69 research outputs found

    Prognostic ability of a panel of immunohistochemistry markers – retailoring of an 'old solution'

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    An urgent requirement exists for new prognostic and predictive assays in breast cancer. Despite the development of high-throughput technologies such as DNA microarrays, it would now appear that immunohistochemistry (IHC) may play an increasingly important role in the clinical management of breast cancer. In this editorial, the authors discuss the potential prognostic ability of a panel of IHC markers, and question whether this well-established assay technology may in fact allow for improved prognostic and predictive tests in breast cancer

    An Osmotic Model of the Growing Pollen Tube

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    Pollen tube growth is central to the sexual reproduction of plants and is a longstanding model for cellular tip growth. For rapid tip growth, cell wall deposition and hardening must balance the rate of osmotic water uptake, and this involves the control of turgor pressure. Pressure contributes directly to both the driving force for water entry and tip expansion causing thinning of wall material. Understanding tip growth requires an analysis of the coordination of these processes and their regulation. Here we develop a quantitative physiological model which includes water entry by osmosis, the incorporation of cell wall material and the spreading of that material as a film at the tip. Parameters of the model have been determined from the literature and from measurements, by light, confocal and electron microscopy, together with results from experiments made on dye entry and plasmolysis in Lilium longiflorum. The model yields values of variables such as osmotic and turgor pressure, growth rates and wall thickness. The model and its predictive capacity were tested by comparing programmed simulations with experimental observations following perturbations of the growth medium. The model explains the role of turgor pressure and its observed constancy during oscillations; the stability of wall thickness under different conditions, without which the cell would burst; and some surprising properties such as the need for restricting osmotic permeability to a constant area near the tip, which was experimentally confirmed. To achieve both constancy of pressure and wall thickness under the range of conditions observed in steady-state growth the model reveals the need for a sensor that detects the driving potential for water entry and controls the deposition rate of wall material at the tip

    Is complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) cost-effective? a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Out-of-pocket expenditures of over $34 billion per year in the US are an apparent testament to a widely held belief that complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies have benefits that outweigh their costs. However, regardless of public opinion, there is often little more than anecdotal evidence on the health and economic implications of CAM therapies. The objectives of this study are to present an overview of economic evaluation and to expand upon a previous review to examine the current scope and quality of CAM economic evaluations. METHODS: The data sources used were Medline, AMED, Alt-HealthWatch, and the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Citation Index; January 1999 to October 2004. Papers that reported original data on specific CAM therapies from any form of standard economic analysis were included. Full economic evaluations were subjected to two types of quality review. The first was a 35-item checklist for reporting quality, and the second was a set of four criteria for study quality (randomization, prospective collection of economic data, comparison to usual care, and no blinding). RESULTS: A total of 56 economic evaluations (39 full evaluations) of CAM were found covering a range of therapies applied to a variety of conditions. The reporting quality of the full evaluations was poor for certain items, but was comparable to the quality found by systematic reviews of economic evaluations in conventional medicine. Regarding study quality, 14 (36%) studies were found to meet all four criteria. These exemplary studies indicate CAM therapies that may be considered cost-effective compared to usual care for various conditions: acupuncture for migraine, manual therapy for neck pain, spa therapy for Parkinson's, self-administered stress management for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, pre- and post-operative oral nutritional supplementation for lower gastrointestinal tract surgery, biofeedback for patients with "functional" disorders (eg, irritable bowel syndrome), and guided imagery, relaxation therapy, and potassium-rich diet for cardiac patients. CONCLUSION: Whereas the number and quality of economic evaluations of CAM have increased in recent years and more CAM therapies have been shown to be of good value, the majority of CAM therapies still remain to be evaluated

    Saliva from nymph and adult females of Haemaphysalis longicornis: a proteomic study

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    An Introduction to the Performance of Immunohistochemistry

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    Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a powerful technique that exploits the specific binding between an antibody and antigen to detect and localize specific antigens in cells and tissue, most commonly detected and examined with the light microscope. A standard tool in many fields in the research setting, IHC has become an essential ancillary technique in clinical diagnostics in anatomic pathology (Lin F, Chen Z. Arch Pathol Lab Med 138:1564-1577, 2014) with the advent of antigen retrieval methods allowing it to be performed conveniently on formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue (Taylor CR, Shi S-R, Barr NJ. Techniques of immunohistochemistry: principles, pitfalls, and standardization. In: Dabbs DJ (ed) Diagnostic immunohistochemistry: theranostic and genomic applications, 3rd edn. Saunders, Philadelphia, 2010; Shi SR, Key ME, Kalra KL. J Histochem Cytochem 39:741-748, 1991) and automated methods for high volume processing with reproducibility (Prichard J, Hicks D, Hammond E. Automated immunohistochemistry overview. In: Fan L, Jeffrey P (eds) Handbook of practical immunohistochemistry: frequently asked questions, 2nd edn. Springer, New York, 2015). IHC is frequently utilized to assist in the classification of neoplasms, determination of a metastatic tumor's site of origin and detection of tiny foci of tumor cells inconspicuous on routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. Furthermore, it is increasingly being used to provide predictive and prognostic information, such as in testing for HER2 amplification in breast cancer (Wolff AC, Hammond MEH, Hicks DG et al. Arch Pathol Lab Med 138:241-256, 2014) in addition to serving as surrogate markers for molecular alterations in neoplasms, including IDH1 and ATRX mutations in brain tumors (Appin CL, Brat DJ. Mol Aspects Med. 45:87-96, 2015). In this chapter we describe the basic methods of immunohistochemical staining which has become an essential tool in the daily practice of anatomic pathology worldwide
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