443 research outputs found

    The 2019 Intraschool Negotiation Competition and Informational Meetings

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    Intraschool Negotiation Competition 2022

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    Interpretaci?n de los patrones neuronales durante el inmovilismo que genera un incidente cr?tico en la escuela

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    53 p. Recurso Electr?nicoTodo ser humano en el transcurso de la escuela sufre momentos cr?ticos lo que puede llevarlo a un estado de shock, situaci?n que puede dejar al sujeto en condici?n de vulnerabilidad al exponer sus condiciones al punto de dejar secuelas permanentes a nivel f?sico, psicol?gico y en casos desafortunados la muerte; Pero lo realmente importante es reconocer los factores neuro-pedag?gicos que determinan el inmovilismo ocasionado por el incidente critico en los ni?os de la instituci?n educativa Santa Ana de la zona rural de San Sebasti?n de Mariquita, Colombia; a partir del estudio y an?lisis de incidentes cr?ticos visto desde una l?nea interdisciplinar que agrupa principalmente a la pedagog?a y a las ramas de la psicolog?a y neurolog?a con el prop?sito de reconocer y caracterizar los posibles niveles de la conciencia y la posibilidad de entrenar la conciencia en niveles escolares. Palabras claves: incidente cr?tico, inmovilismo, patrones neuronalesEvery human being in the course of the school suffers critical moments that can take him to a state of shock, situation that can leave the subject in condition of vulnerability when exposing this conditions in to the point of leaving permanent sequels at the physical, psychological level and in unlucky cases the death; but the really important is recognize the neuro-pedagogical factors those determine the immobility caused by the critical incident in the children of the educational institution Santa Ana in the rural area of San Sebasti?n of Mariquita, Colombia; from the study and analysis of critical incidents seen from an interdisciplinary line that mainly groups the pedagogy and the branches of psychology and neurology with the purpose of recognizing and characterizing the possible levels of consciousness and the possibility of training the consciousness in school levels. Keywords: critical incident, immobility, neural patterns

    Intraschool Negotiation Competition 2023

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    ADRCHS Tryout Info Session

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    VIS Showcase Showdown

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    ADR Competition Honor Society: Valentine\u27s Day Meet & Greet

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    Thick Description Revisited: Tanner on Thick Concepts and Perspectivalism in Value Philosophy

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    In this article I deploy Michael Tanner’s (1964) work on the relation between what are now called 'think' and 'thin' concepts in ethics to defend the claim that morally relevant facts cannot be accessed saved through the individual perspective. This commitment, inspired by Tanner’s work in aesthetics, calls forth another category in understanding normativity that is precluded by the familiar distinctions between fact and value, between objective and subjective

    Moral Perception, Thick Concepts and Perspectivalism

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    This essay examines the implications of Iris Murdoch’s distinctive conception of value experience for the possibility of value objectivism and what is sometimes called the ‘absolute conception’, which is implicit in many contemporary debates about thick evaluative concepts. I argue for a robust realist reading of the claim that the salient concepts of an individual's life-world can be revelatory of value without appeal either to Platonism or value-constitutivism. I then distinguish two readings of the concept of 'non-perspectival value', an epistemic and a non-epistemic one, and argue that commitment to the thesis that value is in some sense always “value for us” does not as such rule out value's being non-perspectival in the sense of existing independently of any actual worldviews or perspectives in the non-epistemic sense. What is needed instead is a separate argument that speaks to the practicality of thick moral concepts as action-guiding concepts