3,672 research outputs found

    Key points to facilitate the adoption of computer-based assessments.

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    here are strong pedagogical arguments in favor of adopting computer-based assessment. The risks of technical failure can be managed and are offset by improvements in cost-effectiveness and quality assurance capability. Academic, administrative, and technical leads at an appropriately senior level within an institution need to be identified, so that they can act as effective advocates. All stakeholder groups need to be represented in undertaking a detailed appraisal of requirements and shortlisting software based on core functionality, summative assessment life cycle needs, external compatibility, security, and usability. Any software that is a candidate for adoption should be trialed under simulated summative conditions, with all stakeholders having a voice in agreeing the optimum solution. Transfer to a new system should be carefully planned and communicated, with a programme of training established to maximize the success of adoption

    Ferritin and Iron Studies in Anaemia and Chronic Disease

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    Anaemia is a condition in which the number of red cells necessary to meet the body's physiological requirements is insufficient. Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) and the anaemia of chronic disease (ACD) are the two most common causes of anaemia worldwide; iron homeostasis plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of both diseases. An understanding of how iron studies can be used to distinguish between these diseases is therefore essential, not only for diagnosis but also in guiding management. This review will primarily focus on IDA and ACD; however iron overload in anaemia will also be briefly discussed

    A distinct plasmablast and naive B-cell phenotype in primary immune thrombocytopenia

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    Obtained from the Haematologica Journal website http://www.haematologica.org/content/101/6/698.full.pdf+html Material published in Haematologica is covered by copyright. All rights reserved to Ferrata Storti Foundation. Copies of articles are allowed for personal or internal use. A permission in writing by the publisher is requested for any other use.Primary funding for this study was from GSK. SMF was funded by a Translational Medicine and Therapeutics PhD studentship jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and GSK. The UK ITP Registry (www.ukitpregistry.com) is supported through unrestricted educational grants from GSK and Amgen

    Dietary assessment of British police force employees: A description of diet record coding procedures and cross-sectional evaluation of dietary energy intake reporting (The Airwave Health Monitoring Study)

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    Objectives: Dietary intake is a key aspect of occupational health. To capture the characteristics of dietary behaviour that is affected by occupational environment that may affect disease risk, a collection of prospective multiday dietary records is required. The aims of this paper are to: (1) collect multiday dietary data in the Airwave Health Monitoring Study, (2) describe the di etary coding procedures applied and (3) investigate the plausibility of dietary reporting in this occupational cohort. Design: A dietary coding protocol for this large-scale study was developed to minimise coding error rate. Participants (n 4412) who completed 7-day food records were included for cross-sectional analyses. Energy intake (EI) misreporting was estimated using the Goldberg method. Multivariate logistic regression models were applied to determine participant characteristics associated with EI misreporting. Setting: British police force employees enrolled (2007-2012) into the Airwave Health Monitoring Study. Results: The mean code error rate per food diary was 3.7% (SD 3.2%). The strongest predictors of EI under-reporting were body mass index (BMI) and physical activity. Compared with participants with BMI 30 kg/m2 had increased odds of being classified as under-reporting EI (men OR 5.20 95% CI 3.92 to 6.89; women OR 2.66 95% CI 1.85 to 3.83). Men and women in the highest physical activity category compared with the lowest were also more likely to be classified as underreporting (men OR 3.33 95% CI 2.46 to 4.50; women OR 4.34 95% CI 2.91 to 6.55). Conclusions: A reproducible dietary record coding procedure has been developed to minimise coding error in complex 7-day diet diaries. The prevalence of EI under-reporting is comparable with existing national UK cohorts and, in agreement with previous studies, classification of under-reporting was biased towards specific subgroups of participants

    Hierarchical structures of cactus spines that aid in the directional movement of dew droplets

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    Three species of cactus whose spines act as dew harvesters were chosen for this study: Copiapoa cinerea var. haseltoniana, Mammillaria columbiana subsp. yucatanensis and Parodia mammulosa and compared with Ferocactus wislizenii whose spines do not perform as dew harvesters. Time-lapse snapshots of C. cinerea showed movement of dew droplets from spine tips to their base, even against gravity. Spines emanating from one of the areoles of C. cinerea were submerged in water laced with fluorescent nanoparticles and this particular areole with its spines and a small area of stem was removed and imaged. These images clearly showed that fluorescent water had moved into the stem of the plant. Lines of vascular bundles radiating inwards from the surface areoles (from where the spines emanate) to the core of the stem were detected using magnetic resonance imaging, with the exception of F. wislizenii that does not harvest dew on its spines. Spine microstructures were examined using SEM images and surface roughness measurements (Ra and Rz) taken of the spines of C. cinerea. It was found that a roughness gradient created by tapered microgrooves existed that could potentially direct surface water from a spine tip to its base

    Discovery of mating in the major African livestock pathogen Trypanosoma congolense

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    The protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma congolense, is one of the most economically important pathogens of livestock in Africa and, through its impact on cattle health and productivity, has a significant effect on human health and well being. Despite the importance of this parasite our knowledge of some of the fundamental biological processes is limited. For example, it is unknown whether mating takes place. In this paper we have taken a population genetics based approach to address this question. The availability of genome sequence of the parasite allowed us to identify polymorphic microsatellite markers, which were used to genotype T. congolense isolates from livestock in a discrete geographical area of The Gambia. The data showed a high level of diversity with a large number of distinct genotypes, but a deficit in heterozygotes. Further analysis identified cryptic genetic subdivision into four sub-populations. In one of these, parasite genotypic diversity could only be explained by the occurrence of frequent mating in T. congolense. These data are completely inconsistent with previous suggestions that the parasite expands asexually in the absence of mating. The discovery of mating in this species of trypanosome has significant consequences for the spread of critical traits, such as drug resistance, as well as for fundamental aspects of the biology and epidemiology of this neglected but economically important pathogen

    Drawing Boundaries

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    In “On Drawing Lines on a Map” (1995), I suggested that the different ways we have of drawing lines on maps open up a new perspective on ontology, resting on a distinction between two sorts of boundaries: fiat and bona fide. “Fiat” means, roughly: human-demarcation-induced. “Bona fide” means, again roughly: a boundary constituted by some real physical discontinuity. I presented a general typology of boundaries based on this opposition and showed how it generates a corresponding typology of the different sorts of objects which boundaries determine or demarcate. In this paper, I describe how the theory of fiat boundaries has evolved since 1995, how it has been applied in areas such as property law and political geography, and how it is being used in contemporary work in formal and applied ontology, especially within the framework of Basic Formal Ontology

    Two-dimensional elastoplastic analysis of cylindrical cavity problems in Tresca materials

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    This paper presents analytical elastic-plastic solutions for static stress loading analysis and quasi-static expansion analysis of a cylindrical cavity in Tresca materials, considering biaxial far-field stresses and shear stresses along the inner cavity wall. The two-dimensional static stress solution is obtained by assuming that the plastic zone is statically determinate and using the complex variable theory in the elastic analysis. A rigorous conformal mapping function is constructed, which predicts that the elastic-plastic boundary is in an elliptic shape under biaxial in situ stresses, and the range of the plastic zone extends with increasing internal shear stresses. The major axis of the elliptical elastic-plastic boundary coincides with the direction of the maximum far-field compression stress. Furthermore, considering the internal shear stresses, an analytical large-strain displacement solution is derived for continuous cavity expansion analysis in a hydrostatic initial stress filed. Based on the derived analytical stress and displacement solutions, the influence of the internal shear stresses on the quasi-static cavity expansion process is studied. It is shown that additional shear stresses could reduce the required normal expansion pressure to a certain degree, which partly explains the great reduction of the axial soil resistance due to rotations in rotating cone penetration tests. In addition, through additionally considering the potential influences of biaxial in situ stresses and shear stresses generated around the borehole during drillings, an improved cavity expansion approach for estimating the maximum allowable mud pressure of horizontal directional drillings (HDDs) in undrained clays is proposed and validated

    Sutherlandia frutescens: The meeting of science and traditional knowledge

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    Sutherlandia frutescens (L.) R.Br. (syn. Lessertia frutescens (L.) Goldblatt and J.C. Manning) is an indigenous medicinal plant extensively used in South Africa to treat a variety of health conditions. It is a fairly widespread, drought-resistant plant that grows in the Western, Eastern, and Northern Cape provinces and some areas of KwaZulu-Natal, varying in its chemical and genetic makeup across these geographic areas.1 Sutherlandia is widely used as a traditional medicine. Extensive scientific studies are being carried out on the safety, quality, and the efficacy of this medicinal plant to validate the traditional claims, elucidate the bioactive constituents, and conduct clinical trials. This has resulted in a unique situation in South Africa’s history, where traditional knowledge and science intersect to provide insight into this popular plant. This photoessay attempts to illustrate the interlinkage of science with the indigenous knowledge of traditional healers, the local knowledge of people who care for the sick, product development, and innovation agenda of the country as it relates to this plant.Web of Scienc