6 research outputs found

    Combining ability of summer-squash lines with different degrees of parthenocarpy and PRSV-W resistance

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    The aim was to assess heterosis in a set of 16 summer-squash hybrids, and evaluate the combining capacity of the respective parental lines, which differed as to the degree of parthenocarpy and resistance to PRSV-W (Papaya Ringspot Virus-Watermelon strain). The hybrids were obtained using a partial diallel cross design (4 × 4). The lines of parental group I were 1 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-01-01-bulk, 2 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-03-10-bulk, 3 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-01-04-bulk and 4 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-05-01-bulk, and of group II, 1′ = ABX-037G-77-03-05-04-08-bulk, 2′ = ABX-037G-77-03-05-02-11-bulk, 3′ = Clarice and 4′ = Caserta. The 16 hybrids and eight parental lines were evaluated for PRSV-W resistance, parthenocarpic expression and yield in randomized complete-block designs, with three replications. Parthenocarpy and the resistance to PRSV-W were rated by means of a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 = non-parthenocarpic or high resistance to PRSV-W, and 5 = parthenocarpic or high susceptibility to PRSV-W. Both additive and non-additive gene effects were important in the expression of parthenocarpy and resistance to PRSV-W. Whereas estimates of heterosis in parthenocarpy usually tended towards a higher degree, resistance to PRSV-W was towards higher susceptibility. At least one F1 hybrid was identified with a satisfactory degree of parthenocarpy, resistance to PRSV-W and high fruit-yield

    Collection and morphological characterization of sweet potato landraces in north of Rio de Janeiro state Coleta e caracterização morfológica de variedades locais de batata-doce no norte do Rio de Janeiro

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    The traditional farmers play an important role in plant genetic resources conservation. Collecting the germplasm maintained by these farmers is a very important action to avoid genetic variability losses. The goals of this work were to collect sweet potato from farms in the north of Rio de Janeiro state; to gather information regarding to the farmers profile, and to characterize the sweet potato landraces collected using morphological descriptors. Fifty three farms were visited in six collection expedition and 46 accessions were collected. During the visits the farmers were interviewed using a query with ten items. Six root traits and eight descriptors for vegetative parts were used for morphological characterization. The data were analyzed based on Cole-Rodgers distance and clustering was done with UPGMA method. Familiar agriculture with subsistence objective was observed and sweet potato was cultivated by 72% of the farmers at least for more than a decade, supporting the observation that this vegetable is traditionally cultivated in small areas in the specific region. The morphological characterization was efficient to detect genetic variability among accessions, revealing that traditional farmers from Campos dos Goytacazes and São João da Barra are responsible for sweet potato genotypes conservation with expressive genetic diversity in their properties. There was no relationship between genetic distance and collecting areas.<br>Os agricultores tradicionais têm um papel fundamental na conservação dos recursos genéticos vegetais e a coleta de germoplasma mantido por esses produtores é muito importante para evitar a perda da variabilidade genética. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram coletar germoplasma de batata-doce em propriedades rurais situadas no norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro; levantar informações quanto ao perfil dos produtores rurais visitados durante as coletas, e caracterizar morfologicamente as variedades locais de batata-doce coletadas. Em seis viagens de coleta foram visitadas 53 propriedades rurais, e coletados 46 acessos. Em todas as visitas foi possível entrevistar o produtor por meio de questionário contendo dez itens. Para a caracterização, foram usados seis caracteres de raiz e oito da parte aérea. A análise dos dados foi efetuada com o uso da distância de Cole-Rodgers e o agrupamento foi gerado com o método UPGMA. Foi constatado predomínio da agricultura familiar, voltada para subsistência, sendo que 72% dos agricultores cultivavam a batata-doce há mais de uma década, o que evidencia a tradição de cultivo desta hortaliça em pequenas áreas na região. A caracterização morfológica foi eficiente para detectar a variabilidade genética entre os acessos, demonstrando que os agricultores tradicionais dos municípios de Campos dos Goytacazes e São João da Barra detêm genótipos de batata-doce com expressiva diversidade genética em suas propriedades. Não foi detectada correlação entre a distância genética e os locais de coleta