11 research outputs found

    Plant-derived antivirals against hepatitis c virus infection

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a worldwide public health burden and it is estimated that 185 million people are or have previously been infected worldwide. There is no effective vaccine for prevention of HCV infection; however, a number of drugs are available for the treatment of infection. The availability of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) has dramatically improved therapeutic options for HCV genotype 1. However, the high costs and potential for development of resistance presented by existing treatment demonstrate the need for the development of more efficient new antivirals, or combination of therapies that target different stages of the viral lifecycle. Over the past decades, there has been substantial study of compounds extracted from plants that have activity against a range of microorganisms that cause human diseases. An extensive variety of natural compounds has demonstrated antiviral action worldwide, including anti-HCV activity. In this context, plant-derived compounds can provide an alternative approach to new antivirals. In this review, we aim to summarize the most promising plant-derived compounds described to have antiviral activity against HCV

    Is the ADP ribose site of the Chikungunya virus NSP3 Macro domain a target for antiviral approaches?

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted virus of special concern as it causes Chikungunya fever, characterized by an acute febrile illness, rash, and arthralgia that can progress to chronic and debilitating arthritic symptoms. The effects of climate change on the geographic distribution of the mosquito vector has the potential to expose more of the globe to this virus. No antiviral agents or vaccines are currently available against CHIKV infection and the development of novel therapies that may lead to a future treatment is therefore necessary. In this context, the ADP-ribose binding site of the CHIKV nsP3 macro domain has been reported as a potential target for the development of antivirals. Mutations in the ADP-ribose binding site demonstrated decreased viral replication in cell culture and reduced virulence. In this study, 48,750 small molecules were screened in silico for their ability to bind to the ADP-ribose binding site of the CHIKV nsP3 macro domain. From this in silico analysis, 12 molecules were selected for in vitro analysis using a CHIKV subgenomic replicon in Huh-7 cells. Cell viability and CHIKV replication were evaluated and molecules C5 and C13 demonstrated 53 and 66% inhibition of CHIKV replication, respectively. By using a CHIKV-Dual luciferase replicon contain two reporter genes, we also demonstrated that the treatment with either compounds are probably interfering in the early replication rather than after RNA replication has occurred

    Hepatitis C virus in vitro replication is efficiently inhibited by acridone Fac4

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    Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) affects about 170 million people worldwide. The current treatment has a high cost and variable response rates according to the virus genotype. Acridones, a group of compounds extracted from natural sources, showed potential antiviral actions against HCV. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of a panel of 14 synthetic acridones on the HCV life cycle. The compounds were screened using an Huh7.5 cell line stably harboring the HCV genotype 2a subgenomic replicon SGR-JFH1-FEO. Cells were incubated in the presence or absence of compounds for 72 hours and cell viability and replication levels were assessed by MTT and luciferase assays, respectively. The acridone Fac4 at 5 μM inhibited approximately 90% of HCV replication with 100 % of cell viability. The effects of Fac4 on virus replication, entry and release steps were evaluated in Huh7.5 cells infected with the JFH-1 isolate of HCV (HCVcc). Fac4 inhibited approximately 70 % of JFH-1 replication, while no effect was observed on virus entry. The antiviral activity of Fac4 was also observed on the viral release, with almost 80% of inhibition. No inhibitory effect was observed against genotype 3 replication. Fac4 demonstrated 40% of intercalation into dsRNA, however did not inhibit T7 polymerase activity, as well as translation by IRES interaction. Although its mode of action is partly understood, the Fac4 presents significant inhibition of Hepatitis C virus replication and can therefore be considered as a candidate for the development of a future anti-HCV treatment

    Organometallic Complex Strongly Impairs Chikungunya Virus Entry to the Host Cells

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    Chikungunya fever is a disease caused by the Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) that is transmitted by the bite of the female of Aedes sp. mosquito. The symptoms include fever, muscle aches, skin rash, and severe joint pains. The disease may develop into a chronic condition and joint pain for months or years. Currently, there is no effective antiviral treatment against CHIKV infection. Treatments based on natural compounds have been widely studied, as many drugs were produced by using natural molecules and their derivatives. Alpha-phellandrene (α-Phe) is a naturally occurring organic compound that is a ligand for ruthenium, forming the organometallic complex [Ru2Cl4(p-cymene)2] (RcP). Organometallic complexes have shown promising as candidate molecules to a new generation of compounds that presented relevant biological properties, however, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the anti-CHIKV activity of these complexes. The present work evaluated the effects of the RcP and its precursors, the hydrate ruthenium(III) chloride salt (RuCl3⋅xH2O) (Ru) and α-Phe, on CHIKV infection in vitro. To this, BHK-21 cells were infected with CHIKV-nanoluciferase (CHIKV-nanoluc), a viral construct harboring the nanoluciferase reporter gene, at the presence or absence of the compounds for 16 h. Cytotoxicity and impact on infectivity were analyzed. The results demonstrated that RcP exhibited a strong therapeutic potential judged by the selective index > 40. Antiviral effects of RcP on different stages of the CHIKV replicative cycle were investigated; the results showed that it affected early stages of virus infection reducing virus replication by 77% at non-cytotoxic concentrations. Further assays demonstrated the virucidal activity of the compound that completely blocked virus infectivity. In silico molecular docking calculations suggested different binding interactions between aromatic rings of RcP and the loop of amino acids of the E2 envelope CHIKV glycoprotein mainly through hydrophobic interactions. Additionally, infrared spectroscopy spectral analysis indicated interactions of RcP with CHIKV glycoproteins. These data suggest that RcP may act on CHIKV particles, disrupting virus entry to the host cells. Therefore, RcP may represent a strong candidate for the development of anti-CHIKV drugs

    Chikungunya virus entry is strongly inhibited by phospholipase A2 isolated from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is the etiologic agent of Chikungunya fever, a globally spreading mosquito-borne disease. There is no approved antiviral or vaccine against CHIKV, highlighting an urgent need for novel therapies. In this context, snake venom proteins have demonstrated antiviral activity against several viruses, including arboviruses which are relevant to public health. In particular, the phospholipase A2CB (PLA2CB), a protein isolated from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus was previously shown to possess anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antibacterial and antiviral activities. In this study, we investigated the multiple effects of PLA2CB on the CHIKV replicative cycle in BHK-21 cells using CHIKV-nanoluc, a marker virus carrying nanoluciferase reporter. The results demonstrated that PLA2CB possess a strong anti-CHIKV activity with a selectivity index of 128. We identified that PLA2CB treatment protected cells against CHIKV infection, strongly impairing virus entry by reducing adsorption and post-attachment stages. Moreover, PLA2CB presented a modest yet significant activity towards post-entry stages of CHIKV replicative cycle. Molecular docking calculations indicated that PLA2CB may interact with CHIKV glycoproteins, mainly with E1 through hydrophobic interactions. In addition, infrared spectroscopy measurements indicated interactions of PLA2CB and CHIKV glycoproteins, corroborating with data from in silico analyses. Collectively, this data demonstrated the multiple antiviral effects of PLA2CB on the CHIKV replicative cycle, and suggest that PLA2CB interacts with CHIKV glycoproteins and that this interaction blocks binding of CHIKV virions to the host cells

    Flavonoids from Pterogyne nitens Inhibit Hepatitis C Virus Entry

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the leading causes of liver diseases and transplantation worldwide. The current available therapy for HCV infection is based on interferon-α, ribavirin and the new direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), such as NS3 protease and NS5B polymerase inhibitors. However, the high costs of drug design, severe side effects and HCV resistance presented by the existing treatments demonstrate the need for developing more efficient anti-HCV agents. This study aimed to evaluate the antiviral effects of sorbifolin (1) and pedalitin (2), two flavonoids from Pterogyne nitens on the HCV replication cycle. These compounds were investigated for their anti-HCV activities using genotype 2a JFH-1 subgenomic replicons and infectious virus systems. Flavonoids 1 and 2 inhibited virus entry up to 45.0% and 78.7% respectively at non-cytotoxic concentrations. The mechanism of the flavonoid 2 block to virus entry was demonstrated to be by both the direct action on virus particles and the interference on the host cells. Alternatively, the flavonoid 1 activity was restricted to its virucidal effect. Additionally, no inhibitory effects on HCV replication and release were observed by treating cells with these flavonoids. These data are the first description of 1 and 2 possessing in vitro anti-HCV activity

    Multiple effects of toxins isolated from Crotalus durissus terrificus on the hepatitis C virus life cycle

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the main causes of liver disease and transplantation worldwide. Current therapy is expensive, presents additional side effects and viral resistance has been described. Therefore, studies for developing more efficient antivirals against HCV are needed. Compounds isolated from animal venoms have shown antiviral activity against some viruses such as Dengue virus, Yellow fever virus and Measles virus. In this study, we evaluated the effect of the complex crotoxin (CX) and its subunits crotapotin (CP) and phospholipase A2 (PLA2-CB) isolated from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus on HCV life cycle. Huh 7.5 cells were infected with HCVcc JFH-1 strain in the presence or absence of these toxins and virus was titrated by focus formation units assay or by qPCR. Toxins were added to the cells at different time points depending on the stage of virus life cycle to be evaluated. The results showed that treatment with PLA2-CB inhibited HCV entry and replication but no effect on HCV release was observed. CX reduced virus entry and release but not replication. By treating cells with CP, an antiviral effect was observed on HCV release, the only stage inhibited by this compound. Our data demonstrated the multiple antiviral effects of toxins from animal venoms on HCV life cycle

    A diarylamine derived from anthranilic acid inhibits ZIKV replication

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito-transmitted Flavivirus, originally identified in Uganda in 1947 and recently associated with a large outbreak in South America. Despite extensive efforts there are currently no approved antiviral compounds for treatment of ZIKV infection. Here we describe the antiviral activity of diarylamines derived from anthranilic acid (FAMs) against ZIKV. A synthetic FAM (E3) demonstrated anti-ZIKV potential by reducing viral replication up to 86%. We analyzed the possible mechanisms of action of FAM E3 by evaluating the intercalation of this compound into the viral dsRNA and its interaction with the RNA polymerase of bacteriophage SP6. However, FAM E3 did not act by these mechanisms. In silico results predicted that FAM E3 might bind to the ZIKV NS3 helicase suggesting that this protein could be one possible target of this compound. To test this, the thermal stability and the ATPase activity of the ZIKV NS3 helicase domain (NS3Hel) were investigated in vitro and we demonstrated that FAM E3 could indeed bind to and stabilize NS3Hel

    Natural compounds isolated from Brazilian plants are potent inhibitors of hepatitis C virus replication in vitro

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    Compounds extracted from plants can provide an alternative approach to new therapies. They present characteristics such as high chemical diversity, lower cost of production and milder or inexistent side effects compared with conventional treatment. The Brazilian flora represents a vast, largely untapped, resource of potential antiviral compounds. In this study, we investigate the antiviral effects of a panel of natural compounds isolated from Brazilian plants species on hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome replication. To do this we used firefly luciferase-based HCV sub-genomic replicons of genotypes 2a (JFH-1), 1b and 3a and the compounds were assessed for their effects on both HCV replication and cellular toxicity. Initial screening of compounds was performed using the maximum non-toxic concentration and 4 compounds that exhibited a useful therapeutic index (favourable ratio of cytotoxicity to antiviral potency) were selected for extra analysis. The compounds APS (EC50 = 2.3 μM), a natural alkaloid isolated from Maytrenus ilicifolia, and the lignans 3∗43 (EC50 = 4.0 μM), 3∗20 (EC50 = 8.2 μM) and 5∗362 (EC50 = 38.9 μM) from Peperomia blanda dramatically inhibited HCV replication as judged by reductions in luciferase activity and HCV protein expression in both the subgenomic and infectious systems. We further show that these compounds are active against a daclatasvir resistance mutant subgenomic replicon. Consistent with inhibition of genome replication, production of infectious JFH-1 virus was significantly reduced by all 4 compounds. These data are the first description of Brazilian natural compounds possessing anti-HCV activity and further analyses are being performed in order to investigate the mode of action of those compounds

    Effect of proteins isolated from Brazilian snakes on enterovirus A71 replication cycle: An approach against hand, foot and mouth disease

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    Enterovirus A71 (EVA71) belongs to the Picornaviridae family and is the main etiological agent of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD). There is no approved antiviral against EVA71, and therefore the search for novel anti-EVA71 therapeutics is essential. In this context, the antiviral activity of proteins isolated from snake venoms has been reported against a range of viruses. Here, the proteins CM10 and CM14 isolated from Bothrops moojeni, and Crotamin and PLA2CB isolated from Crotalus durissus terrificus were investigated for their antiviral activity against EVA71 infection. CM14 and Crotamin possessed a selective index (SI) of 170.8 and 120.4, respectively, while CM10 and PLA2CB had an SI of 67.4 and 12.5, respectively. CM14 inhibited all steps of viral replication (protective effect: 76 %; virucidal: 99 %; and post-entry: 99 %). Similarly, Crotamin inhibited up to 99 % of three steps. In contrast, CM10 and PLA2CB impaired one or two steps of EVA71 replication, respectively. Further dose-response assays using increasing titres of EVA71 were performed and CM14 and Crotamin retained functionality with high concentrations of EVA71 (up to 1000 TCID50). These data demonstrate that proteins isolated from snake venom are potent inhibitors of EVA71 and could be used as scaffolds for future development of novel antivirals