81 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, the adoption of BIM processes in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) industry means to be oriented towards synergistic workflows, based on informative instruments capable of realizing the virtual model of the building. The target of this article is to speak about the interoperability matter, approaching the subject through a theoretical part and also a practice example, in order to show how these notions are applicable in real situations. In particular, the case study analysed belongs to the Cultural Heritage field, where it is possible to find some difficulties – both in the modelling and sharing phases – due to the complexity of shapes and elements. Focusing on the interoperability between different software, the questions are: What and how many kind of information can I share? Given that this process leads also to a standardization of the modelled parts, is there the possibility of an accuracy loss

    ICT per il miglioramento del processo conservativo

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    The questions related to the protection of the Archaeological sites are fundamental in the research on the valorisation and conservation of the cultural heritage. The evaluation of the relations between the ruins and the natural and artificial environment (in this case generated by roofing) represents an important and, in the same time, complicated parameter that it is necessary to assume during the design of the same roofing. It is impossible to ignore the environment that can influence the conservation of the material of the archaeological element: the environment offers an essential limit to the conservation of the material of ancient structures. The aim of this research is to test the function of some BIM commercial codes useful to design and to manage the archaeological site roofings. These software codes are created to support the project to model the “life cycle” of the new constructions and they are not created to implement the data/or parameters useful for the management of the conservation of ruins, where the specific characteristics of the object does not permit the creation of a unified model of the ruin. The 3D survey models, nowadays easy to use and enriched by the necessary data (material, decay, environmental, ecc.) for the conservation project, are important instruments for the management of the cultural heritage. In this research, some BIM commercial codes are tested on a simulation of a roofing project in the archaeological ruin in Nemi to verify if it is possible their use for the energetic evaluation

    From point cloud to BIM: a modelling challange in the Cultural Heritage field

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    Speaking about modelling the Cultural Heritage, nowadays it is no longer enough to build the mute model of a monument, but it has to contain plenty of information inside it, especially when we refer to existing construction. For this reason, the aim of the research is to insert an historical building inside a BIM process, proposing in this way a working method that can build a reality based model and preserve the unicity of the elements. The question is: "What is the more useful mean in term of survey data management, level of detail, information and time savings?" To test the potentialities and the limits of this process we employed the most used software in the international market, taking as example some composed elements, made by regular and complex, but also modular parts. Once a final model is obtained, it is necessary to provide a test phase on the interoperability between the used software modules, in order to give a general picture of the state of art and to contribute to further studies on this subject


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    In the recent years, mature technologies for producing high quality virtual 3D replicas of Cultural Heritage (CH) artefacts has grown thanks to the progress of Information Technologies (IT) tools. These methods are an efficient way to present digital models that can be used with several scopes: heritage managing, support to conservation, virtual restoration, reconstruction and colouring, art cataloguing and visual communication. The work presented is an emblematic case of study oriented to the preventive conservation through monitoring activities, using different acquisition methods and instruments. It was developed inside a project founded by Lombardy Region, Italy, called “Smart Culture”, which was aimed to realise a platform that gave the users the possibility to easily access to the CH artefacts, using as an example a very famous statue. The final product is a 3D reality-based model that contains a lot of information inside it, and that can be consulted through a common web browser. In the end, it was possible to define the general strategies oriented to the maintenance and the valorisation of CH artefacts, which, in this specific case, must consider the integration of different techniques and competencies, to obtain a complete, accurate and continuative monitoring of the statue


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    Documentation and preservation of widespread rural heritage are today possible only if you can activate processes of conservation headed by local communities, thereby recognizing the link between the communities and their culture. The cultural heritage places (villages, sites and landscapes) can take different values; action is needed respecting the right of communities to identify the values contained in them. ‘Collaborative networks should be set up at different levels among multiple stakeholders in order to address issues related to heritage and create new value chains through innovative synergies. Dynamic, flexible, inclusive and integrated processes of engagement need to be employed for assessing long-term social impacts of heritage conservation programmes’ (Icomos, 2014). In 2011 the 3DSurvey Group of the Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with the Canova Association initiated an annual summer school program entitled ‘Laboratory of Places 2017, Ghesc and surroundings, History, survey, evolution Laboratory of Places'. The definition of “Laboratory of Places 2017, Ghesc and surroundings” links the idea of an inhabited space to an open space suitable for study, research, and an interactive absorption and confrontation of differing ideas. Founding elements of the project involve educational collaborations with university, but equally important will be the development of programs with local schools, associations, and public administration (Quaderni di Ghesc, 2010)

    Sharing high-resolution models and information on web: The web module of bim3dsg system

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    BIM3DSG system is described here. It is an ad hoc designed BIM system created for Cultural Heritage applications. It proposes some solutions to solve some issues related to the use of BIM in this field. First, it tries to resolve the problem of managing huge, complex, high resolution and heterogeneous 3D models, and then it offers a practical, easy and efficient solution for a wide sharing of data and information

    The rural founding villages of the Italian Agrarian Reform in Basilicata (1950-1970): urban planning and 'modern' vernacular architecture to the test of contemporaneity. The case of Borgo Taccone (MT)

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    [EN] The contribution aims at providing an overview on urban planning and on 'modern' vernacular architecture of the rural founding villages built during the Agrarian Reform (1950-1970) in Italy, in the inland areas of Basilicata Region. In particular there are settlements not yet sufficiently known, in which the important of inventorying the considerable built heritage must be the objective of a necessary, urgent safeguarding. With the 'Agrarian Reform' (Law 841/1950), the Italian government carried out a redistribution to settlers of the lands of uncultivated or abandoned large estates. The purpose was to increase productivity in the reformed areas, as long as a better profitability of labor and an adequate 'social equity'. As a consequence, new villages were created that had to fulfil the task of reorganizing rural centers of socio-economic concentrations, able to reconstitute environments similar to the agglomerations from which the laborers, once employed in the latifundiums, came. Among the numerous centers built in Basilicata, Borgo Taccone is representative of this system of agrarian colonization of the Lucanian territory. The settlement, in which the modern construction techniques were broadly experimented, is the service center for farmers living in farmhouses in the surrounding funds and for this reason it was equipped with core services such as the church, the school, the post office, the clinic, cinema/theater, etc. After an initial period of demographic expansion, in the seventies the ‘Borgo’ began to depopulate and is now in a state of abandonment and decay. Despite this, this settlement, surrounded by agricultural land in a well-preserved landscape, still retains a strong formal character in both its urban and architectural layout. The contribution traces the physical, social and cultural transformation line that led this rich asset to the contemporary world, outlining a possible future cultural theoretical debate on its safeguard and sustainable enhancement.Achille, C.; Bortolotto, S.; Ciocchini, E.; Palo, MC. (2022). The rural founding villages of the Italian Agrarian Reform in Basilicata (1950-1970): urban planning and 'modern' vernacular architecture to the test of contemporaneity. The case of Borgo Taccone (MT). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 247-254. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1511324725


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    The work is the final part of a multi-year research project on the Milan Cathedral, which focused on the complete survey and threedimensional modeling of the Great Spire (Fassi et al., 2011) and the two altars in the transept. The main purpose of the job was to prepare support data for the maintenance operations involving the cathedral since 2009 and still in progress. The research job had begun addressing our efforts to identify which methods would allow an expeditious but comprehensive measure of complex architectural structure as a whole. (Achille et al., 2012) The following research works were focused mainly to find an efficient method to visualize, use and share the realized 3D mode

    VR for Cultural Heritage. A VR-WEB-BIM for the future maintenance of Milan’s Cathedral.

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    The work presented here is the final step of a multidisciplinary research project conducted on the Milan Cathedral for eight years (2008–2015). Three main topics, consequentially related, will be here addressed: (i) the survey of the structure, meant to update the old drawings; (ii) the construction of an accurate and detailed 3D model to be used to produce measurements at a 1:20–1:50 representation scale; (iii) the development of a Building Information System (BIM) to collect all the data relating to the restoration projects, as well as all information relating to past, current and future maintenance activities of the cathedral. The result of this research project is a complex and accurate digital 3D model of the main spire of the cathedral and of other parts of the building. This model can be visualized, navigated and used by the Veneranda Fabbrica technicians as an info-data catalogue, thanks to a common web browser connected with the remote BIM System Server and the modelling software where ad hoc I/O plugins are implemented. The last step of this long project was to take advantage of the nascent potential of immersive visualization techniques and to transpose the BIM system in a VR environment, thus obtaining two main results. The first was a high-appeal visualization system that allows a virtual visit of the Main Spire of the cathedral, the building’s highest part that has been closed to visitors since the beginning of the XX century. The second was the possibility to use this technology to virtually explore the cathedral from a technical point of view: by using an immersive visualization technology, operators can improve their understanding of the structure and obtain real-time information about the state of conservation, including current and past maintenance activities, in a sort of “augmented reality system in a virtual environment”

    BIM: An Integrated Model for Planned and Preventive Maintenance of Architectural Heritage

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    Modern digital technologies give us great possibilities to organize knowledge about constructions, regarding multidisciplinary fields like preservation, conservation and valorization of our architectural heritage, in order to suggest restoration projects and related work, or to suppose a planned preventive maintenance. New procedures to archive, analyze and manage architectural information find a natural support in 3D model, thanks to the development of capacities of new modeling software. Moreover, if the model contains or interfaces with a heterogeneous archive of information, as it is for BIM, this model can be considered as the bases of critical studies, projects of restoration, heritage maintenance, integrated management, protection, and valorization, and evaluation of economic aspects, management and planning, that can flow into a planned preventive maintenance [1]. The aspect that limit the use of BIM technology is the set up parametric object library inside programs: the standardized level of these objects deals difficulty with survey and restoration issues, where each single element has its own historical and architectural characterization [2]. From this foreword, the goal of this research is more evident: the possibilities of using BIM modeling to the existing constructions and cultural heritage, as a support for the construction and management of a Plan for planned preventive maintenance
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