17 research outputs found


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    The paper examines the legal basis of combating terrorism in India. The authors began their study from the constitutional foundations of the security of the individual, society and state. Special attention is paid to covering the experts debates in the Constitutional Assembly on the measure of the validity of the infringement of personal liberties in the interests of National security. Also the authors area of research was the problem of the dividing of powers in the designated area between the center and the provinces (States and Union territories). The authors are quite fundamentally analyzed all strata of Indian anti-terrorism legislation. In the research work disassembled the main stages of anti-terrorism legislation development and the basic normative legal acts. Didn’t escape from the authors attention the mechanisms used by the Indian authorities to combat terrorism. In particular, the prohibition (the legal prohibition of activities) individual public organizations and political parties through the recognition of their as a terrorist structures.Статья посвящена изучению правовой базы противодействия терроризму в Индии. Авторы начали свое исследование с конституционных основ обеспечения безопасности личности, общества и государства. Отдельное внимание уделено освещению дебатов экспертов Конституционного Собрания о мере допустимости ущемления личных свобод граждан в интересах национальной безопасности. Еще одну область исследования составила проблема разделения предметов ведения в обозначенной сфере между центром и провинциями (штатами и союзными территориями). Авторы достаточно основательно подошли к анализу всего пласта индийского антитеррористического законодательства. В работе разобраны все основные этапы его развития и, насколько позволяет статейный формат, базовые нормативные правовые акты. Не ускользнули от внимания авторов и отдельные механизмы, применяемые индийскими властями для противодействия терроризму, в частности, метод запрещения (законодательного запрета деятельности) отдельных общественных организаций и политических партий через признание их террористическими

    Microwave fluctuation reflectometry (a theoretical view)

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    Sports activity of the students: status and prospects

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    In the article the attempt of perfection of process of athletic-sporting activity of students is presented on the basis of application of new technological approaches. It is shown that the complex use of different forms of such activity in the system of establishments of education increases the volume of motive activity to the level of physiological norm and provides the positive dynamics of indexes of physical development, state of health and motivation.В статье представлена попытка совершенствования процесса физкультурно-спортивной деятельности студентов на основе применения новых технологических подходов.Показано, что комплексное использование различных форм такой деятельности в системе учреждений образования увеличивает объем двигательной активности до уровня физиологического норматива и обеспечивает положительную динамику показателей физического развития, состояния здоровья и мотивации

    Physical training andsports activity: problem of corporality and plasticity of movements

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    With the transformation of new ideas about the «body» and «physicality» of man an environment has been formed where it is necessary to change the form of the organization of cognitive activity of pupils and students for entry into the unified European educational space. Studies of the problem of «physicality» in the process of training to the basic types of sports activity in the conditionsof modernization of the modern educational process allow us toconclude that the essential characteristics of the physical education are not yet the subject to effective implementation byteachers of educational institutions. The process of the socio-pedagogical adaptation of schoolchildren and young people in terms of civil society has not been investigated fully, and in combination with the socio-cultural, medical and biological aspects of the person creative activities the genetic prospects to the sports and sports-activity must be taken into account (genet-ic diagnosis of the rate of reaction of the functional reserves and adaptive capacity, evaluation of prediction of success at high rates of speed, strength, endurance, immunological and biochemical diagnosis with the evaluation of the tolerance to the exercise of different modes, formation of the health preserving potential).В условиях трансформации новых представлений о «теле» и «телесности» человека сложились условия, при которых необходимо изменить формы организации познавательной активности школьников и студенческой молодежи для вхождения в единое Европейское образовательное пространство. Исследования проблемы«телесности» в процессе занятий базовыми видами физкультурно-спортивной деятельности в условиях модернизации современного образовательного процесса позволяет констатировать, что сущностные характеристики физической культуры еще не стали объектом эффективного воплощения педагогами образовательных учреждений. Процесс социально-педагогической адаптации школьников и молодежи к условиям гражданского общества еще не исследован в полной мере, причем в сочетании социокультурными, медико-биологическими аспектами человекотворческой деятельности необходим учет и генетической перспективности к занятиям физкультурно-спортивной-деятельностью(генетическая диагностика нормы реакции функциональных резервов и адаптационного потенциала, оценка прогноза успешности при высоких показателях скорости, силы, выносливости; иммунологическая и биохимическая диагностика с оценкой переносимости физических нагрузок различных режимов, формировании здоровьесберегающего потенциала)

    Adaptive Phage Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Recurrent Pneumonia (Pilot Study)

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    Aim. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the adaptive phage therapy technique in patients with recurrent pneumonia in neurological critical care. Material and methods. The clinical study included 83 chronically critically ill patients with severe brain damage. The bacteriophage cocktail selected against specific hospital strains was administered by inhalation to 43 patients. The control group included 40 patients who received conventional antimicrobial therapy. The changes in clinical, laboratory and instrumental parameters, levels of biomarkers, microbiological and PCR tests of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were assessed, including those in the «phage therapy with antibiotics» (n=29) and «phage therapy without antibiotics» (n=14) subgroups. Results. The groups were comparable in terms of basic parameters (age, sex, diagnosis, organ dysfunc-tion according to APACHE II, use of vasoactive drugs) and the level of airway colonization with antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. Good tolerability and absence of clinically significant side effects were observed during inhalational administration of the bacteriophage cocktail. Computed tomography on day 21 showed a significant reduction in lung damage in patients who received bacteriophages. Patients treated with bac-teriophages without antibiotics had significantly lower need for mechanical ventilation. The mortality rate on day 28 did not differ significantly and was 4.7% (2/43) in the bacteriophage-treated group vs 5% (2/40) in the control group. Conclusion. The first experience of using the adaptive phage therapy technique in chronically critically ill patients in neurological intensive care demonstrated the safety of inhalational administration of the bacterio-phage cocktail. The efficacy of the technique was confirmed by the treatment results obtained in the phage therapy group, which were not inferior to those in the group with conventional antibiotic therapy, while several clinical and laboratory parameters tended to improve even in patients who received bacteriophages and did not receive antibiotics. © 2021, V.A. Negovsky Research Institute of General Reanimatology. All rights reserved