7 research outputs found


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    Indonesia is a country which has a lot of territory consisted by the thousands of islands has here in several of ethnic groups, ethnic heterogenity is related to the health issues, it can be seen from the perceptions and habits and the beliefs typical of the disease suffered by the tribes. The need for the healing of disease, they would be trying to finding ways to cope with treatment it deserves from its effect. Getting treatment is adopted based on the concept of which is owned by the local community to the disease for. Understanding of health, illness and disease in the each of ethnic group is not the same, for the tribes who still lives in countryside areas, they also define the type of disease it locally adapted to their experience and understanding of an illness. Tugutil people whose lives secluded in the interior of the Halmahera Island, especially those who are in the area of Wasile District, East Halmahera, North Maluku Province, Tugutil people who are in the territory also has a local medical system to addressing health issues in their community. In this research study would be trying to answer some of the issues that occur in the tribe such as: 1) What factors influence the onset of disease? 2) How does the action taken in addressing the disease because it is caused by a personalistic and naturalistic. The research study was conducted on Tugutil people in the hamlet Totodoku, Dodaga Village District of East Wasile. The data used in the analysis is qualitative data which obtained from 21 informants and 9 key informants. Data was collected by library research, participation observation method, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Results of the research shown that Tugutil people living in the country side (forests) still retaining its healing ways inherited diseases in a sustainable manner (local medical system), because they think they couldbe addressing health issues in their communities. In the local medical system of Tugutil (Etnomedisin), including the pain suffering because that is personalistic and naturalistic. Based on the research results showing that caused of illness suffered toTugutil people are more dominant is personalistic nature. However, these reasons cannot be separated between Naturalistic with Personalistic causes, because in certain circumstances the both of these issues are related. Crucial role dukun (o houru manyawa) and shaman (o gomatere) in the healing process to Tugutil peopl


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    Pengetahuan lokal adalah pengetahuan yang khas dari masyarakat atau budaya tertentu yang telah berkembang lama sebagai hasil dari proses timbal-balik antara masyarakat dengan lingkungannya. Ada juga pengetahuan lokal yang sudah menjadi pewaris bagi Masyarakat Kelurahan Tarau adalah sebagian besar masyarakat berpotensi di bidang masing-masing seperti, pengetahuan terhadap petani, pengetahuan tentang nelayan, dan pengetahuan tentang rumah itu sendiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui sistem pengetahuan orang Ternate dalam membangun rumah tinggal. 2) Untuk mengetahui niai-nilai budaya apa saja yang diprkatikan oleh orang ternate dalam pembuatan rumah tinggal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian etonografi yang dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan bahan keterangan atau data yang dilakukan secara sistematika mengenai cara hidup serta berbagai aktivitas sosial dan benda kebudayaan suatu masyarakat. Tehnik pengumpulan data yakni observasi, wawancara, dan dekomentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanan pembuatan rumah tingal yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat kota ternate yang khususnya kelurahan tarau itu mengunakan 1) adat ritual yaitu sbelum membangun sebuah ruamah mereka harus melakukan ritual peletakan batu pertama dan pembacan doa yang di pimpin oleh kiyai atau bas. Dengan ritual au raha yaitu sebuah batu yang diisikan dengan minyak kelpa dan daun pandan (goro paha) yang akan didiamkan selama satu malam sampai jam 05.00 subu, baru mereka melaukan pekerjan pembuatan rumah. 2) nilai- nilai yang terkandung dalam ritual pembuatan rumah dengan konsep yang sudah ada menjadi tradisi masyarakat tarau, masih memegang teguh pada pembacan doa dan ritual-ritual yang biasa disebut dengan “ tulur dada, au raha, samapai dengan doa selamatan” sebelum pelaksanan pembangunan rumah sampai rumah tersebut layak dihuni. Kata Kunci : Ritual Adat Telur Dada, Au Raha


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    Lompoadohoi ini memiliki fungsi disetiap desa yang ada di Kepulauan Sula dan lebih khususnya di desa Mangon. Masyarakat Mangon mempertahankan tradisi tersebut sebagai modal sosial untuk mempermudahkan kebutuhan segala kekurangan dalam kehidupan baik secara materi maupun moral. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis perkembangan kehidupan masyarakat Mangon serta keunikan kerja sama dalam bergotong royong untuk pelaksanaan acara-acara tertentu seperti halnya lompodohoi pernikahan, lompoadohoi pendidikan dan lompoadohoi amalan ibadah haji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab beberapa permasalahan-permasalahan tradisi lompoadohoi pada masyarakat Sula dan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman di desa Mangon dalam mencapai perubahan nilai sosial dan nilai ekonomi yang ada di desa Mangon salah satunya kebutuhan perkawinan dan pendidikan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara pengambilan sampel yaitu berupa instrumen wawancara yang dibuktikan dengan dokumentasi. Kata kunci: Lompoadohoi, Orang Mangon, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sul


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    Ternate is an historical Sultanate with a variety of cultures and traditions. An example of this is the Aruwahang death rite of the ethnic Ternate people of Togolobe, Hiri island. The people of Ternate also have a rich oral tradition, which is still practised today. Ethnic Ternate people uphold these adat (customary) norms and values. The wealth of these traditions serves as evidence that Ternate is a region capable of conserving its ancestral culture as well as giving meaning to the norms and values there of. In order that the meaning of the Aruwahang ritual be fulfilled, it is considered important that it be performed with strong adherence to customary procedure. Ternate people do not consider the Aruwahang to be merely a ceremonial procession, but as an essential ritual after a person’s death. The followers of the Aruwahang believe in the value and meaning that this ritual gives to the people of Ternate. The place the ritual takes place, the attendees (gogoro), the offering of adat food (ngogu adat), and other aspects of the ritual, are all considered to have an important meaning with regards to the life of an ethnic Ternate person. Ngogu adat, usually called jaha se kukusan by the local people, is based upon symbols of life, death and faith in God. This study was conducted in Togolobe village, Hiri Island sub-district, North Maluku. Qualitative data were collected from observation, in-depth interviews, and other technical documentation provided by the study subjects. The study was conducted in four stages: study design, data collection, data analysis, and presentation of results. The data analysis was performed in three stages: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Two principal conclusions were derived from our study. Firstly, the Aruwahang ritual is an attractive and unique ancestral inheritance that must be maintained by the ethnic Ternate people. Secondly, that Aruwahang is a religious death rite (dina) that is still faithfully practiced today. Kata kunci: Aruwahang ritual, ngogu adat, dina, symbolism


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    Secara etimologi, kata kololi kie berasal dari bahasa asli Ternate. Kololi berarti “keliling atau mengintari” dan kie yang berarti “gunung, pulau, darat/daratan.” Secara umum, kololi kie diartikan sebagai “kegiatan mengitari atau mengelilingi pulau/gunung.” Dalam bahasa populer lain di Kota Ternate. Kololi kie juga disebut dengan kata ron gunung (ron artinya “keliling”). Fokus penelitian yaitu: 1) Bagaimana pandangan masyarakat adat kesultanan Ternate terhadap ritual Kololi Kie. 2) Bagaimana proses pelaksanaan ritual Kololi Kie. 3) Apa saja nilai-nilai budaya yang terkandung dalam ritual Kololi Kie. Metode atau pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode atau pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun hasil penelitian yaitu: Bahwa ritual Kololi Kie mengandung makna yang mendalam tentang memupuk tali kebersamaan masyarakat antara masyarakat adat di Kesultanan Ternate dan masyarakat secara umum di Kota Ternate. Mengelilingi pulau dapat disimbolkan sebagai upaya memberikan pengamanan  terhadap batas teritorial dan memperkuat simpul-simpul kekuatan bangsa, untuk mencegah berbagai ancaman dari luar. Ritual Kololi Kie sama maknanya dengan membelajarkan masyarakat untuk mempertahankan budaya dan menjaga keutuhan bangsa dari gempuran dan tantangan budaya global. Keempat, pada ritual tersebut, beberapa kampung dijadikan sebagai tempat persinggahan untuk berziara di makam-makam. Nilai-nilai yang masih dijaga dan dipelihara oleh masyarakat adat Kesultanan Ternate adalah Nilai Tenggang rasa, nilai kebersamaan, nilai gotong royog serta nilai keagamaan. Kata Kunci : Ritual Kololi Kie, Budaya, Religi, Kesultanan Ternat

    The Loss of Agricultural Traditions: A Study of the Social Impact of Mining on Mine-Round Communities

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    This research examines the Loss of Agricultural Traditions: A Study of the Social Impact of Mining on Mine-Round Communities by appointing PT. IWIP as a case study. This appointment is based on the reason that PT. IWIP is the first integrated industrial estate management company in Indonesia. This research is a qualitative research conducted in Weda Tengah District, Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province. The purpose of this study is to explain the Loss of Agricultural Traditions: A Study of the Social Impact of Mining on Mine-Round Communities. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Data collection was carried out through document studies (literature review), observation (observation), and in-depth interviews. Research informants are people who live in the mining area which are determined by purposive sampling based on their knowledge and experience related to the research topic. The results of the study show that the presence of mining companies has a broad impact on people's lives. One of these impacts can be found in social and cultural aspects. Based on their nature, these impacts are positive and negative. If viewed from the perspective of social change, the various descriptions above show that the community in the mining area has experienced changes, whether consciously or not. This social change that occurred at the same time also penetrated the joints of the culture of society that was oriented towards agriculture