9 research outputs found
A viagem de José Gonçalves da Fonseca e a cartografia do rio Madeira (1749-1752)
This article looks into the voyage of the "royal escort", a reconnaissance expedition sent from Belém do Pará in 1749 to explore the fluvial communication between the state of Maranhão and Grão-Pará and the captaincy of Mato Grosso down the courses of the Rivers Madeira, Mamoré and Guaporé, and its impact on the cartographic representation of this region. The considerable differences between the map drawn by José Gonçalves da Fonseca and the map of the boundaries of Brazil prepared for the negotiations with the Spanish Crown astonished the Portuguese politicians in charge of the matter before they set out to demarcate the South American territories according to the Treaty of Madrid signed by Portugal and Spain in 1750
O Mapa Geográfico de América Meridional, de Juan de la Cruz Cano y Olmedilla
This essay examines the history of the construction of the Mapa Geográfico de América Meridional (Map of South America) by Juan de la Cruz Cano y Olmedilla, how its various editions were engraved, as well as its circulation and reception during the second half of the 18th century in the light of the ongoing dispute between Portugal and Spain over the boundaries of Brazil
Do borrão às aguadas: os engenheiros militares e a representação da Capitania de São Paulo
A análise do papel dos engenheiros militares perpassa as discussões sobre regiões específicas, mesmo quando eles, aparentemente, estão ausentes delas. Sua presença ou ausência sempre foi sinônimo de interesse e de projeto colonizador mais ou menos dirigido. Este ensaio tem como objeto de estudo a cartografia dos engenheiros militares atuantes na Capitania de São Paulo, território comumente visto como economicamente periférico e mais autônomo face aos desígnios da Coroa portuguesa. Com foco no corpus cartográfico de alguns profissionais que aqui atuaram, trata indiretamente da multifacetada atuação desses engenheiros, bem como do processo de feitura das cartas geográficas, corográficas e topográficas, do borrão às aguadas. Investigar a cartografia de alguns desses profissionais permite não apenas explorar a riqueza de suas biografias, como, também, acompanhar o processo de produção técnica dos mapas e os desígnios políticos envolvidos no devassamento e representação das terras descobertas no Novo Mundo.Analyzing the role of military engineers means venturing into discussions about specific regions, even those from which they are apparently absent. Their presence or absence has always been synonymous with interest and a more or less directed colonization project. This essay examines the maps produced by the military engineers working in the Captaincy of São Paulo, a territory often looked upon as one of little economic import and a rather autonomous area in light of the plans of the Portuguese Crown. By focusing on the cartographic corpus bequeathed by certain professionals serving in this region, we deal indirectly with the multifaceted role of these engineers as well as with the process of making geographic, chorographic and topographic charts - all the way from the sketch to watercolored maps. Perusing the charts constructed by some of these professionals enabled us not only to delve into the rich details of their biographies but also to observe the technical mapmaking process and to unravel the political designs behind the exploration and representation of the lands discovered in the New World
Nanoparticles Obtained from Zein for Encapsulation of Mesalazine
We encapsulated MSZ in zein nanoparticles (NP-ZN) using a desolvation method followed by drying in a mini spray dryer. These nanoparticles exhibited a size of 266.6 ± 52 nm, IPD of 0.14 ± 1.1 and zeta potential of −36.4 ± 1.5 mV, suggesting colloidal stability. Quantification using HPLC showed a drug-loaded of 43.8 µg/mg. SEM demonstrated a spherical morphology with a size variation from 220 to 400 nm. A FTIR analysis did not show drug spectra in the NPs in relation to the physical mixture, which suggests drug encapsulation without changing its chemical structure. A TGA analysis showed thermal stability up to 300 °C. In vitro release studies demonstrated gastroresistance and a sustained drug release at pH 7.4 (97.67 ± 0.32%) in 120 h. The kinetic model used for the release of MSZ from the NP-ZN in a pH 1.2 medium was the Fickian diffusion, in a pH 6.8 medium it was the Peppas–Sahlin model with the polymeric relaxation mechanism and in a pH 7.4 medium it was the Korsmeyer–Peppas model with the Fickian release mechanism, or “Case I”. An in vitro cytotoxicity study in the CT26.WT cell line showed no basal cytotoxicity up to 500 μg/mL. The NP-ZN showed to be a promising vector for the sustained release of MSZ in the colon by oral route
Do oceano dos clássicos aos mares dos impérios: transformações cartográficas do Atlântico sul
This article explores the various place-names given to the geographic localities in the
South Atlantic by European cartographers in the 16th and 17th centuries. Despite of the fact that
representation of continental space seem to have been more common in mapmaking at the
time than the depiction of oceans and seas, oceanic waters often received particular names -
regional seas - depending on the coastline in combination to the classical names. A series of
connections can be established between this fact and the process of consolidation of slave
trading and competition between empires