17 research outputs found

    Determinants of participation in a longitudinal two-stage study of the health consequences of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant accident

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The determinants of participation in long-term follow-up studies of disasters have rarely been delineated. Even less is known from studies of events that occurred in eastern Europe. We examined the factors associated with participation in a longitudinal two-stage study conducted in Kyiv following the 1986 Chornobyl nuclear power plant accident.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six hundred child-mother dyads (300 evacuees and 300 classmate controls) were initially assessed in 1997 when the children were 11 years old, and followed up in 2005–6 when they were 19 years old. A population control group (304 mothers and 327 children) was added in 2005–6. Each assessment point involved home interviews with the children and mothers (stage 1), followed by medical examinations of the children at a clinic (stage 2). Background characteristics, health status, and Chornobyl risk perceptions were examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The participation rates in the follow-up home interviews were 87.8% for the children (88.6% for evacuees; 87.0% for classmates) and 83.7% for their mothers (86.4% for evacuees and 81.0% for classmates). Children's and mothers' participation was predicted by one another's study participation and attendance at the medical examination at time 1. Mother's participation was also predicted by initial concerns about her child's health, greater psychological distress, and Chornobyl risk perceptions. In 1997, 91.2% of the children had a medical examination (91.7% of evacuees and 90.7% of classmates); in 2005–6, 85.2% were examined (83.0% of evacuees, 87.7% of classmates, 85.0% of population controls). At both times, poor health perceptions were associated with receiving a medical examination. In 2005–6, clinic attendance was also associated with the young adults' risk perceptions, depression or generalized anxiety disorder, lower standard of living, and female gender.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite our low attrition rates, we identified several determinants of selective participation consistent with previous research. Although evacuee status was not associated with participation, Chornobyl risk perceptions were strong predictors of mothers' follow-up participation and attendance at the medical examinations. Understanding selective participation offers valuable insight for future longitudinal disaster studies that integrate psychiatric and medical epidemiologic research.</p

    Network analysis of sea turtle movements and connectivity: A tool for conservation prioritization

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available in the Supplementary Material of this article and Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5898578). Details for all animals included in this study are provided in Appendices S1 and S2. Data used to create the spatial networks are listed in the Appendices S3 and S4. The geospatial files for all networks are available on the Migratory Connectivity in the Ocean Project website (https://mico.eco) and Dryad (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.j3tx95xg9). Additional data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Aim Understanding the spatial ecology of animal movements is a critical element in conserving long-lived, highly mobile marine species. Analyzing networks developed from movements of six sea turtle species reveals marine connectivity and can help prioritize conservation efforts. Location Global. Methods We collated telemetry data from 1235 individuals and reviewed the literature to determine our dataset's representativeness. We used the telemetry data to develop spatial networks at different scales to examine areas, connections, and their geographic arrangement. We used graph theory metrics to compare networks across regions and species and to identify the role of important areas and connections. Results Relevant literature and citations for data used in this study had very little overlap. Network analysis showed that sampling effort influenced network structure, and the arrangement of areas and connections for most networks was complex. However, important areas and connections identified by graph theory metrics can be different than areas of high data density. For the global network, marine regions in the Mediterranean had high closeness, while links with high betweenness among marine regions in the South Atlantic were critical for maintaining connectivity. Comparisons among species-specific networks showed that functional connectivity was related to movement ecology, resulting in networks composed of different areas and links. Main conclusions Network analysis identified the structure and functional connectivity of the sea turtles in our sample at multiple scales. These network characteristics could help guide the coordination of management strategies for wide-ranging animals throughout their geographic extent. Most networks had complex structures that can contribute to greater robustness but may be more difficult to manage changes when compared to simpler forms. Area-based conservation measures would benefit sea turtle populations when directed toward areas with high closeness dominating network function. Promoting seascape connectivity of links with high betweenness would decrease network vulnerability.International Climate Initiative (IKI)German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU

    Population structure of the yellow-footed rock-wallaby Petrogale xanthopus (Gray, 1854) inferred from mtDNA sequences and microsatellite loci

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    The yellow-footed rock-wallaby Petrogale xanthopus is considered to be potentially vulnerable to extinction. This wallaby inhabits naturally disjunct rocky outcrops which could restrict dispersal between populations, but the extent to which that occurs is unknown. Genetic differences between populations were assessed using mitochondrial DNA (control region) sequencing and analysis of variation at four microsatellite loci among three geographically close sites in south-west Queensland (P. x. celeris) and, for mtDNA only, samples from South Australia (P. x. xanthopus) as well. Populations from South Australia and Queensland had phylogenetically distinct mtDNA, supporting the present classification of these two groups as evolutionarily distinct entities. Within Queensland, populations separated by 70 km of unsuitable habitat differed significantly for mtDNA and at microsatellite loci. Populations separated by 10 km of apparently suitable habitat had statistically homogeneous mtDNA, but a significant difference in allele frequency at one microsatellite locus. Tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and microgeographical variation at microsatellite loci did not detect any substructuring between two wallaby aggregations within a colony encircling a single rock outcrop. Although the present study was limited by small sample sizes at two of the three Queensland locations examined, the genetic results suggest that dispersal between colonies is limited, consistent with an ecological study of dispersal at one of the sites. Considering both the genetic and ecological data, we suggest that management of yellow-footed rock-wallabies should treat each colony as an independent unit and that conservation of the Queensland and South Australian populations as separate entities is warranted