13 research outputs found

    Management of venous thrombosis in fibular free osseomusculocutaneous flaps used for mandibular reconstruction: clinical techniques and treatment considerations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mandibular reconstruction by means of fibula transplants is the standard therapy for severe bone loss after subtotal mandibulectomy. Venous failure still represents the most common complication in free flap surgery. We present the injection of heparine into the arterial pedicle as modification of the revising both anastomoses in these cases and illustrate the application with a clinical case example.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Methods consist of immediate revision surgery with clot removal, heparin perfusion by direct injection in the arterial vessel of the pedicle, subsequent high dose low-molecular weight heparin therapy, and leeches. After 6 hours postoperatively, images of early flap recovery show first sings of recovery by fading livid skin color.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The application of this technique in a patient with venous thrombosis resulted in the complete recovery of the flap 60 hours postoperatively. Other cases achieved similar success without additional lysis Therapy or revision of the arterial anastomosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Rescue of fibular flaps is possible even in patients with massive thrombosis if surgical revision is done quickly.</p

    Detection of hypoxia in human squamous cell carcinoma by EF5 binding.

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    Localization and quantitation of 2-nitroimidazole drug binding in low pO2 tumors is a technique that can allow the assessment of hypoxia as a predictive assay. EF5 [2-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-N-(2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropyl) acetamide] is such a drug, and it has been shown to be predictive of radiation response in rodent tumors. Using fluorescence immunohistochemical techniques, we provide data on the presence, distribution, and levels of EF5 binding as a surrogate for hypoxia in human head and neck and uterine cervix squamous cell cancers (SCCs). Six patients with SCC were studied. Four patients had head and neck tumors, and two had uterine cervix cancers. The incubation of fresh tissue cubes in EF3 under hypoxic conditions ("reference binding") demonstrated that all tumors were capable of binding drug, and that this binding varied by a factor of 2.9-fold (174.5-516.1) on an absolute fluorescence scale. In the five patients treated at the lowest drug doses (9 mg/kg), in situ binding was quantitatable. For all six patients, the maximum rate of in situ binding varied by a factor of 6.7 between the lowest and highest binding tumor (24.8-160.3) on an absolute fluorescence scale. In tumors with high binding regions, intratumoral heterogeneity was large, extending from minimal fluorescence (<1%) up to 88.6% of reference binding. In tumors with minimal binding, there was little intratumoral heterogeneity. These studies demonstrate substantial heterogeneity of in situ binding between and within individual squamous cell tumors

    Management of Compromised Ridges: A Case Report

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    Complete denture therapy is an age old form of dental treatment. Ridge atrophy poses a clinical challenge towards the fabrication of a successful prosthesis. Extreme resorption of the maxillary and mandibular denture bearing areas results in sunken appearance of cheeks, unstable and non retentive dentures with associated pain and discomfort. This article describes the step by step rehabilitation procedure of a patient with atrophic ridges using a hollow maxillary complete denture with cheek plumpers attached to it and the recording of neutral zone to ensure a stable mandibular denture

    Prevenção de lesões de pele no perioperatório: revisão integrativa da literatura Prevención de lesiones de piel en el perioperatorio: revisión integradora de la literatura Perioperative prevention of skin injury: an integrative literature review

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    A tomada de decisão do enfermeiro na sua prática diária necessita ser fundamentada em conhecimento científico. A prática baseada em evidências é uma abordagem que preconiza a utilização de resultados de pesquisas na prática clínica, sendo a revisão integrativa um de seus recursos. A presente investigação é uma revisão integrativa que teve como objetivo avaliar as evidências disponíveis sobre as intervenções eficazes de enfermagem para a prevenção de lesões de pele no paciente cirúrgico, no período transoperatório, ou em decorrência desse. Para a seleção dos artigos utilizou-se duas bases de dados, Cinalh e Medline, e a amostra desta revisão constituiu-se de 14 artigos. Após análise dos artigos incluídos na revisão os resultados dos estudos apontaram que os dispositivos considerados mais eficazes na prevenção de lesões de pele foram em ordem descrecente o colchão de ar micropulsante, cobertura de colchão de polímero de visco elástico seco e almofadas de gel, sucessivamente.<br>La toma de decisiones en la práctica diaria del enfermero necesita ser basada en conocimiento científico. La práctica basada en evidencias es una aproximación que establece la utilización de resultados de investigaciones en la práctica clínica, con la revisión integradora como uno de sus recursos. La finalidad de esta revisión integradora es buscar y evaluar las evidencias disponibles sobre las intervenciones eficaces de enfermería para la prevención de lesiones de piel en el paciente quirúrgico, en el período transoperatorio, o como resultado del mismo. Utilizamos dos bases de datos, Cinahl y Medline, para la selección de los artículos, resultando en una muestra de 14 artículos. Tras el análisis de los artículos incluidos en la revisión, los resultados de los estudios indicaron que los dispositivos considerados los más eficaces en la prevención de lesiones de piel fueron, sucesivamente, el sistema de colchón dinámico pulsante multi-célula, la almohada de polímero seco visco-elástico y almohadas con gel.<br>Nursing decision making in daily practice needs to be based on scientific knowledge. Evidence-based practice establishes the use of research results in clinical practice, with integrative literature review as one of its resources. This integrative review aimed to find and evaluate the available evidence on efficient nursing care interventions for the prevention of skin injuries in surgical patients, during or as a result of the perioperative period. To select the articles, we used two databases, Cinahl and Medline, resulting in a sample of 14 articles. The results of this analysis indicated that the devices considered most efficient in the prevention of skin injuries were, in decreasing order, the multi-cell pulsating dynamic mattress system, a dry visco-elastic polymer pad and gel cushions