16 research outputs found

    ROCK Inhibitor Is Not Required for Embryoid Body Formation from Singularized Human Embryonic Stem Cells

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    We report a technology to form human embryoid bodies (hEBs) from singularized human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) without the use of the p160 rho-associated coiled-coil kinase inhibitor (ROCKi) or centrifugation (spin). hEB formation was tested under four conditions: +ROCKi/+spin, +ROCKi/-spin, -ROCKi/+spin, and -ROCKi/-spin. Cell suspensions of BG01V/hOG and H9 hESC lines were pipetted into non-adherent hydrogel substrates containing defined microwell arrays. hEBs of consistent size and spherical geometry can be formed in each of the four conditions, including the -ROCKi/-spin condition. The hEBs formed under the -ROCKi/-spin condition differentiated to develop the three embryonic germ layers and tissues derived from each of the germ layers. This simplified hEB production technique offers homogeneity in hEB size and shape to support synchronous differentiation, elimination of the ROCKi xeno-factor and rate-limiting centrifugation treatment, and low-cost scalability, which will directly support automated, large-scale production of hEBs and hESC-derived cells needed for clinical, research, or therapeutic applications

    Glucose Metabolism, Hyperosmotic Stress, and Reprogramming of Somatic Cells

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    The availability of glucose and oxygen are important regulatory elements that help directing stem cell fate. In the undifferentiated state, stem cells, and their artificially reprogrammed equivalent-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) are characterized by limited oxidative capacity and active anaerobic glycolysis. Recent studies have shown that pluripotency-a characteristic of staminality-is associated with a poorly developed mitochondrial patrimony, while differentiation is accompanied by an activation of mitochondrial biogenesis. Besides being an important energy source in hypoxia, high glucose level results in hyperosmotic stress. The identification of specific metabolic pathways and biophysical factors that regulate stem cell fate, including high glucose in the extracellular medium, may therefore facilitate reprogramming efficiency and control the differentiation and fate of iPS cells, which are increasingly being explored as therapeutic tools. In this article, we review recent knowledge of the role of glucose metabolism and high glucose level as major anaerobic energy source, and a determinant of osmolarity as possible tools for reprogramming therapies in clinical applications. As in the diabetic setting hyperglycemia negatively affect the stem/progenitor cell fate and likely somatic reprogramming, we also discuss the in vivo potential transferability of the available in vitro findings. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York