14 research outputs found

    Overexpression of the aphid-induced serine protease inhibitor <i>CI2c </i>gene in barley affects the generalist green peach aphid, not the specialist bird cherry-oat aphid

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    <div><p>Aphids are serious pests in crop plants. In an effort to identify plant genes controlling resistance against aphids, we have here studied a protease inhibitor, CI2c in barley (<i>Hordeum vulgare</i> L.). The <i>CI2c</i> gene was earlier shown to be upregulated by herbivory of the bird cherry-oat aphid <i>(Rhopalosiphum padi</i> L.<i>)</i> in barley genotypes with moderate resistance against this aphid, but not in susceptible lines. We hypothesized that CI2c contributes to the resistance. To test this idea, cDNA encoding <i>CI2c</i> was overexpressed in barley and bioassays were carried out with <i>R</i>. <i>padi</i>. For comparison, tests were carried out with the green peach aphid (<i>Myzus persicae</i> Sulzer), for which barley is a poor host. The performance of <i>R</i>. <i>padi</i> was not different on the <i>CI2c</i>-overexpressing lines in comparison to controls in test monitoring behavior and fecundity. <i>M</i>. <i>persicae</i> preference was affected as shown in the choice test, this species moved away from control plants, but remained on the <i>CI2c</i>-overexpressing lines. <i>R</i>. <i>padi</i>-induced responses related to defense were repressed in the overexpressing lines as compared to in control plants or the moderately resistant genotypes. A putative susceptibility gene, coding for a β-1,3-glucanase was more strongly induced by aphids in one of the <i>CI2c</i>-overexpressing lines. The results indicate that the CI2c inhibitor in overexpressing lines affects aphid-induced responses by suppressing defense. This is of little consequence to the specialist <i>R</i>.<i>padi</i>, but causes lower non-host resistance towards the generalist <i>M</i>. <i>persicae</i> in barley.</p></div

    Spatio-temporal mapping of variation potentials in leaves of Helianthus annuus L. seedlings in situ using multi-electrode array

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    Damaging thermal stimuli trigger long-lasting variation potentials (VPs) in higher plants. Owing to limitations in conventional plant electrophysiological recording techniques, recorded signals are composed of signals originating from all of the cells that are connected to an electrode. This limitation does not enable detailed spatio-temporal distributions of transmission and electrical activities in plants to be visualised. Multi-electrode array (MEA) enables the recording and imaging of dynamic spatio-temporal electrical activities in higher plants. Here, we used an 8 × 8 MEA with a polar distance of 450 μm to measure electrical activities from numerous cells simultaneously. The mapping of the data that were recorded from the MEA revealed the transfer mode of the thermally induced VPs in the leaves of Helianthus annuus L. seedlings in situ. These results suggest that MEA can enable recordings with high spatio-temporal resolution that facilitate the determination of the bioelectrical response mode of higher plants under stress

    Recombinant artificial forisomes provide ample quantities of smart biomaterials for use in technical devices

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    Forisomes are mechanoproteins that undergo ATP-independent contraction-expansion cycles triggered by divalent cations, pH changes, and electrical stimuli. Although native forisomes from Medicago truncatula comprise a number of subunits encoded by separate genes, here we show that at least two of those subunits (MtSEO1 and MtSEO4) can assemble into homomeric forisome bodies that are functionally similar to their native, multimeric counterparts. We expressed these subunits in plants and yeast, resulting in the purification of large quantities of artificial forisomes with unique characteristics depending on the expression platform. These artificial forisomes were able to contract and expand in vitro like native forisomes and could respond to electrical stimulation when immobilized between interdigital transducer electrodes. These results indicate that recombinant artificial forisomes with specific characteristics can be prepared in large amounts and used as components of microscale and nanoscale devices