of composition and is uncorrelated with the interatomic repulsion: As a consequence, the fragility increases upon increasing the interatomic repulsion steepness. In the Lennard-Jones glasses, the scenario is opposite: Thermal expansion and interatomic repulsion contributions are strongly correlated, and the fragility decreases upon increasing the repulsion steepness. This framework allows one to tell apart systems where “soft atoms make strong glasses” from those where, instead, “soft atoms make fragile glasses.” Hence, it opens up the way for the rational, atomistic tuning of the fragility and viscosity of widely different glass-forming materials all the way from strong to fragile.The support of the EU through VitrimetTech ITN network FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-607080 and DFG FG 1394P1 is thankfully acknowledged

    Characterization, Deposition Mechanisms and Modeling of Metallic Glass Powders for Cold Spray

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    This chapter describes recent efforts to understand the effects that chemical and physical properties of metallic glass (MG) powder particles have on the synthesis of their cold-sprayed coatings. Understanding the mechanical response of MG is fundamental to evaluate the conditions at which their powder particles can be deposited by cold spray. The characteristics of the feedstock powders are evaluated and used to ascertain ideal cold spray parameters. This information is also used to model the deposition mechanism of metallic glasses in the cold spray process. FE analysis and simulation is used to identify the phenomena behind the formation of MG coatings (i.e., homogenous or inhomogeneous deformation). The model defined considers strain rate and temperature dependence of MGs under different conditions