59 research outputs found

    Cancer of the Ovary in Nnewi, Nigeria

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    Background: Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynaecological cancer worldwide.Objectives: This study was to determine the prevalence, risk factors, clinical presentations, treatment modalities and outcome of ovarian cancer in a tertiary health care institution.Materials and Methods: A 5-year retrospective study of patients with ovarian cancer managed in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi, South Eastern Nigeria, st between 1 January 2003 and 31st December 2007 was undertaken. The data was collected by scrutinizing the case files collected from the medical records department,Results: There were 29 cases of ovarian cancer out of total of 122(23.8% of all gynaecological malignancies) gynaecological malignancies and2.9% of 1003 gynaecological admissions. The mean age of the patients was 52.9 + 1.7 years. More than 60% of the patients were above 50years and 66.7% were grandmultipara. Abdominal swelling (47.8%) followed by abdominal pain (13.7) were the commonest presenting symptoms. Only 2 (7.4%) patients had a family history of cancer. Stage III (76.9%) was the modal stage at presentation. Approximately 63% wereepithelial tumours. Most of the patients (88.9%) had cytoreductive surgery and 92.3% of these had adjuvant chemotherapy. Two (7.6%) patients died intra-operatively, while 75.0% of the patients died within 6 months of therapy.Conclusion: The prevalence of ovarian cancer was high in Nnewi and environs. Majority of patients presented late and mortality was high despite multimodal therapy. Public enlightenment to increase awareness and introduction of screening programme for early detection is advocated

    Методология синтеза архитектуры программно-технического комплекса автоматизированной системы мониторинга обстановки

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    Предложен подход к проектированию архитектуры программно-технического комплекса автоматизированной системы мониторинга обстановки в реальном времени, основанный на классификации решаемых функциональных задач на основе методов кластерного анализа и выбранного множества признаков подобия. Разработанный подход позволяет из множества функций системы выделить подобные (по определенным признакам) и объединить их в архитектурные компоненты (унифицированные функциональные модули).Запропоновано підхід до проектування архітектури центру обробки інформації автоматизованої системи моніторингу середовища в реальному часі, що заснований на класифікації функціональних задач на підставі методів кластерного аналізу і обраної множини ознак схожості. Розроблений підхід дозволяє вибрати із множини функцій системи схожі (за певними ознаками) і поєднати їх в архітектурні компоненти (уніфіковані функціональні модулі).The approach to designing architecture of the information processing complex of the automated real time conditions monitoring system based on classification of functional tasks on the basis of methods of cluster analysis and the chosen set of similarity attributes is offered. The developed approach allows to allocate from a set of functions the systems similar (on certain attributes) and to unite them in architectural components (unified functional modules)

    Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in attention circuitry: the role of layer VI neurons of prefrontal cortex

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    Wood energy production efficiency in Akinyele local government area of Oyo State

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    A study was carried out to determine the efficiency of wood energy production in Akinyele Local Government of Oyo State. Ten fuelwood and five charcoal wood species were selected as samples using availability as criterion. Energy parameters including moisture, ash and energy contents, and density of the samples were determined. The earth kiln system of charcoal production was used to determine the efficiency of the charcoal production method. Data analysis was carried out using a combination of t-tests and descriptive statistical methods. Results showed that the moisture contents ranged between 10.6 and 32.45% for the fuelwood species and 5.2 and 7.7% for charcoal. The ash contents ranged between 1.0 and 6.0% for fuelwood species and 1.0 and 5.0% for charcoal. Energy contents for fuel wood range between 15.79 and 28.58 MJ/kg and between 2.51 and 6.82 MJ/kg for charcoal respectively. Specific gravity for fuelwood species ranged between 0.53 for Markhamia and 0.89 for Funtumia and between 0.46 for Parkia and 0.63 for Butyreospermum for charcoals species. Outputs from the earth kiln method were found to be about 21.01% which implies that at least one kilogramme of charcoal is produced from five kilogramme of wood.Keywords: Fuelwood, Charcoal, Energy ParametersJournal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology Volume9,: 42-4

    Evaluation of Technological Quality of Meat Produced from Nsukka Local Abattior

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    The technological quality of raw meat from Nsukka local abattoir was evaluated by analyzing the proximate composition, water holding capacity, pH, Napole yield and sensory colour and texture of longissimus dorsi [LD] and psoas major [PM] of beef and pork. Results show that moisture [71.36 – 72.76%], protein [21.37 – 22.75%], fat[3.81 – 4.36%] and ash [0.80 – 1.30%] contents were within the range known for fresh raw beef and pork. Due to species differences and effect of scalding, pork had significantly lower ultimate pH [5.35 – 5.54] compared to beef [5.83 –5.91]; with 70% of the pork muscles being in the PSE range contrasted with 38% of those of beef. Also due to muscledifferences LD had lower ultimate pH compared to PM, although the differences were not found to be significant [

    Managing Malnutrition in Older Persons Residing in Care Homes: Nutritional and Clinical Outcomes Following a Screening and Intervention Program.

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    This study aimed to establish prevalence of malnutrition in older adult care home residents and investigate whether a nutritional screening and intervention program could improve nutritional and clinical outcomes. A community-based cohort study was conducted in five Newcastle care homes. 205 participants entered; 175 were followed up. Residents already taking oral nutritional supplements (ONS) were excluded from interventions. Those with Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) score of 1 received dietetic advice and ≥2 received dietetic advice and were prescribed ONS (220 ml, 1.5 kcal/ml) twice daily for 12 weeks. Body mass index (BMI), MUST, mini nutritional assessment score (MNA)®, mid upper arm muscle circumference (MAMC), and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) were recorded at baseline and 12 weeks. Malnutrition prevalence was 36.6% ± 6.6 (95% CI). A higher MUST was associated with greater mortality (p = 0.004). Type of intervention received was significantly associated with change in MUST score (p < 0.001); dietetic advice resulting in the greatest improvement. There were no significant changes in BMI (p = 0.445), MAMC (p = 0.256), or GDS (p = 0.385) following the interventions. Dietitian advice may slow the progression of nutritional decline. In this study oral nutritional supplements over a 3-month period did not significantly improve nutritional status in malnourished care home residents

    Dietary Preferences and Pattern in Children with Sickle Cell Disease in Enugu Metropolis

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    The looks of children with sickle cell anaemia give an impression of malnourishment. Not growing optimally, they have lower weight, height and muscle bulk in the upper limbs than age and sex matched controls. Their underlying state imposes an increased metabolic demand on them. Yet there is simultaneous inadequate nutritional intake and malabsorption in periods of crises. Evidence of depressed appetite also exists. Parents try to combat this through administration of blood tonics. As a first step in assessing the nutritional status of children with sickle cell disease it was decided to conduct a detailed dietary interview. The food intake of children with sickle cell disease attending the sickle cell clinic of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu was analyzed and compared with that of age matched controls that do not have sickle cell disease. Only differences which P-value was or 0.05 below were accepted as statistically significant. In the age stratum 4 years and under, generally no significant differences were noted in the food consumption pattern of children with sickle cell disease when compared with age-matched controls. However, children with sickle cell disease consumed significantly more spinach than controls. In the age stratum 5-16 years, children with sickle cell disease consumed more of the food items considered. Foods were sourced from mainly the market for all children and when not consumed, it was for similar reasons, mainly expensiveness and child=s dislike. Night blindness seems to occur more in children with sickle cell disease. It is concluded that parents no do not purposely bias quantity or quality of food presentation to children with sickle cell disease despite noticing that relative to their other children, these children looked always ill-fed. The value of taking the specific nutritional needs of these children into considerations in food presentation was discussed. In addition, it is suggested that more attention be paid to nutrition and that nutritionist be involved in the health care and management of these children. Key Words: Sickle Cell Disease; Dietary Preferences; Haemoglobinopathy in Enugu Orient Journal of Medicine Vol.15(1&2) 2003: 49-5