192 research outputs found

    Kinerja Tutor dalam Proses Pembelajaran Paket C

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    The purpose of this research is to obtain empirical data on tutor's performance in managing instructional activities of Package C Program at Community Learning Activities Center (CLAC). The research was conducted at a CLAC in North Jakarta. The method employed was descriptive method with qualitative approach. The researcher made direct observation to the CLAC where Package C program was being implemented. To obtain valid and reliable data and information, the researcher also conducted in-depth interview. Based on the available data and information, the research concluded that according to the respondents' opinion all tutors have conducted instructional process in the line with the existing standard procedures. The tutors make a good preparation before instructional process and they are capable enough to perform their tasks professionally. They have a good mastery of the instructional materials and sound ability to use appropriate instructional media to improve participants' learning achievement. For a better result in the future, the tutors are suggested to be more proactive to develop their knowledge and skills related to their job

    Toward sustainable reprocessing and valorization of sulfidic copper tailings: Scenarios and prospective LCA

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    There has been increasing attention recently to reprocessing of mining waste, which aims to recover potentially valuable materials such as metals and other byproducts from untapped resources. Mining waste valorization may offer environmental advantages over traditional make-waste-dispose approaches. However, a quantitative environmental assessment for large-scale reprocessing, accounting for future trends and a broad set of environmental indicators, is still lacking. This article assesses the life cycle impacts and resource recovery potential associated with alternative waste management through mine tailings reprocessing at a regional scale. Sulfidic copper tailings in the EU were selected as a case study. We perform prospective life cycle assessments of future reprocessing scenarios by considering emerging resource recovery technologies, market supply & demand forecasts, and energy system changes. We find that some reprocessing and valorization technologies in future scenarios may have reduction potentials for multiple impact indicators. However, results for indicators such as climate change and energy-related impacts suggest that specific scenarios perform sub-optimally due to energy/resource-intensive processes. The environmental performance of reprocessing of tailings is influenced by technology routes, secondary material market penetration, and choices of displaced products. The trade-off between climate change and energy related impacts, on the one hand, and toxicity impacts, on the other hand, requires critical appraisal by decision makers when promoting alternative tailings reprocessing. Implementing value recovery strategies for building material production, can save up to 3 Mt. CO2-eq in 2050 compared to business as usual, helping the copper sector mitigate climate impacts. Additional climate mitigation efforts in demand-side management are needed though to achieve the 1.5 °C climate target. This work provides a scientific basis for decision-making toward more sustainable reprocessing and valorization of sulfidic tailings

    Tinjauan Hukum dan Kebijakan Pengelolaan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Terluar Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pulau Nipa)

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    Besides of large ocean and long coastline, Indonesia was also gifted resourceful islands, which were economically potential for our state development. Even the outer small islands were also have a strategic point as a base line from the Indonesian archipelago straight line in reconciling Indonesian water area, as the front liners of the state, and also support international passage. Nipa is one of the outer small islands that were recently being a public issue. Most of it was the anxiousness about the sinking of Nipa and coast reclamation by Singapore. Both of them concerned to be the causes of a significantly water area diminishing as the base line measurement changes between bordered states. That anxiousness was reasonable as concerning the lost of SipadanLigitan of which Indonesia and Malaysia disagreement. We need some juridical revision for the principal of outer small islands. Afterward, some management policy aspect is complementary required. This research was using a case study method compiled with formally juridical method. Primary and secondary data were analyzed with a qualitative analysis. This issue has three juridical law anvil of Indonesian ownership for Nipa Island, the Intemational Law, Bilateral Agreements, and National Law. From a juridical study, it is notorious that stronger law anvils compared with Sipadan and Ligitan supported Nipa and the other islands. Otherwise, the policy aspect contents about the issues and management strategies conducted by the government, which is mandatory, associated by MMAF, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defends. The matrix policy described that the MMAF mostly participated than the others. Although it has strong law anvils for Nipa issues, Indonesia is forced to be concern about patches, which can be utilized by Singapore, as example for accomplishments of the baseline agreement and their activity construct in that island

    Analisis Sumberdaya Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Di Perairan Kabupaten Pohuwato, Provinsi Gorontalo (Resource Analysis of Skipjack (Katsuwonus Pelamis) in Pohuwato, Gorontalo Province)

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    Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) is the one commodity that the waters of the Gulf of Tomini which potential and high economic value, and the fishermen used with various types of fishing technology. The aims of this study was to see whether the fish catches of skipjack influenced by extrinsic factors such as zones, depth, and season and knowing revenue per fishing effort. This study used primary data, especially on fish resources obtained through direct observation of research and interviews with actors fishery (fishing/crew, ship owners, collectors, officers TPI and other stakeholders), and the option to use a list of questions/questionnaire structured according to the research objectives. Secondary data were collected through the reporting of fisheries statistics include statistical data of domestic fisheries (RTP), statistics fleets and fishing gear, production data from the Department of Fisheries and Marine Gorontalo Province, Department of Fisheries and Marine Pohuwato, the Central Bureau of Statistics of Gorontalo Province Development Planning Agency Regional and Tomini Bay Sustainable Coastal Livelihoods and Management (SUSCLAM). In addition, a variety of literature supporting this research e.g. scientific publications, local publications and other documents. Data analysis was performed using resources through the stock abundance index data recording catches and the number of trips/boat/gear in the time series, to determine the allocation of fishing effort on the abundance of fish. Next will be the calculation of the catch per effort (CPUE, Catch per Unit of Effort). Analysis of the allocation of fishing effort done using monthly seasonal index (%), and forecasts an economic advantage by analysis Revenue per Unit Effort (RPUEj). The results of the study explained that the test results obtained by a factor wald gear types, depths and seasons significant effect on catches of tuna with a p-value <5%. The zone does not affect the catches of skipjack. Based on the Monthly Seasonal Index (Ij) that Ij the August high of 69, 05% then followed in July by 65, 94%. The results of the analysis Revenue per Unit Effort (RPUEj), the value of the highest RPUE for flying fish and tuna occur on in October of IDR 102,325,862

    Aplikasi Panduan Praktis Obat Herbal Untuk Penyakit Dalam Berbasis Platform Android

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    Penggunaan obat herbal di Indonesia sudah berlangsung sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu, yang diolah secara tradisional dan mempunyai manfaat dalam bidang pengobatan untuk penyakit dalam. Dengan didukungnya perkembangan tenknologi mobile yang begitu pesat, memberikan akses pencarian informasi peracikan obat herbal menjadi lebih mudah, praktis dan efisien. Aplikasi ini Menggunakan bahasa pemograman java mobile dan pemograman PH. Aplikasi ini nantinya akan menampilkan cara meracik obat herbal untuk penyakit dan informasi galery tanaman herbal dari sumber buku terpercaya, ditambah tool komentar untuk pengguna. Sehingga aplikasi ini dapat di gunakan bagi pengguna yang mempunyai penyakit dalam dan dapat mengetahui pengobatan dengan obat herbal dengan cepat dan mudah

    Analisis Ekonomi Alternatif Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove Kecamatan Barru, Kabupaten Barru

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    Indonesia is a tropical country that has high variety of mangrove. Of 15.9 thousand ha world mangrove forest total area, the 3.7 thousand ha, or 24% of it is located in Indonesia. The aims of the research are: 1) to identify both the potential and the types of utilization of mangrove ecosystem carried out by the local society; 2) to analyze the economic value of the mangrove ecosystem; and (3) to analyze the alternatives of strategic utilization for mangrove ecosystem .. The number of respondents is 138 deriving from Fishery Household (RTP) and non-RTP. The data were then analyzed by using consumer surplus, household model, Total Economic Value (TEV), and Multi Criteria AnalysiS (MCA). The results show that the biggest utility is the one of crabs that reaches Rp19, 770,799.11, with the surplus consumer of Rp17,664,744,08. The highest optimum profit from the crab utilization amountsto Rp12,883,900.00 for 11 (eleven) fishery households; while the lowest profit is obtained from the utilization of prawn pond with Rp3,165,590.70. The biggest proportion is from the indirect utilization´ with a percentage of 83.71% with a value of Rp1,039,474,428.00 per year. Furthermore, the Total Economic Value of the mangrove forest ecosystem in 8arru District covering 6.23 ha of mangrove forest and 127.60 ha for ponds amounts to Rp1,241 ,763,891.75. The utilization altematives put as priorities, based on the balance between indicators for both efficiency criteria and ecology criteria, between the efficiency and equity criteria, not only in the level of real interest rate of 4.·12% but also at the real interest rate of 3.55% are as follows: firstly, utilization alternative V (100% mangrove forest and 0% ponds); secondly, utilization altemative IV (8.73 ha mangrove forest and 0 ha shrimp monoculture pond, 104.05 ha mallet monoculture pond, and 21.00 ha poly-culture). Nevertheless, the utilization alternative III, II, and I cannot be given as choices in this management since their analysis values show that they are not efficient

    Social-ecological System of Seagrass and Small-scale Fisheries Connectivity in Malang Rapat and Berakit Villages, Bintan District, Riau Islands

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    Seagrass ecosystem has important roles in ecological and social factors to support fisherman income. The purpose of this research was to map the social-ecological system connectivity of seagrass with small-scale fisheries with networks perspective, to identify social-ecological connectivity of seagrass with fisheries resource availability approaches in small-scale fisheries, and to estimate the benefits of fish resources relation to seagrass ecosystem in Malang Rapat and Berakit vilages. Social-ecological system connectivity of seagrass was proven by the spatial distribution of fishing areas, networks map markets, and dynamics of small-scale fisheries catches in the study site. Social-ecocoligal connectivity of seagrass was also proven by fish catches dominated by Siganidae, Scaridae, Lethrinidae, and Lutjanidae families. The fishermen income was supported by seagrass ecosystem connectivity which contributed revenue from fish catches totally Rp 202,124,00/day in Malang Rapat village and Rp. 193,151,00/day in Berakit village. Other benefit of seagrass ecosystem located nearby the beach was that the fishermen can have an easy access or less fuel for fishing operation